Humble reminder that all the lifting in the world won't fix your horrible social skills

Humble reminder that all the lifting in the world won't fix your horrible social skills.


that guy fucks her

I lift in spite of that, cunt.

i'm pretty much content with life right now. i don't mind being alone

kanda kyouko wa kinniku-tsuu

I would never guess that


>had to develop social skills in order to survive being fat in high school
>they're wasted on my shit body so I'm cutting and lifting to even things out
I'm pretty confident in my charisma, I just need a body to back it up.

Lol, how would you know that?

so far in history nobody has been recorded to be capable of doing all the lifting in the world.

So scrub you won't know unless you try.,

Why dont girls like this exist in real life?

They do, you aren't looking hard enough.
Or you aren't ripped enough to get their attention.

Reminder that the average Veeky Forums guy would be a win for most girls out there. You guys aren’t soyboys, yes-sayer, you know your shit about various topic through own research, so even if you don’t know what to say you have a lot more to say than the average guy in a relationship out there. That makes you already more interesting than most guys, you can take great pride in that. It’s just that you fail to introduce yourself. You’re better than most guys already, except the fatties here, so get confident or at least learn to smile.

Where the fuck do you find woman who know the name of even a single muscle?

Are you actually bringing dumbbells to the beach? Maybe you should try it, dyel

Im bringing it with me everywhere from now on and testing this. Plus I can do some curls and shit while standing in line, or listening to some dumbass tell a boring story at a party about how amazing he is because he went to tailand once.

>Implying most women don't know glutes.

Personally I always carry my ankle weights on me so I'm always hitting calfs. It makes me feel like Rock Lee from Nutruto

enjoy those fucked up ankles my man

literal perfection

Him or her?

He's dyel

I was talking about his personality.