it’s my turn in the rack!

> it’s my turn in the rack!

What do fit?

"2 more sets sorry"
>put earbuds in and forget about her

How come american white women don't look like Scandinavian white women?




Amy is a fat Jewess

>boss burger


I live in California. I know many women who look like that

>comparing average white women to above average posed photos

It's my turn in your rack :^)

Uh, user...



"What the fuck are you doing in my house?"

Americans don't give a damn about their health. Scandinavian people do, so they look better. Not that Ahmed cares, he's gonna rape you all the same.

Sven isn't really a part of Scandinavia anymore. Iceland is our new best friend.

>What do fit?
call my gf. pic related

>only if I can get a turn in your rack :^)

>Scandinavian women

Pull her nipples down to her socks, chalk up my thumb and one-hand hook grip toss her to the pavement.

geeze chloe looks weird when you photoshop out all her muscles

she's not flexed in that one

that is from texas

She's Jewish, not white.

>this isn't a rack of ribs, you know

Because not as many americans wear burkas.

>no, its your turn on my penis
>*start raping her before honor killing her*


home gym owner with autism
isn't "how many sets you got left?" the normal gym etiquette? Isn't "It's my turn" rude?

*Swedish Women
Norway and Denmark are not cucked, there's liberals/traitors but we're no where near as bad as Swedenistan