How to be like Julius Caesar?

Not body/face, I want to have his qualities, his intelligence. I want to be able to make of myself what he made of himself.

What are some personality traits that are absolutely necessary for this to happen, for me to be great like him?

I'm guessing an unshakeable self confidence is #1 above everything else. What else?

This is Veeky Forums related because it is related to my mental well being.

Other urls found in this thread:’s-caesar-why-did-he-cry-over-alexander/

get stabbed x f


Dont look at a mozambique monkey pelt trading website for advice, to start

stop being 17 is your first step

If we're going with hugely out-sized aspirations... I'd go with Alexander the Great instead. Dude was a force of nature, though his contemporaries thought it wasn't so much through natural talent than through sheer force of will. Which is something you can actually train.
>"Nothing is impossible to him who will try."

Be a natural born leader and Chad
There is nothing you can do to become like Caesar, he is one of a kind.
There is probably nobody that could accomplish what he did

He is really inspirational (not OP) him Alexander the Great as well as Napoloeon are my main heroes. I would suggest reading Ceasar's Gallic Wars as well as the historian Arrian's Campaigns of Alexander. I love Roman and Greek history/culture with a passion.

Its not Veeky Forums related at all. This is Veeky Forums - The Fitness. You are looking for /r9k/ - The Robot or /pol/ - The Politik

Fuck twinks

>Have 170+ IQ
>Become military officer
>Become senator

Caesar is much much more impressive than Alexander though. Caesar fought his way up, had to conquer while maintaining influence at home.

most people in public sphere, and power, seem to worship Lucifer

Is that really doable in the modern world? How would one reach such a level of greatness in the modern world? Generals simply don't hold as much prestige as Roman generals did.

The modern day equivalent of being a general is to be a business mogul

why is this the case?

As the user above said,
>"Nothing is impossible to him who will try."

The first step is to stop larping. This is the first and the only step. But it is the most difficult step, because while your future opens up once you stop LARPing, you no longer desire to emulate figures of history after that. Its self defeating in a sense.

Napoleon literally willed himself to become like his heroes Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar and ended up joining the triumvirate of history's greatest man.

Napoleon was very much an outcast during his school years and never much popular. He struggled with women, especially in his early years before all his glory. He didn't manage to lose his virginity till he was 19 and that was to a prostitute.

Losing your virginity at 19 does not seem old... seems perfectly normal to me

That's silly. Every great man looks at great man before him and study them to adopt their strengths and avoid their flaws. Arnie did this with Reggie Parker, Muhammad Ali and other greats just like Napoleon did with Julius Caesar and Alexander the Great.

There is a reason why young man from fatherless homes struggle so much to find a direction and tend to leave aimless lives. They have no central masculine authority in their lives to emulate.

What does LARPing have to do here? Unless you mean not lying to myself/faking myself?

Heraclius comes to mind. Too bad Islam happened to him.

He was actually 18 years old, but he had to try with 4 prostitutes before he could lose it.

18 is old for a "Chad" because Veeky Forums has this ideal that "Chad" loses his virginity at 16 and never struggled with girls and was naturally very popular with girls since his youth. Neither of these ideals uphold with one of history's greatest man.

OP here. I lost mine at 15 to a hooker. I have hope.

Also, sexuality doesn't matter as much as you guys think. Literally couldn't give any less of a fuck about it. What else?

Yeah, no. He hailed from a patrician family - royalty, same as Alexander. Only ma boy Alex brought whole empires to their knees, conquering the known world by 33 and going undefeated against superior forces again and again. Probably would've brought down India and China as well if his pussy-ass generals hadn't gotten homesick.

Would Julius Caesar today use the internet much?
Would he go to parties?
Would he have a ton if friends?
Would he be a good student?
Would he wage cuck?

