anyone had any experience with long-term chronic tension headaches? think mine are posture related, not sure how to tackle fixing them. traps are really tight all the time too.

Assess cervical spine

Assess thoracic spine

Assess breathing

by assess do you mean get a professional opinion?

I mean check for mobility restrictions, especially asymmetries, and check to see if you can provoke your symptoms by doing shit with e.g. your neck.

You can do like 75% of this on your own, if you know what you're doing. But yeah, see a physio.

Just to rule things out. Get a better pillow, drink more water, and do more cardio (running for whatever reason seems to straight my neck out a lot)

I've been running lately and I have been getting terrible shin splints. my left shin hurts constantly and its almost unbearable after running a couple laps. I bought good shoes and it hasn't helped and i asked my mom (marathon runner) about form and stuff to make sure I'm doing things right. anything i should try?

Quit running entirely for at least a month.

an entire month? really? my mom told me to get a brace

anyone have any recommendations of the best shoulder mobility drill/exercises that are hard to do wrong? stuff like external rotation/scapular movements

I can go to the gym almost every second day for 2 ½ hours.
Which split would you suggest to fill the whole time?

Not on juice but on carbs

Please teach me your hair ways Veeky Forums

I have frizzy hair all the time

It's going to depend on the individual's restrictions as well as his goals.

What are you trying to accomplish?

Not sure training for 2½ hours will give you better results than training for 1½ hour...

realistically, how fast can I put on 15kg while maintaining a lean bulk?

15 kg of actual lean mass? About 3 years, give or take. This is assuming you're a beginner.

I will walk the long road user. When I started lifting I weighed about 66kg and I now weigh 78kg, that gain is in about 2 years, ideally I'd like to be about 90-95kg

How do I fix my posture?

I want to eat this.
Should i?

Give it to me straight, can I take creatine without going JUST? My mum's dad was full-on balding in late 20s



I-I o-ordered a phone from ali already, it-t just hasn't arrived yet.

I instinctively consume anything in front of me until it's gone. Yesterday I did my GOMAD (i take 2 bottles of this baby to the face) in about an hour, maybe 75 minutes, after my morning workout. Is this optimal? Should I slow it down and restrain myself? Maybe space it out over the course of the whole day?

Even w/o regarding the apparent hair loss problem, there is literally no reason for an amateur to take creatine

>reduced fat

Pick one you weak-stomached faggot

Even if I'm gonna do owl(as in for competition) on the regular pretty soon?

Hi. I need help visualizing how this is done.

>With your hands placed around an imaginary rope just above the head, puU downwards, tensing
the chest muscles. Keep the hands close together and puU down to the knees, keeping the body
upright. Repeat about 20 times.

The illustration in the book was missing...

Oh shit that fish is about to eat that bitch

Another one:

While standing erect, throw the
arms far outward and upward from the sides, in a supreme effort to reach the ceiling at both sides
of the room, and slowly cross the arms downward over the chest, with the left hand stretching far
to the right and downward, and the right hand to the left. Then as far as you can reach, make two
or three efforts to reach further. You should allow the chest to sink inwards and exhale. Then grad-
ually throw the arms upward and outward while fillin g the lungs to their utmost capacity. Do this
before an open window and continue until tired.

Idk man. Just read up on the benefits / negative effects it can have on your body

Your hairline looks fine, but if you're asking whether you should take creatine or not based on your balding genetics you should evaluate if you want hair or a bit more gains. Needless to say that you can still wolf down creatine and not see an effect on your hair. On the other hand,you might start balding next month without ever taking a single spoon of creatine

and last one:

Lock the middle finger of one hand with that of the other hand on a level with the waist and strain
as if to puU the hands apart. StiU pulling, raise both arms up high over and above the head. Make
this as powerful as you can without STRAINING. Repeat till tired.

hey nigger how about you respond to my question instead of posting pictures of your bizarre fish wife who gets plowed by Chad even in your own headcanon

Did you feel sick after "GOMAD" in 75minutes?
Do you feel healthy in general?
Are you fat? What is your bf%? Is it high, when you, as you call it "instinctively consume anything in front of you"?
Are you increasing in your lifts?

If the answers are No,Yes,No,Yes then why care about what you eat

guess I'll stay away from creatine til I'll need those gains or start balding anyway. Thanks bruv

About to remove cast from left arm in 4 days. Injury was dislocated elbow. I can already lift and hold light weights with injured arm (at most 10 kg). What would be the correct course of action to recover properly and have my strength return to what it was pre-injury?

