Hi Veeky Forums, i'm sick of being thicc. so this week I made all the necessary changes

hi Veeky Forums, i'm sick of being thicc. so this week I made all the necessary changes.

now lifting weights is easy and fun but dieting is too hard. my TDEE is 1600 calories (i'm short) - so to cut I need to eat 500 calories less, which is 1200 calories a day??? This is basically a starvation diet. I've tried it this week and every day I'm hungry when I go to bed, some days I couldn't take it and ended up binging...

Wat do? Should I just eat maybe 1400 calories a day and accept slower progress? It's still not very much :( if I just eat the same as always and lift weights, will I become less fat with same cals as always?

your options are:

1) cut while lifting weights, then build back up
2) light bulk to raise your tdee, then cut
3) water fasting (/fast/ can help you)

please brap on my face

Eat an assload of veggies bruh

I can eat like 300 grams of carrots and still become hungry way faster than when eating something else

insulin and ghrelin shit. It gets better, you just need to learn discipline.

typical fat fuck without any willpower
i cut 4 kilos last month from 67 to 63 (manlet here) to lose all that fat from bulking, i was constantly hungry the whole month, but guess what you fat fuck, i didnt open the fridge everytime my stomach growled

i just ate like 1000 calories of sugary bread, but fuck that. i'll just smoke weed to increase my metab

then you'll get munchies. And deprived of your willpower, you'll binge.

this shit is all on you, buddy.

nah because i go to sleep right after. yesterday i was eating lots of buttery white bread though, i had already smoked a lot and then i smoked a joint before bed, but ended up rushing to the kitchen after 30 mins and bringing a small snack of about 10 chocolate-glazed almonds back with me.

i got out of that habit, but yesterday i fell into the trap. gotta keep working, i feel like i'm doing a good job already to be honest

0/10 bait

it's true though, i did exactly that

this, but just in case it's not

you don't start on the path to physical fitness to feel good about yourself now. You do it to feel shitty and uncomfortable, to feel pain and burning and the bite of hunger. Stomach cramps, DOMS, slamming cast iron and failing, failing, failing until you look back and you realize that you came out of the ordeal stronger than you were before; both in the physical and in the mental department. Telling yourself "I'm doing already pretty good" means telling yourself that hey, you are making it already! you're not that far from your objectives, right? So why should you strive so hard, then: take it easy, relax, one more sweet won't hurt you, workingout tomorrow instead won't set you back that much, right? And poof, like magic you're back on the wrong path. You know, the one that will kill you.

It's all on you. Your choice between strength and weakness.

>i feel like i'm doing a good job already to be honest
You're not doing a good job you fat faggot. Just stick to your calories its not that hard.
1200 sounds quite low but do it for at least a week and see how your weight changes, then adjust from there.
If you're gonna cheat on your diet like that you may as well quit entirely and just enjoy the food.

one thing i do not understand - why are you people choosing to live a life of pain? just so you can pursue some meme-tier masculinity ideal?

being fit and healthy is good, but what you're describing is literally not a comfortable life. fuck your strength meme, i'll make a fortune from cryptocurrency and fuck hookers in thailand, it's probably how it's going to go for me

i literally cannot do anything when i'm hungry very. i know you will deride me, but i cannot concentrate, i cannot use my mind, it totally shuts down because my stomach hurts. i get shaky

Your replies aren't very helpful, so you're literally saying the only way for me to lose wieght is to eat 1200 calories and just endure hunger? I highly doubt you ate 1200 calories a day for a month, since you're presumably a man.

I have no problem with eating less but 1200 calories seems ridiculous :( i cant do it

the choice between easy and hard is a moral one. Going the easy way means living a life of hedonism and dissolution, while going the hard way means living a life of constant growth. Masculinity isn't a factor; virtue is. If you don't get this, you're already lost.


those are excuses.
Google David Goggins for a taste of what the human body can and can't do. It's not genetics, it's pure and simple willpower. As I said above, if you really think you can't do it, consult /fast/ threads.

because you people don't have to use your brains. if you had to do academic work and actually felt the same hunger symptoms i do,you would understand.

actually i didnt even eat 1200 cals of real food, i had about 200 for breakfast, and 800+ for lunch, and then 300 from a protein shake
just drink water when youre hungry, trust me it will help a lot

bitch, I'm cutting and presenting my PHD thesis in two days

you're like rich people who work their asses off and never get to enjoy the money

always do things with a certain goal in mind. like never having to worry about getting pussy, because you have enough money for hookers

then you don't feel the same symptoms that i do. simple as that

also why live a life in discomfort?

also, smoking weed is a big part of my life and who i am, and it makes me shake if i'm too hungry when i smoke

Seems like *physical hunger* is a pretty reasonable excuse for WANTING TO EAT?
Anyway, I'm not looking to make excuses. I'm looking for advice and clarification... Do women my height (161cm) normally eat 1200 calorie diets to cut? It really seems insane. So you had 1300 calories a day. sounds like anorexia for a tall man

THICC does not equal fat.

Whatever, it's late and I have to go back to work. This is obviously a troll thread, but I've been responding on the off-chance that it isn't.

phisical hunger is a hormonal response to lack of blood sugar and it's influenced by insulin sensitivity. You are not REALLY hungry until you have completely depleted your fat stores.

The moral of the story is very simple: comfort makes people weak, and weak people, whiners and non-doers are disgusting to anybody with a modicum of self-respect. I wasted enough time already, so: so long.

OP is a girl, i'm the guy who ate sugary bread. seriously, i don't know what to tell you, you might be able to work when you're cold-sweating and your stomach hurts and you're shaking lightly, but my head shuts down totally.

i have some anxiety problems already, and the hunger shakiness literally makes me unable to be social

Are you that bored that you made a thread to whine and then list all the excuses? You are fat, you aren't starving, fuck off and stay fat

im a 5'9 manlet, and yeah you need to essentially starve yourself if you want to effectively burn fat, thats how your body works
if you dont have enough willpower to fight a little hunger off, then fuck off back to wherever you came from and gorge yourself on ice cream you fat fuck

It will within this year.

you guys are really mean

that's contrary to every advice i see, even in the guide on the front page of the catalog

so i need to start working out, but really won't build any muscle because i'm losing weight. how does it work?

you cant build muscle and burn fat at the same time
if you want to gain muscle - exercise your desired muscles and eat enough calories and protein
if you want to burn fat eat below maintenance but keep protein high so you dont lose muscle
thats it, very simple

Just stop fucking eating. Accept that things like hunger and pain are good in some circumstances, don't be such a crybaby

My TDEE is 1300 (so if I want a 500 deficit, I can only have 800cals). I found that having smaller but more frequent meals, as well as drinking more water, helped keep me from binging. You'll also have to reevaluate the types of food you eat. Having such a small limit means you have to be more careful about getting all the nutrients you need. Nutrient deficiency = urge to eat something.