I wish Veeky Forums actually was this

Let's be realistic here, user.
Caesar was that absolute superior blend of genius-level intelligence, Uber-Chad charisma, and God of War-tier combat prowess that only comes around once every 500 years or so.
The only great men in history that you could even argue were at his level were Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, and Napoleon.
You shouldn't feel discouraged for not reaching his level. Hard times create strong men, and right now everything and everyone is just too soft to create another man of his caliber.
However, as the old saying goes, "shoot for the moon, and you'll land somewhere among the stars".
He would want you to try and surpass him, user.
Do it for Caesar.

Alexander was literally the son of the king IN A MONARCHY, retard, whereas Julius was a member of a poor family with a patrician name in a REPUBLIC. It's incomparable.

>How to be like Julius Caesar
literally be a butt blasted hapa

Also nobody has still answered
>What are some personality traits that are absolutely necessary for this to happen, for me to be great like him?

These are really good questions user
>Would Julius Caesar today use the internet much?
He would definitely use it because of how much information is on here
>Would he go to parties?
Got to build a network, somehow right?
Would he have a ton if friends?
He would have "friends" because of how charismatic, but he would have very few genuine friends given how successful he was
Would he be a good student?
He was genius, so yes (inb4 think against the system)
Would he wage cuck?
No lol

Sounds like a bunch of bullshit. How about Rockefeller whose father was a snake oil conman who had a child out of wedlock and died in poverty. Yeah his son turned out to crap because he had no central masculine authority. Or Carnegie, Alexander Hamilton etc. And all of this is besides the point. You arent trying to study them and adopt their strengths and avoid their flaws. This is a thread about >becoming Julius Caesar. Only a person with fleeting self respect would want to "become" another person. Almost certainly they have a small penis and/or manlet. No I'm not joking, these are types most obsessed with power for the most obvious reasons. Choose your own path, there thats what your central masculine authority should have told you

Julius Caesar was the equivalent of the son of modern-day trillionaire. Unless you rolled a nat 20 in life it is too late for you to get anywhere near his level in terms of advantages and on top of that he had some kind of divine spark that made him light years more intelligent than his peers. And he STILL lost. Sure, you could say his adopted heir completed his objectives and continued his legacy, but he didn't get to enjoy any of that shit.

Just be grateful for what you have and learn what you can that's relevant to your life from Julius Caesar, but don't seek to emulate him because the people who were born way ahead of you will only laugh at your stupidity and use and abuse you if you get anywhere near them..

That's literally the plot of The Godfather Pt. 3. Don Michael Corleone thinks he's finally made it big enough to take a seat safely at the peak of humanity with his "brothers" in Rome, but he realizes the hard way that he's bought into the REAL warfare: The battle of masters of the universe, and he's gone from a kingpin in the criminal underworld to a guppy in the ocean.

In my opinion an obsession with being great is a mark of being a juvenile. We learn from history that these men are memorable, powerful, and influential. It is clear that they are better than many others, so many of which we dont even remember. But we don't ask the question of what great means, or why we would want that. I guarantee you that these people didn't have being "great" in mind when they did what history remembers them before. They wanted to expand or protect their nation, reform some area of society, etc. They had an actual goal. The goal of being "great" is doomed to fail, because you are looking at it like an RPG. Let me level up first then I'll try to fight the boss because it will be easier then. Thats not how it works. Actually ask yourself what you want and why

>Just be grateful for what you have and learn what you can that's relevant to your life from Julius Caesar, but don't seek to emulate him because the people who were born way ahead of you will only laugh at your stupidity and use and abuse you if you get anywhere near them..

People who can't attempt something themselves always try to stop others from doing it.

Napoleon was a manlet and once asked his cheating wife to not bathe for days before she saw him so he could take in her stench, so I'd say aiming to be like him is a much more achievable Veeky Forums aspiration


You're naive.

Was his wife a braphog?
Also Napoleon was actually 5'7" and during his time, the average height for a French man was 5'5", so he wasn't a manlet.

He was 5'2'' measured at the time of his death in English inches.