I'd cut them as short as possible. If you don't want to, then go ahead and use wax or something similar to hold it in place.

Lots of pushups and deadlifts did it for me.


What does bulking actually do ? Is it not enough to increase the loads I lift and the amount of protein I consume ?

My answers are no, yes, no, yes so i guess im in the clear. Just wasn't sure if consuming it faster had any adverse--or positive--effects. Sort of like how you get drunk faster if you drink more in a short period of time? I'm retarded in real life so idk. Just a thought I had

How many calories a package of ramen noodles has cooked?

I think I got food poisoning yesterday. I am not going to go to the gym today but rather just rehydrate. What are some good fruits or liquids besides water to rehydrate? Ive only been drinking water,Gatorade and eating oranges.

I just want them to be smooth. I'm already cutting them short

I guess it would make more sense to distribute it throughout the day, since drinking ~ 4l (is a gallon 4l?) in a bit more than an hour might leave you feel bloated. I mean people do "one meal a day" diets,where they consume all their calories in a single meal. They are still living, so you are indeed in the clear

Newbie here. Just started greyskull and was wondering what to do on rest days. Was thinking of cardio plus stretching. Anything else I can add?

delts / shoulders allways get fried / sore before i can really exhaust the chest.

Is this normal? im trying to push with the chest muscles / mind muscle connection and all that shit. outer shoulders just get fucked before i can really feel it in my chest...

bend way down and suck it.

arching my back seems to help with stimulating my tit muscles. can't tell you much more than that; instruction seems pretty clear to me.

Is there any non-efficient calorie intake for weight loss? Like between 1500 and 0?
I've been cutting since the beginning of January, calorie intake at about 1500, exercising every day except Sunday. I can see my weight loss tempo dropping down already and im thinking of lowering my intake to around 1000. Should i do it or is there another solution, e. g. stay at 1500 and just fast once a week?

I follow a S/B/DxS/B/Dx powerlifting routine, but with that amount of time you can easily find a similarly structured bodybuilding routine if that's your goal- probably a basic Push/Pull/Legs

Stop shampooing your hair every day, and find the right conditioner for your type of hair- ask your barber for product recommendations

All that "bulking" means is eating above maintenance- that is eating enough food such that your daily caloric intake exceeds your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) which is a fancy way of saying "how many calories your body burns on a daily basis" to facilitate weight gain, which in turn facilitates faster muscle development because you're in a constant caloric surplus, meaning you have more energy to lift more because you're eating more
The only caveat to that is that while yes, you could simply start eating more protein to increase calories, protein is only worth about 4 calories per gram, so since you need to be eating at minimum around 300-500 calories above maintenance to steadily gain weight, you'd have to be eating a whole lotta protein, and that'll get really old really fast- what you should do is evenly distribute where those calories come from not just from protein, but also fats, which have 9 calories per gram, and carbs which are also 4 calories per gram.
You also don't wanna just go from zero to a hundred and start downing a double cheeseburger every night to do that either.
While it's true "bulking" will result in some fat gains, if you control your bulk so that you start adding say 100-200 calories to your daily diet on a weekly basis, you can mitigate fat gain fairly easily.

Cardio's fine- it's not gonna "kill" your gains, but what kind?
Treadmill/cycling/swimming? Light jogging? Heavy sprinting? Depending on what you're doing and how often you do it, it could possibly interfere with recovery from weight training.
Stretching is good, regardless, definitely do a lotta that.
Can't really think of anything else do do for active recovery- maybe just have a good balance of active and static stretches.

try resting

Are TDEE calculators correct? should i follow them?

how does one gauge the amount of "exercise" you get from work?
Work is:
>stocking crew
>some times heavy shit
>sometimes a lot of light shit
>a ton of walking for 8 hours

A lot of the calculators say my tdee is 2700-3000 calories from all that and i should be cutting at 2200-2700 shit but i've been cutting at 1800 calories and i'm still 250 lbs.

Yes i way my food

>i have nothing else to post

>Are TDEE calculators correct? should i follow them?
No. Yes.

They're a good estimate. If you find that you're losing or gaining more weight than you expected, then adjust your calorie target.

>A lot of the calculators say my tdee is 2700-3000 calories from all that and i should be cutting at 2200-2700 shit but i've been cutting at 1800 calories and i'm still 250 lbs.

