
What's Veeky Forums's experience with LSD, shrooms, and other psychedelics? Has anyone microdosed while working out/socialising, etc?

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Personally I took it and it fucked me up mostly because it exposed me to all my fears and faults. I slowly broke down from the person I was and now I'm rebuilding most bad trips are caused by not being able to let go of thoughts and I used to overthink a lot. The only good trip I had was with about 2g of shrooms, all but one LSD trips was bad

It did more for treating my suicidal ideation and intrusive thoughts than any prescription drug. Literally changed my life.
>tfw haven't been to the beach with my bro and dropped acid
>tfw psychedelic drugs have no negative link to mental disorder

planning to get shroom on a beach in a couple months
what am i in for?
tips to avoid bad trip? just let go?

It's good for seeing yourself from another perspective, how others might see you. It helps you realize what you think is important. LSD helped me get my posture back on track after looking at myself in a mirror for like 2 hours. It's fun too, so there's that. Spiritual gainz, etc.

is shroom vegan?

Took an eight of shrooms enjoyed the visual high for the first half but started to turn on me as I peaked. Felt like I was dying as it exposed my depressing thoughts and loneliness I've been experiencing over the years. Came to terms at where I am at in life and am making great strides to continuously improve myself. Would recommend you try at least once for the experience.

I think psychedelics are a legitimate Veeky Forums topic, though definitely not for everyone.
I pissed myself on acid and it seemed fun but ultimately pointless.
Shrooms I've enjoyed and believe their power is in reinforcing positive, feel good neural pathways.
Only take them with people who genuinely care about one another and will have a good time together even without the drugs. Don't take too much but don't take too little. Avoid strangers if you can because you will probably say creepy shit. Fire looks cool. Shrooms around a campfire is comfy as fuck.

Never do shroom pills. That shit gave me the worst trip of my life. I felt psychologically trapped in a box and flipped my shit in public. Also don’t do them with other drugs.

The other times I’ve done shrooms has been fun as fuck. The light patterns and conversation I’ve had were worth it.

LSD went to a rave and forgot ID, wandered around sf for a 5 hours
Shrooms lost a round of beer pong went and ordered a burrito with friends passed out cracked skull open amd choked on vomit.

Dreams are better

Did acid once. I wouldn’t say it’s a drug I enjoyed, but it was definitely an experience with dizzying highs, terrifying lows and creamy, creamy middles.

Whereas with cocaine or pills, you take it and just enjoy an intensified, accentuated night out when you take acid it fucking BECOMES the night out. When the acid tells you to go for a walk, you go. When it tells you to stop, you stop. All this despite being completely lucid and sober. Do it at least once to see what those fucking hippies go on about at least

can shroom helps cure robotism/autism?

Can't believe there hasn't been str8 edge Nazi shit posting here yet.
>inb4 "frys your brain" memes

Acid blew my fucking mind on my first real dose, opened the doors of perception. Made me realize the "aliveness" of the present moment and just how beautiful it can be. That being said, I had a couple of bad trips towards the end that caused me to stop taking it, it fucked me up for quite a while and I still have anxiety from it.
Still, I miss the good trips that were far more frequent. They were intensely beautiful and fun. But I still don't have the balls to start again, perhaps it was a sign and it is best to stay off forever.

I want to try psychedelics, but I'm scared of what I may uncover and have to confront inside the darkest reaches of my psyche.
I don't feel like I'm in a place in my life where I'm ready to experiment with them and confront my inner self.

I wanna try acid, I’ve tried shrooms but I have two friends who had a bad trip from shrooms and they quit drugs forever because of it. They also said it fucked them up mentally for like 4 years or some shit.

Accidentally into 300μg 1p-lsd when I thought it was 100 as my first acid trip. My sitter said I laughed like The Joker (Mark Hamill) for the first 90 minutes which I don't remember. I remember freaking out and thinking I was being stabbed by a white hot poker by Australians a la CIA "Enhanced Interogation Tactics". I figured out that I wasn't being tortured and it was just a fuckload of whatever neurotransmitter that tenses muscles and me repeating "fuckin 'ell it's burning y'up right" in a Melbourne accent for about 40 minutes.

At that point of realisation I said "let's figure out what's wrong with my brain" and I saw my brain as an orange taffy and I peeled at it to learn about all the shit I supressed from childhood. Figured out my traumas, my fears, all my mental barriers (over the course of 5 hours), then decided to eat a burrito. The tortilla was like flesh, the rice tasted like edible rubys, the queso like molten gold, the beans like flavorless charcoal. I thought very strongly I was supposed to be born female instead of male for about a month after, but it faded.

I’ve done acid 10 times more or less
Had a good trip the first few times, bad trips all the times after. Never felt that much stress and agony in my life. I won’t do it again. You’ll probably have better luck if you aren’t very anxious/depressed.