5'7'' or 5'2'', he was still very small for a military officer at the time. There is a reason why military officers are though of as "dashing, tall, and handsome"

Can we stick to the fucking topic? Who gives a flying fuck what Napoleon Bonapartes height was down to the inch? Jesus fuck you're a saddo

So if my goal is to Make America Great Again, then that means I should focus on a specific area of difficulty in America and then try to reform that?

So if I wanted to improve the mess of healthcare, I would study very intensley medicine and the healthcare system, improve healthcare, and subsequently MAGA?

Is this what you are saying?

Are you being purposefully dense mate?
The point of having an idol or a father figure to look up to is to learn, both bad and good, from them and make those lessons into your own. Not just blandly copy.

>5 inches is a small difference
I'm just trying to make point that Napoleon was a literal manlet, and despite the "manlet curse," accomplished more than anyone could aspire to

build walls around walls and hopy for the best. Then adopt a nephew, have him be the greatest ever and somehow make you an even more popular figure than he is, even though he's way better

Go to somalia, get kidnapped by pirates, laugh and say that you're going to crucify them all when you're released, play games with them, tell them they can't sing, read them poetry and insult them for not appreciating it, tell them to be quiet when you're taking a nap and generally become a loved figure on the ship. Then the first thing you do after your ransom is paid is to race back with a fleet and crucify every single pirate before you can say veni.

Caeser's uncle was Marius so he wasn't a nobody, if you want a nobody look at Napoleon

God fucking damn it. Just hearing it is so inspirational.

No, it isn't. You should realize wanting to improve the nation is way more specific of an objective than just wanting (you) to be great. Politicians are a horrible example, because most of them just pretend thats their goal when their real goal is power and influence, basically hedonism. If thats your goal, great, you are among billions. Not exactly a good first start if you want to be "special"’s-caesar-why-did-he-cry-over-alexander/

>Are you being purposefully dense mate?
In a way, yes. But I reject the idea that you need something like a masculine guiding figure in order to be the best you that you can be. Some people are just too self centered for authority figures.

Daily reminder that the greatest admiral of all time was only 5'4''.
However, Napoleon's great rival, the Duke of Wellington, was 5'9", therefore proving that manlets always lose in the end.

Nietzsche said something about wanting to make yourself superior and to be recognized for it is pride, not making yourself superior but wanting to be recognized anyway is vanity. Or something.

Then what are some examples of goals that made people "special" then?

And by improving nation's healthcare, I wasn't thinking from political perspective but more from innovational technological one like Vanderbilt did with our railroads

I gave some examples in my first post if you go up the reply chain. Its hard to say historical figure A did what he did because reason B because its just conjecture. Any strong sense of purpose or objective would do. If you think about political revolutionaries, many of them wrote very long pamphlets outlining why they are doing what they are doing. Thats ideology, and trying to make that ideology real is a real objective. It is different than just wanting to become "great" by any conceivable means, which basically means you just want the rewards of being notable not caring how it happens or why

So you were raped by a pedophile with no morals

Wow OP.

I am here in my shitty, rented room, studying, almost begging to be just like Gaius Julius Caesar (entrepreneur here).

So I’ll sum it up.

>be born rich
>be learned in acting, poetry, and speech
>be learned in law
>be learned in warfare as an officer
>be a leader of men
>be Veeky Forums
>get lots of pussy
>be obsessed with beating your rivals
>be a gambler in life choices

As you can see 99.99% of us don’t come close to the man that is Caesar.

Hol’ Up.

Napoleon also came from a noble family. Fact.

Most great movers of history before the 20th century I’d say we’re rich elites.

That's true, but it was a very minor noble family and from Corsica. His family was never part of the established French nobility

I also think that choosing an objective to follow to make yourself great is literally no different than your objective just being to become great. If your goal is arbitrary to you, and you only care about the rewards it would bring if you are successful, then that goal was never your real objective. Your real objective is/was hedonism. Not that its necessarily a bad thing, but you shouldnt lie to yourself. I think most people saying I want to be like Hitler/Alexander/Brad Pitt just want pussy/wealth, a very basic, primitive objective wrapped in false justifications. Not dat ders anything wrong with dat -Jerry Seinfeld

and those people fail in life mate

Not necessarily.To some people hating authority figures is just resenting people are more powerful than you. It is what motiviates them to so called positions of power. I dont think its complicated to imagine many powerful people are jaded, jealous, and generally assholes for this exact reason.

