Back Thread

Post your back


By your powers combined, I'm forever fucked


is your spine basically a corkscrew or what?

What do you think?



Not bad, but that's a terrible angle, retake it again from a straight back shot
Also, it looks like you have a lot of nots in your mid and lower back. Like seriously, you can see them coming through the fat just waiting to be rolled out.
Fix that shit, can't imagine how it feels to deadlift or bench with them that big

Friendly reminder. If you don't do Deadlifts followed by Lat pulldowns your working out your back properly.

Decent lats my man, do you just do pull downs for lat isolation or do you do rows and shit as well

How do you guys have such decent backs? What are your back/pull days like

Deadlift 3x10

Those aren't knots.. I have seen chiropractors and doctors and asked on more than one occasion. That's just the muscle. Nothing hurts or is sore and they don't hurt when pressed on. And yes I know I have some fat to get rid of but sitting at 13% isn't bad after a bulk.

Lighting is terrible still I know, but best I had at the time of the picture

415lbs DL
345lbs Romanian deadlifts
45lbs weighted wide grip pullup
Plus a couple of accessory lifts

That's not 13%

Why high reps?

Deadlift A: 5x3
Deadlift B: 3x10
GZCLP is fun

Fuark, how do I get wide lats like these?

I swear my lats didn't grow an inch wider since I started working out, I do deadlifts and weighted chins, what am I missing guys?

can't wait till cut is over
(right before bulk, left is atm)

What would you say then?

Cut your hair onii-senpai


Work in progress
>26', 5'10, 90kg
>deadlift 440
>row 247.5

shit lower back lol
do you even deadlift heavy?


On my deadlift and shoulder day. Had a great pump in my rear delts

A horizontal pull


How do I get a big back with a barbell and dumbbells?

Barbell upright rows?

deadlifts, rack pulls, pendlay rows, pullups



186cm 75kg

173cm 64kg

Damn! I pull 420 but can barely lift 185 on pendlay rows

Finally a back thread.
>Tfw come back an hour later and it's killed.

5ā€™6ā€ 178

Still not sure if Iā€™m ready to cut.

A picture would help.