I've done LSD, DMT, 25l-NBOME, and snorted 2cb. I think 2cb is my favorite because it's much more of a body/visual thing, and you dont get all weird and introspective like on acid. Ive done acid over a dozen times, and I've never had a bad trip but it gets exhausting after 8 hours. DMT absolutely fucking blew my mind, and I wasnt that ready for it

I dont think it will effect your Veeky Forumsness other than if it stops you from sleeping or gives you anxiety.

Ask me anything I guess

Internet autism is from being uncomfortable around new people. Nothing solves this but continously being around people. I cured my tism by getting a retail job and constantly chatting with strangers.

I did LSD and shrooms together once, it magnified my disappointment in myself, and that's why I work out now.

Shrooms are often life-changing (though there are a bunch of different analogs of them you can choose from depending on how you want to temporarily mindfuck yourself), LSD can either be life-changing or just a crazy fun time depending on what you do while you're on it.

Technically no. They breathe o2 and exhale co2. They eat/decompose rather than produce their own food. And they taste amazing fried up on beef tallow.

Dafuq are shroom pills? You mean ground up and packed in gel caps? Isolated psilocybin? Or was it muscimol and you didn't know?

600 mg powdered cubes in capsules 3 days a week.

After 6 months my lifts changed as follows:
Bench 3x10 150 > 260
Ohp 3x10 60 >150
DL 3x10 215 > 380
And my squat form blows from a is injury to my lumbar so it's low at a 2 plate

I take it in leu of a preworkout mix.

Wish I could get them fresh but my connect only sells by the 1/2 oz so I got to make it last

>Do it in the right setting, and have the right mindset going in.
>Do it sparingly
>Plan some music playlists/things to do
>start a stopwatch timer on your phone when you drop
>Less is more
>Trip with people you are close to, not acquaintances
>Let it Happen

I did acid once and I don’t think I’ll ever do it again. Something definitely changed that night, and I can’t go back to what I was before.

I want to try LSD and mushrooms but I'm scared because I have no idea what to expect, and I know going in with fear all but guarantees a bad trip, which makes me even more scared.
I know the recommendation is to take it with a sitter in a familiar place, but what people describe as a life-changing experience seems like it'd be better spent alone in the woods than in a friend's basement watching South Park or whatever.

Which is best for a beginner with no drug experience? I've heard conflicting advice

I've tried LSD and mushrooms several times each.

Slightly prefer mushrooms, but LSD is slightly more "manageable".

Biggest thing would be RELAX! You'll still be you before, during, and after your experience.

Being apprehensive DOES NOT guarantee a bad trip - it would be very strange if you were willing to try a powerful psychadelic without even a shred of nervousness.

You're still very much in control of how much you surrender yourself to what you don't understand, how much you "go with the flow"

Best and most horrifically intense trip was 12grams of handpicked mushrooms. The things I saw and logical chains that i created all while being spiritually melded into infinity was truly amazing. The only downside was that i woke up restrained to a hospital bed.

be open to the thoughts the enter your head, know that your not going to die, and brush your teeth after eating them

I think most of the fear is from not knowing what a "real" high is like
Is it like drunkenness/weed, where your attitude/inhibitions are altered but you're still lucid and aware of what's going on?
Or do you completely leave reality?

Not even a gel cap. It was pressed (light green or white?) can’t remember. This was 4 years ago now.. I did so many drugs that night. Started off with adderal, then drank, popped a molly, talked to some german pajeets outside the club. They gave me key bumps cause they thought I was cool I guess, then we smoked pot and popped a shroom pill. I think the shroom pill and weed (paranoia plus come down plus bad trip) did me over. I feel kind of uneasy thinking about it. Never felt dread/terror/despair before. I was separated from everyone high as fuck pacing near a subway, my friend then came out of literally nowhere and saved me. I gave him a huge hug and held his hand the whole ride home. I know that’s gay as fuck but I needed it lol. He saved me that night. I was losing my shit. Stopped doing so many drugs after that. I drink maybe once a month now and do blow once or twice a year. Haven’t done molly in two years and shrooms since. This was before I ate healthy and lifted weights.

Thanks for reading my blog post, hope it made you feel something.

used to be a pot junkie, literally, went down the spiral of rrying all drugs, did coke, mdma, etc. Finally tried shrooms and had an epiphany that I need to get my shit together. It was such a strong feeling and i feel like it burned that message into my head so deep that i no longer have any motivation to do any drugs, and if im out with friends and smoke weed i get really anxious.

intense body high, some weird closed eye visuals and a lot of thoughts.

also if you are going into the woods or gonna be somewhere by yourself your probably gonna be fucking terrified of "something"

From what I hear, if you happen to have a strong depressant (xanax, etizolam, some benzo or whatever), you can take that if it goes bad and it'll just chill you out so hard you won't give a fuck about anything. The knowledge of having a way to stop a bad trip usually relaxes people enough that they don't have a bad trip in the first place lol. But if you have a competent trip sitter don't worry about it, they'll probably just show you some dumbass meme videos on the internet that you'll find funny and forget about what you were thinking earlier.
And for what to do while you're on them, honestly just do pretty much anything that's not dangerous or scary. The psychedelics are the experience and what you do while on them is just an afterthought.