Thanks for the wisdom, Dr. Peterson.

Instead of asking for strangers to give out a list of what THEY think were Julius Caesar's main virtues, why not take it upon yourself to read his works and biography so you can best emulate him?

You've already proven that you have no real ambition or intelligence, so you're off to a pretty bad considering who you're trying to emulate.

Whoops, forgot gif

AYO you want a REAL rags to riches, force of nature shit?

Alexander Hamilton
>born a destitute bastard orphan in the fuckin Caribbean
>such a genius that he got to america on his own with nothing
>such a genius that he self taught himself military tactics
>got the general of the colonial forces (george washington) to recognize his aptitude and genius
>became a founding father without a rich or aristocratic family
>founded the US federal reserve and pretty much all of modern american economics, the country now which has the most dominant economy in the world
>is on motherfucking money of the most powerful country ever to exist

I kinda hate that he's only popular now because that stupid broadway show, i've loved alexander hamilton's story since I first heard it, but now anytime I bring him up ever i get

I was also raped at the age of 14 by a man who blackmailed me. There is a lot of pent up anger inside me which I could channel towards becoming the man I want.

Alexander was impressive to be sure. However, he did have the advantages of royal birth, peerless tutors, military education and the world's strongest military at his disposal by the time he came to rule. Not to take anything away from him. He was an incredible diplomat, incredible soldier/general and an all around inspiring leader, but he did have many advantages that other historical figures like Caesar did not.

Personally I like Hannibal more than the two of them. I think he was a superior general, a superior leader and arguably more resourceful than either of them.

Hannibal's aptitude for strategy and tactics was unprecedented, and rivaled by only a handful of generals in history, such as Alexander and US Grant.

What impresses me the most about Hannibal though was that he took an army through Roman territory with almost no support from the bureaucrats in Carthage, built an impressive force and wielded it with absolutely devastating results. And although he never conquered Rome entirely, he certainly brought her to her knees until his resources finally gave out.

What Hannibal was able to do to Rome was unimaginable. It would be as if a Mexican general was able to march an army all over the United States winning battle after battle and holding out for years against the United States military.

Hannibal was also known for sleeping on the ground at night with his soldiers, no posh tent or generals quarters. He was also said to be fiercely loyal to his wife despite the available women that were commonplace on war trail camps. He was a hard scrabble mother fucker that nearly crippled an empire out of sheer willpower.

I think Hannibal is the best choice for anyone's aspirations.

For you, probebly get addicted to adderall and start volenteering in politics so that you can start working in politics. Really just take adderall and choose a path with a large ceiling. Better to deal with your addiction when successful than deal with the addiction of being un-successful.

I personally am working on being ok with who i am.

Can modern-day generals every do something like Hannibal, Grant, and others did?

What is the true make-it-by-yourself path now? Is it still in the military? Is it to be an entrepreneur and hope you find a unicorn startup?

Hannibal was a fool who started a private war that his country didn't want and didn't have the resources to win.

In my experience anger is not something you can channel, and is not nearly powerful as desire. Desire is what gets something you want, the only thing motivating you to get what you want is that you want it. Think thats redundant? Everyone has a some half assed desire to be rich and famous. Being on top of the social pyramid is borderline biological impulse. Pretty much no one gets there because they dont actually want it enough. But I dont think thats a bad thing. Failing to achieve that is far less pitiful then chasing after something you don't really care that much about, because the latter wastes your whole fucking life.
I honestly think that if you try to "channel" your anger into some half assed shit, you are gonna wind up half way there at like age 45, balding and sexually frustrated, and suicidal.

Self improvement is Veeky Forums.