How many days? stay at 1800 calories for a couple of weeks and weigh yourself at the same time every day. I find it's most consistent when I weigh myself right after waking up and taking a piss, before eating or drinking anything.

You're going to jej but its been a good year

For a long time i thought working out on top of work at 1800 was a good idea so i stay hungry all the time and ate all the time as well.

How do I make meal prep that doesn't take like absolute shit.
I made two chicken breasts, one I ate on the same day and was fucking delicious, other I put into the fridge with rice in plastic meal prep box.
Next day I toss it into the microwave and heat it for like 3 minutes and the chicken tasted like dry cardboard and the rice was wet mush.

>that pic
I just realized that without anxiety, without fear, without body dysmorphia, without general confusion,...
All I'm left with is just anger and a deep feeling of sadness and loss.

Anyway, going to make a simple Veeky Forums themed fitness and health infograph. What should go on it ?

How the fuck do I shrink my ass that doens't require me to stop squatting.

Treadmill and cycling mostly.

Eat less. Every dude who thinks his ass is too big simply carries too much fat there.

I'm like 5'9 160lb I don't think I lose much fat without losing a lot of muscle as well

What's the best routine for someone who can't progress linearly anymore? I'm sick of the reddit PPL my bench has stalled for months now. I want to get bigger and kinda stronger , but preferably bigger.
5RMs: incline bench 195 OHP 145 squat 250 DL 340

Why does it progressively get harder to lose weight the thinner you get?
When I was 30kg fatter it was easy as fuck to lose 1kg a week.
Now I'm struggling despite actually eating healthier

There is no "best routine", but why not try a variation of Texas Method or a 531 variations that suits your needs?

One of the reasons is most things in the body function via negative feedback loops, which essentially means that everything you do begin to lose effectiveness over time.
For this reason, along with psychological reasons, it's actually a pretty good idea to take diet breaks. The trick is of course not to undo the work you've already accomplished. Simply take it easy for a while. Use the extra energy to make better progress in the gym.
Return to dieting after a week or two with renewed focus.

Use a hair dryer instead of using a towel or just air drying. Also use conditioner.

t. Had hair to my mid-back

which conditioner would you guys recommend?

I do it because it drives me; nothing has done more for me career wise or training wise.

When I feel content I rather quickly start feeling like shit. Need something "to push against", I guess.

If your on the same diet as you started then thats the reason
Losing weight is like a graph of log x
The longer the diet is the same the slower and slower progress you will see

Wash it with water only after training.
Conidtioner and/or shampoo a couple of times per week only.

I'll give the diet break thing a try.
I haven't really had a break longer than a couple days in a year or so

Fuck no. It’s full of sugar.

I taught this kid to swim a few years ago, when he was a kid.
He's 13 now and looks up to me a lot. He's Asian like me, which means he probs doesn't have the strongest male role models in the family.

How do I turn him into a sick cunt?

If I’m already doing 4x6-8 neutral(hammer) grip pull-ups is it pointless to do more hammer curls and should I choose one long head bicep exercise and one short head bicep exercise instead like incline curls and spider curls?

Gonna get laid in a week. What can I do to prepare?

What's a good accessory for abs, other than hanging leg raises?

side raises, planks

Well, I've finally outgrown my homegym, meaning I can't lift in bare feet anymore. What shoes are best for lifting?

When people are talking about about 1/2/3/4, they're talking about the number of plates in OHP, Bench press, Squat, and Deadlift right?

Is Tinder worth it?

is it okay to superset exercises that have no relation to each other?
for example alternating squats and bench or lat raises and tricep extensions

My basal metabolic rate is 1700 calories.
What happens if I go on 1500 cal for two weeks? I read that if you go under bmr for a long time, your metabolism slowns down and then it's fucking hard to speed it up again.

fatty losing weight here

at a caloric deficit can I gain muscle while losing weight? I'm only eating 1500 calories per day.

>My basal metabolic rate is 1700 calories.

does being able to curl 50s take me out of DYEL

Only if kg

why would you superset two, instead of running a circuit?

>What shoes are best for lifting?
gymnastic shoes - the next best thing to barefoot.

Yes, I'm 67 kilo skelly. Bless you and your next gains.


chucks until you hit 4pl8 squat

>How do I turn him into a sick cunt?