Shit's pretty weird, your emotions, whether good or bad, should be stronger, senses kind of merge into eachother (more-so on shrooms), and you'll be drawing lots of conclusions from everything. It's cool.

I think you should be over 28 before you do them. There's no such thing as a bad trip, just a trip you don't have the maturity or depth to integrate. These drugs can make you take a hard look at things you've been trying not to see, and if you're not developed enough to deal with that they can be destructive.

Also a drug can have very different effects between medium and high doses. I recommend taking a medium dose to get a feel for the drug and assess its strength, then after a few weeks, when the time is right, take a very high dose and really find some shit out. Stay inside and put breakable ojbects away.

I don't know about microdosing, I'm sure people feel like they're "in the zone" or some shit, but I don't think there's any objective proof they're actually performing better.

My $0.02.

Can I get legit DMT from Craigslist in Aus?

Yeah that wasn't fungi. No one makes pressings, too much glutamate to keep it together. Plus MDMA and fungi and synergistic so you would have had a blast.

I'm sorry you had a bad experience but that wasn't mush. And who knows if that was really MDMA.

You’ll be fine man. I’d recommend doing 3-5 grams. If you go higher make sure you have some really cool music to listen to, I listened to hold my liquor by Kanye and had it on repeat, saw crazy colorful visuals, had the best jerk off session of my life, also drove and saw more crazy visuals with the lights. Had some good laughs.

The main things you will experience is, a small sense of euphoria, you will see visual patterns in everything, you will feel connected and be able to read thoughts of your friends/share epiphanies. You will feel like you understand “life” without being able to explain why, it’s more of a feeling. You and your friends will also share vulnerabilities and you will have a positive lasting afterglow the next day.

Anyway I think you should do it. It’s a great time. Don’t do too much obviously and never do shrooms pills is my only advice.

what about doing it alone?

keep your thoughts in your head or write them on paper and do not leave your house until you feel you can trust yourself

Don’t do it alone. It’s scary. You will feel loneliness deeper than you ever have.
Who knows man. I have friends who have done it too and everyone has had a bad trip on them. One friend ran around naked and got arrested, ended up in a psych ward and left the next day. We all joke about this shit now but that stuff was whack.

I do mush alone. Most being a huge single 7.23 g bad boy I munched down and sat, or rather laid, on the floor in quiet darkness and let it take me.

I'm still here

Yeah def not mush. That might have been PCP or meth or something. But def not mush

>Or do you completely leave reality?
If you take a very high dose. But even if you do, it's over after a few hours. Kind of amazing that way, it lasts as long as it lasts whether you take a merely high dose or a fucking insanely high dose. In my experience with psilocin-type chems.
>You're still very much in control of how much you surrender yourself to what you don't understand, how much you "go with the flow"
This is the key. Just remember that whatever happens it'll be over in a few hours, and let yourself go with it, it'll be good.

I prefer to do it alone. Just make sure the breakables are put away and lock any doors leading to flighs of stairs, balconies, etc. I can't imagine having to try to deal with people while tripping, it sounds like a total pain.

>be a hoover
>blame it on the shrooms

I'm more a dyson man, but what the fuck does that mean? Calling someone a hoover?

That you'll snort up anything that happens in your path, fampai

stimulants cure my autism completely though, while i'm on it at least

>do 1 tab of LSD on new-year's eve 3 years ago, good shit, fun times were had by all
>no real life changing shit happened, just a good trip
>do 2 tabs a few weeks ago, watch Dr. Strange, forget half the movie, proceed to chill and listen for music
>wake up the next morning with the realization that I really fucking need to lose some weight and get on a healthy diet

And that's why I'm here. Lost 4 kg in the last 3 weeks, getting back lung capacity from smoking weed, lifting and running, feelsgoodman

I was coming off of a bad breakup, not my best moment. The good thing about hitting rock bottom is that the only way is up.


Gg, my lexicon has expanded.

Its so obvious, but I don't fuck with snorting anything cause, the coke specifically, is nigger grade at like 13-20% pure. Fuck that.

Alone is fine if you're of sound mind and have a fairly relaxed demeanor, just make sure you have a clean house before you trip - seeing things like crumbs on the kitchen floor, dirty dishes, or skid marks in the toilet will easily disgust you, and bad vibes are the last thing you want.