We have a le general for that. The reason being its half a containment thread for the extreme number of off topic posts here

The heroes of the modern age are politicians. Run for office and try to work your way up

People have a tendency to disregard military service these days as "welfare queens" or failures who couldn't do anything else. But the military teaches you some very valuable skills. Such as the ability to take orders and swallow your pride. Something that probably most of the children on these boards would shy away from because kids are all taught that they're above those things these days.

Military service can be extremely rewarding, and can pay off with the intangible skills you learn. It can sharpen your work ethic, and show you how to operate as a team.

On the flip side, you can choose not to apply yourself and get nothing from it. It comes down to how willing you are to learn from experiences.

What a despicable lot of moral cowards and a bunch of dishonest, self-serving rats.


You seem really dismissive. Also uniformed. It was a declared war because of Rome's encroachment into Carthaginian territory in Spain. Or Iberia in those days.

Maybe that's been the case for you, but as a victim of the things that have happened in my life, they caused my blood to boil every living moment. I was either a weak feeble thing crying over it, or a thing to behold with an anger that was uncontrollable. I still beg for a moment to meet that man again and murder him after making him go through pain he has never even conceived. My mother was murdered by my father. He is currently free because of his political connections, but I have not seen him since I was a few years old. I always thought my life is a story of defeat after defeat, injustice upon injustice. After all this time, now I have somewhat come to peace with it all. It takes a lot to get through my skin now, so I would say that these experiences have indirectly been a way for me to not only "channel my anger," along with coming to the realization that everything is fair in life, and there are no limits.

I miss it so much brehs

That's literally what the Roman senate was, though.

Military generals and business leaders aren't? At least the political class are the ones who give the orders

I think it's the political class that takes the orders from the business leaders and military generals.

There's a reason why all the business leaders are mad that one of their own leapfrogged them into the White House and now won't take orders from them.

Hard work but if you're already left uni it's too late.
Try to salvage your financial situation on

Also to add to my comment. I am a firm believer in local government. My father was a minister and I grew up in a relatively small town. He participated in all the local events, ran the local food bank, eventually had a chair on the town council and helped put together all sorts of projects to help our town. He was the classic "pillar of the community" type. My father is and always was my hero.

We weren't rich. My family didn't have "power" or political clout, but everyone in town knew my dad as the guy that was always there to help. As a man who cared about his community. He was respected and loved.

I think that's a noble goal. You don't have to run the world. Just try to do your part to better your community.

There are no noble goals, user.

What makes you say that user?

Because everything is subjective. If you believe it's noble, then that's all that matters. But nothing is objectively noble because then who defines noble?

>Try to salvage your financial situation on

That's pretty nihilistic if you ask me. I think people can agree on general principles of good vs bad. For example excepting from some real nut cases we could all agree that torturing animals is bad. Likewise I think we can all agree that helping people is good.

Saying something like "there are no noble goals" just seems really myopic and sort of childish.

>Taking advice from Veeky Forums

not being autistic

>we could all agree that torturing animals is bad

Why would we all agree to that? What about people who get pleasure from it? They don't control their biology, animal torture is just inherently good for them. What makes your version of nobility better than theirs?

>I think we can all agree that helping people is good

Why do you make that assumption? What if a person says to you that he was born alone and will die alone, and serving himself only is the only virtue in life. How can we say legitimately that what he says isn't more valid than what you say?

But then again, as long as you believe what you're doing is noble, that's all that matters.

That really encapsulates what I was getting at. You seem really childish.

Cool. Have a nice day.

Caesar literally cried in front of Alexander’s statue like a fgt

but napoleon was a little bitch and is often used as a cautionary tale of the dangers of seeking power at the expense of everything else

Caesar was the most memorable Roman general in the Republic for a reason; he fought in the frontline with his men, and lead physically rather than just back in Rome. His men succeeded as he was there right in front of them (or so he writes himself) and thus were empowered and without fear that their most powerful soldier went into battle with the confidence of success. To be like Caesar, you cannot concentrate your efforts on just yourself, but ultimately raise the ‘unshakeable confidence’ of all men around you.