Is Cow Milk really unhealthy???

It seems like it really is, I just listened to some food control experts podcasts and said we shouldn't drink cows milk since it is really bad for the gut. is this true?

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It's a meme. Drink as much as you want. The biggest thing they talk about is lactose. Your body breaks down lactose by creating lactase, but people's bodies create different amounts. If you don't produce enough you end up feeling bloated but the reality is that our body adapts to it. Drink as much as you want, switch to kefir if you want something better

yeah that stuff is really good desu

Are you a twink or a woman? No? Then don't drink it.

>turns you into a woman
tranny surgery btfo

are you a newborn calf?
why do you need bovine infant feeding formula?

Everything ever on fit other than onions turn you into a woman.

Funfact: Lifting does not only increase your testo but also releases estrogen. Does lifting make you a weak bitch?

Ratios matter dumb fucker. It's not just estrogen either, progesterone, igf-1 etc. That shit is awful and wrecks havoc on some people's hormonal balance. There's a reason every fucking dermatologist worth their salt will tell you not to drink milk.
It makes your skin and scalp oily (hint hint, hair loss) and causes acne, causes gyno, causes bloating. You might as well just inject steroids if you're fine with those side effects.

This guy comes up to you and calls you a puny milkdrinker. What do you do?

There assholes:
But ask yourself, why do they preach this? The fact is, half the people who tell you to avoid milk are vegan hippy soyboys who can't into 1/2/3/4, and the other half are nogs who can't digest lactose but can into 1/2/3/4 due to their ape genetics.

Dunno. My wife took biology and had been repulsed by it since looking under a microscope at the pus that's in it. I switched to almond milk just to see if itd help with acne ( it hasn't) but it is easier to make shakes with since it's a little thinner and you can add more shit like beetles and cardboard.

i cant just eat steroids unless they are methylated, my liver destroys them. this is why people inject steroids instead of using orals that are designed to pass the liver, in bad ways.

the muscle growth that studies have shown from whey (quickly used protein) and casein (slowly used protein) combinations would completely outweigh any hormone imbalance created, if it even were to exist.

Probably be scard as fuck,because seeing a tall,muscular person with green skin, tusks and a full suit of armor in real life must be terrifying


Without the ability to consume milk, humanity would have gone extinct during the first cold period in europe.

There is a reason for that genetical mutation.

If you can't digest fucking milk, don't drink it, because you are obviously a genelet!

I'm about to write my PhD on that matter, so fuck you! There are six single-nucleotide polymorphisms on the MCM6 right next to LCT that determine if you have fucking side effects from drinking milk or not.

>real information in a milk thread
where am i

So you admit it's shitty unless you have the genetics to make it not shitty? Gotcha

I drink at least 1-2 cup(s) of milk a day

Is that pus-juice gonna kill me /fit?

fake news

>he is afraid of 2 glasses of milk
People here used to consume that x10.

GOMAD twink. Don't listen to vegroids.

That's exactly what I said.

It's six factors. Most people that are not lactose intolerant have them anyway. But it's possible to not be lactose intolerant but still get horrible acne or bitch tits.

So yeah, milk is bad, unless you are "lucky".
Estimated 28% of the world population have all 6 factors, most of them in europe and murica.

Yes, fucking idiot.

Fucking retard fuck you for giving shitty advices.

the problem is in the pasteurized milk you buy on in groceries.
I can tell you right away-I developed candida and the most shitiest cystic acne with commerical milk, 1,3% yoghurt and so on. Went on a raw vegan diet for some months, cleaned that shit up and was craving milkies the whole time, even tho I thought I am allergic.
When I ended my diet, I drank a whole liter of raw, fresh milk - not a single bloating, white tongue etc.
Of course people are not tolerating it, if it's from a man-made animal first, and then destroyed on heat second, don't get me started on packaging that is not a glass.

Dude you're fucking retarded, pasteurization only reduces the amount of bacterias/yeasts. You think your raw milk gives you less chance of having candida, a yeast strain, when it just has more of it. Fucking piece of shit, try learning how things work.

Btw, drinking a liter of milk after months of being vegan and not getting physical issues doesn't mean shit fucking retard, people get issues from consuming it regularly, from the accumulation of inflammation and endotoxins. Jump on it back again daily and see your shit getting fucked.

Lol keep being the shill slaves.
What do you think people always used to cook their food? You still think bacteria is bad for you?
Why are there so many ways of fermenting aka. culturing the food with - bacteria?
I went through everything - did paleo, raw vegan, fruitarian for many years, so I can pretty much tell when there is something that lives me up or fucked me down.
You two are probably still on standard diet of pastas and grains which were literally slaves food - bread was called the meat for poor.
Do yourselves a favor and try raw goat or cow milk but you will never live up to this day.

i use to love milk, stopped drinking cuz i was on a cut. now i get super bloated and don't like the taste.

milk makes baby mammals big and strong.
I am a baby mammal.


Yes, I'm tired constantly

I drink cows milk because I dont have a titty monster girlfriend to be my stay-at-home milk producer.

Not even kidding

try drinking fresh blood.
Because mothers milk is literally blood

Milk is kind of nasty for a number of reasons the white nationalist science bros will deny, but it also correlates with the human apex predator populations and larger body frame, healthier more symmetrical faces, lighter hair and eyes, warrior physique in the North. I would say if you’re a Nordic-Germanic have high admixture from haplogroups that developed in Steppe influenced areas then yes. If not, you’re destroying your hormonal balance, gut, immune system and skin.

Cooking meat basically advanced civilization by a 50+ IQ leap but go ahead and feast on your caveman diet.

what does he mean by this?

Pretty much we can thank our advanced genetics to fire, imflamation isn't good for your gut and brain. Thanks to fire and cooking which also helps to take in more nutrition here we are.

>thinks every bacteria is good
just so you know all you are is a big fucking bacteria, actually from small bacteries, but that doesn't make you fucking tolerable to any lifeform you get in contact with.

Dairy turned out to be my migraine trigger, which only developed after I turned 30.

Your liver filter out 90% of the estrogen in it, so that isn't the problem. I quit drinking it because of the fats in it, but it's a lot of protein in it, so a litre a day is good.

Yes goy keep drinking milk it surely is healthy and will totally not make you need to buy (((their))) medicine

Lol some society’s had to drink urine and eat raw rats too survive too BUT THAT DOSENT MEAN ITS HEALTHY YOU DUMB FUCK

DAILY REMINDER: If you are drinking milk alternatives and have cravings for these alternatives accept the fact that your body wants the milk, that's why you are turning to alternatives. If you were not in the need for milk, you wouldn't seek for the alternatives in the first place



Troll dont fuck with me like that

>tfw fresh, organic, grass-fed raw whole milk daily

it's like HGH. hair gains, skin gains, bone gains, muscle gains and test gains

>what is bioavailability
The hormones in milk (and indeed in most other foods including soy for that matter) get rendered inert by the digestive process long before they have any chance of reaching a receptor site.

can confirm this on. Feel so sorry for these poor americans, fucked up their milk

The lactase persistence mutation is relatively common, and appears to have become fixed in multiple population groups throughout history since the initial secondary products revolution. Being able to drink milk didn’t just give a whole bunch of people better survival odds in the past, it was part of a series of advantages that lead them to wiping out virtually every neighbouring group.

So basically what I’m saying is if you’re lactose intolerant you more or less deserve to die.

Nope, you'd have to be one pedantic, sensitive motherfucker to believe milk is unhealthy. Life is more than optimising your every food choice to maximize your senile years.