Holy shit i'm tired of feeling like a creep at the gym

Lads help me ponder over this shit

I'm at the gym and I see hot girls daily, but theres this one chick that stares back at me often and I know because I glance at her when i'm close by because shes REALLY fucking hot. like exactly my type and massive tits. Anyways, I'm not some megatard that stares for a minute at her. I don't even stare longer than 1 second. Like literally I glance for .5 seconds and then look away. I think at this point she notices me glancing away more often than looking at her because i dont want her to think im a creep. Like what the fuck though how is this my fault? shes hot as fuck and shes at the gym wearing tight ass clothes. I walked past her at one point and we looked at each other and she looked spooked and my heart started beating hard, i got SO panicked over this shit. I dont care if some random bitch hates me but i guess i was afraid id be outed as some creep for looking at her. I know thats ridiculous now that I type it out but holy fuck I feel bad for being a disgusting m*le human nowadays just for visually acknowledging that the girls at my gym are beautiful

tone down the bone, captain ugly autist. It's for Chad, not you

I'm overthinking this, aren't I? does anyone have some rule or guideline to follow so I dont have to think about whether or not im being creepy just for going to the same gym as women? its tearing my mind apart and ruining my gym sesh. girls are hot and i like looking at hot girls, i only glance at them for like a second MAX, is this so bad?


Have sex

try being friendly
if she says "ew get away from me creep" then that's actually license to stare at her as long as you want
if she's friendly though, then I'd be scared because you might have a chance with her and that's too much for my brain to handle

Wew dude. You're a guy who likes hot women and naturally is drawn to look at them. Like what do you think you're supposed to get arrested for it or something? You're over thinking such a mundane and irrelevent thing. This thot probably has like 10 other guys lined up she doesn't give a single fuck about some sperg from her gym. Maybe if you actually focused on your lifting you wouldn't have this problem and, you would actually look somewhat like you lift too.

i don't even care about having a chance with her or trying to converse. I suppose i'm just bothered by people thinking im a creep, when im NOT. i just think youre hot and youre dressed provacatively

Lel. I relate to this post on many levels.

thanks brah just what i needed. i use girls as motivation to lift but i guess im gonna have to just tune them out or something and pretend they dont exist

Free test boost. Stare at dat ass and bang out some reps afterwards

You obviously are a creep if you're sat here posting about it and feel guilty about it. Like focus on your lifting you faggot.


she is for Chad, not you

Your problem is you are looking at her for 60 times a workout for 0.5 seconds each and looking away when ever she notices. Your supposed to look once for 20 seconds and if she looks back smile. Repeat this once again for confirmation the approach and introduce yourself. I'm sorry lifting won't fix this level of autism unless you reach freak beast mode.

No worries dude. Most of us go through that phase, especially when we're new to the gym and faced with this new breed of thot. It's fine to acknowledge that they're there and look a bit but if you're actually focused on your lifting you won't even care. Like damn the euphoria and endorphin rush I get after an intense session of lifting is far better than staring at some THOTs ass and tits.

There's a few insanely sexy girls who definitely check me out at the gym. One is often and pretty blatant, a couple times I've even walked by her and locked eyes for 4 seconds.

I know I'm not bad looking and sometimes catch girls looking at me. Im not autistic and am good at talking to women I just have always never looked at women or engaged them at the gym out of principle.

I never look at the girls but when I do it's pretty blatant for an extended period of time and I want them to know I'm doing it, maybe once a week. I honestly think by not looking at them it makes them more interested. I just always thought of the gym as a place strictly for business but I'm inclined to think otherwise sometimes

fembot here

you sound really creepy

If you have to ask yourself, then you're being creepy

honestly, attractive white women are some of the worst humans in existence. at my gym all the black people talk to each other and are friendly and make small talk with people who are complete strangers. there's some older people that talk to each other, even if its just small talk. step into the same lane as another white guy walking by you, give a headnod, >sorry bro

the only demographic that is completely up their own asses are the attractive white women. no eye contact, no small talk, just headphones and resting bitchface 24/7, what the fuck is their problem

social media

lol who cares, the only thing that should be on your mind is the next drop set to get that pump, why would another female human be on your mind when you are at the gym to build yourself


who cares about roasties

>aka gains goblins

it's a reflection of the greater degredation of social fabric and our shitty culture

>the limits of someone's theory of mind determine whether something is objectively creepy

You're an idiot. Who cares what everyone else thinks, you do what you want to and whatever other people make of it is irrelevant. If you want to stare at an attractive women, do so and don't be shamed into looking away. If your eyes meet while your leering, give her a nod and slowly turn to look elsewhere.

Don't be pathetic and think that you're disgusting just because you have eyes and are programmed with a couple hundred thousand years of evolution to know who'd make a good mate.