Why would you eat less?
Eating less = less energy = less motivation and movement through the day = less BMR.
It literally won't help you drop bodyfat.

I don't have a problem with motivation and less movement cause I have ADHD. I've been on 1500cal daily for threr days now and so far feels good.

There's this smoothie I drink post workout that has 20g soy protein. I feel no different but feel guilty every time I drink it. Is soy a meme or should I really stop before I become pic related?

Getting excited over a toy electronic requires more than eating soy, user. It requires having few interests besides playing vidya on consoles, having a peculiarly terrible sense of humor, and just being a dumbass. It can't make you look like a tool all by itself. I don't know about the actual benefits or negatives in regards to fitness, but your personality will determine if you look like the guy in your pic. I cut out stuff with soy and soybean oil just as a short hand to remove processed foods from my diet. Eating a donut is worse than the soy protein in your drink.

Fear over soy is related to testosterone and too much estrogen in the average persons daily life. The affects and dosage that people worry about are more long term than having a smoothie after your workout. If any of the memes about affecting you are true then you're already fucked, not because of that smoothie.

tl;dr: It's probably a meme, but it won't hurt to switch to something with no soy in it anyways.

What areas can I work on everyday? I'm thinking neck, abs, and calves; but please tell me if thats wrong or bad

I know it was an exaggeration. I just meant if it would affect my hormones. Thanks for the answer user.

Do pull-up bars fuck up your door frame?
I want one but I'm not sure it'll hold on my old door frames.

ive been using one for a few years and as long as its not a shit pull up bar your door will be fine

Am i missing anything on my routine?
I go ABxABxx and do 3x12 for first workout of the week and 3x8 for the second workout
Leg Extension
Stiff Legged Deadlifts
Leg Curl
Front Plank
Lunge Position Calf Raise (equivelent to a seated calf raise)
Standing Calf Raise (one leg at a time with a DB)

Incline Bench Press
Flat Bench Press
Barbell Row
Side Lateral Raise
Overhead Press
Incline Curls
Hammer Curls
Overhead Triceps Extensions with DBs
Close Grip Bench Presses/Close Grip Push Ups

I have lungs full of mucus and I'm on antibiotics, yet I can feel myself getting fatter because I haven't been strong enough to do shit. What can I do..? I can't eat any less.

How long untill eating 500+Cals stops hurting so much. It's week 3 and the constant feeling of being overfull is starting to fuck with me.

if you're getting fatter you could definitely be eating less

Not moving at all, regardless of what you eat, will make you fatter user. R-right?

Rate my routine Veeky Forums give me some advice please

>3x8 Bench Press
>3x12 Shoulder Press
>3x12 Push Downs
>Alternating between a set of 12 machine flies and 20 pushups for two sets
>4x12 Seated Rows
>3x10 Tricep Extension (Barbell)
>2x10 Decline Bench Press
>2x12 Front Raises
>3x12 Cable Crossovers
>2x12 Tricep Kickbacks

>3x12 Squats
>3x12 Thigh Abductor
>2x12 Seated Calf Raises
>2x20 Cable Crunches
>3x12 Leg Press
>3x12 Leg Extensions
>2x12 Thigh Adductor
>2x20 Leg Raises
>2x12 Goblet Squat
>3x10 Leg Curls

>2x12 Hypertensions
>3x10/8/4 Bicep Curls (Barbell)
>3x10/12/10 Lat Pulldowns
>2x10 Concentration Curls
>4x12 Chin Ups
>3x8/6/4 Hammer Curls
>4x12 Seated Rows
>2x12/8 Preacher Curls (Barbell)
>2x12 TBar Rows

I've let myself go over the past year or so. I'm in somewhat decent shape for most of my body, but I've grown a pretty big belly over a short period.

I'm going to start lifting again, but I'm getting surgery in about a month. It's going to be highly invasive throat and sinus surgery, and I won't be able to eat solid food and I'll be completely out of commission for a couple weeks.

I want to start my diet and lifting regiment ASAP, but I'm afraid that if I start now I'll lose all my noob gains post surgery once I can't eat or move.

What do you guys think? Should I just start now, then just accept the hit to my gains? Or should I wait till I get the surgery and go HAM once I recover?

>PS: The surgery is for sleep apnea. Another reason I'm slow to start (I get about 15min of real REM sleep per night). I'm exhausted all the time, but once I get the surgery done I'll have energy again.