Facial aesthetics will end body aesthetics eventually

There's a shadow conflict on the horizon and the glass is about to burst. A few years from now mankind will come to terms with jaw politics and fully get redpilled on how society is being run by the Beautiful and the Wealthy. Society will also come to terms with how generations after generations incest was bred amongst the elites to preseve jawlines & high-cheekbones, valued more than your combined wealth.

Back before medical advancements, these methods of incest and protecting "lineage" was more first and foremost about the shape of the skull and not the color of your skin. This is why Skull's used in Shakespear Hamlet is so iconic.

Think about it, Shakespear talks about Horatio the Jester (read: nice beta guy with a moon face) whilst holding his skull without the jaw bone. The Wealthy Intellectual Elites knew preserving the genes of bone structure were more important than physical wealth which is why Plastic Surgery is so common in today's wealthy commoners, the step below the incest bred generationally beautiful men and women. The curtain will eventually drop and there will be prejudice of a new kind that'll surpass all skin tones and whatever you thought you knew about Racism. Why are you still lifting and not focusing on making bank?



TIL genetics are hereditary

nice gorilla collage man

Fine, ill bite to your shit bait... now go shit post somewhere else faggot.

Here is a better one...

>mfw i have downloaded the viriculture site and now it's shoahd
>mfw i have blown them the fuck out before they even started

go work out and stop making excuses

Dude jesters are alpha, they get paid by the king to make fun of the king all day.

Mind filling me on what this Viriculture is?

>Facial aesthetics will end body aesthetics eventually

kek this has already happened. That's why you have subhumans below 6'0, face > body

id fuck left and wipe my dick after with right's hair, and I'm 100% straight...
Masculine women are hideous

I agree that she's nasty

Based OP. Face>Height>>Frame>>>>>muscles

>all features extremely feminine except for jaw
>''masculine woman''

height isnt important as long as youre not turbo manlet
and framewise the only important thing are wide shoulders and narrow hips
muscles are meme tier just dont be fat and do some pushups

its ALL about the face

>jaw politics

inb4 lanklets start spewing memes because didn't have the luxury of being born a 5'11-6'0 to enjoy insane muscle gains and not being called short or too tall by grrlz

i am a dranaei paladin and where is your god now

Take your meds

>height isnt important

Plz give download link, I didn't download the site before it died

>tfw 0650