If you're able to, make a plan for what you're doing before you start, otherwise you'll forget what the fuck is going on and potentially waste half a trip staring at the main menu of a video game that you're not really interested in playing.

Oh, and put on some Pink Floyd. I know it's meme music for this kind of thing, but you haven't experienced aural beauty until you've listened through Meddle, Animals, and/or Dark Side of the Moon on acid.

I took the 'cid 3 times.
2 good experiences, 1 not-so pleasant (not a bad trip but I was very paranoid and couldn't sleep, also muscles were moving like crazy).
Basically take half a trip and you are golden, if after 3 hours or so you want more take the other half.
Keep in mind it acts as an amplifier, and always be in a state of mind of self control when taking it. Happiness transforms into euphoria, but worries can transform into paranoia as well. Remain in control do funny things (e.g. third time it was with my gf at a festival, we felt like kids and I remember my jaw sore from all the laughing) to get the best.

Now, some interesting things... One time I actually fucked while on the trip. I have never heard a girl scream so much, also I could go on and on and on (I think I cummed 2 times and stopped only because I felt like my body just couldn't take any more). Next morning my hips were still moving, like my brain was set on a movement loop. This translated to the gym can transform into one hell of a workout, perfect for massive pump (GVT + acid could be literally GOAT).
Also imagination goes wild, so being all by yourself and taking the trip can be wonderful too. I remember imagining things with really vivid textures and minute detail, nothing like when you normally imagine or dream.

i think im autistic or brain damaged some other way because i dropped 500ug lsd and all that happened visually was that i saw things looking all pastel-colored, wavy or morphing together. mentally i was just worried, zoned out, slow in the head, could not talk properly and just saw things differently i guess. other people wouldve gone to other universes at this dose.

Most right wingers I know take psychedelics occasionally

Just make that shit yourself. It's not that hard and you know exactly if you have 5-meo-dmt or n,n-dmt

Done LSD two times. a 110ug dose both those times.

The first time was really great, did it with three other close friends (also their first time taking LSD) and had an awesome experience. Second time was at a music festival and I didn't have a great time, but wouldn't call it a bad trip. It definitely highlighted the importance of set and setting for me though.

Dropping acid before a long run was a horrible idea. Lots of fun for about 1/4 of the time.

In a way yes. When you do any psychedelic you have to be ready to face your self and your deepest insecurities and faults. If you go through life telling yourself everything is fine and ignoring all the bad shit, shrooms will fuck you up and force the truth down your throat. If you are able to learn from that and take action to change all your subconscious deep seeded issues, then shrooms or LSD can be helpful experience.

>Take LSD
>Go to bathroom
>Stare at myself and think for hours
>Come back like wtf was I doing
Every single time! Why do I even do this? Dilated pupils are attractive maybe? Idk...

>take phone into bathroom
>google image "orange"
>turn off lights
>wave phone around like a lunatic
>instant light show

More like
>take lsd
>have to piss
>go to bathroom
>look at self in mirror for an extended period of time
>leave bathroom
>have to piss again

This is the answer i'm looking for like why tf i'm such a robot i don't even know why so i need shroom to hyperconnects my neurons so i can find the reason
Thanks user

took 3 tabs and went into an insane dream-like trip that showed me all my insecurities and fears, was horrible, never doing them again. also i did it at the park at night and was running around screaming like a lunatic.

i have never not done it alone..

I will be trying LSD soon and I have some questions.
I have drug experience: a lot of weed, MDMA, coke, amph, salvia.

I loathe the confused marijuana headspace and the general anxiety it brings me. How "clear"is the headspace on acid? I love ecstasy's perceived clarity even though you're fucked up.

Also what's the general feeling of the drug? In my mind I imagine it as if being in a really really lucid dream, combined with the strong feeling that you've been here before and everything is kinda "mellow/heavy"

It's more like confusion broken up by moments of excstatic clarity. There are time loops, memory loss, hyperfocus, it's all across the board. I've had times it felt like I had turned the lights on for the first time, and times I couldn't focus at all and felt like I was thinking in circles. Just make sure you don't have anything you need to get done, get a good calm setting going, don't eat before, and you should be good to go.

regular runner here and I tried running a few miles while tripping on 2 tabs. Fucking beautiful, I threw on some music and went as hard as I could, ego slowly disappeared and I pushed myself to my limits. If I was a weightlifter and had a friend who was cool, I'd totally try going to the gym

Psychedelics are my favorite. It's been a while since college and I haven't had shrooms in a while, but ALD-52, 1P-LSD and 4-AcO-DMT are great and easy to buy online.

Fuck I kinda wanna buy some now as I start my summer cut.

RIP Paul Driver

Took shrooms once. Closed my eyes and thought I was in a spaceship with David Bowie.

10/10 would recommend listening to music on shrooms.

Its somewhat this But be careful, if your subconsciousness doesnt like who you are, you might try to kill yourself. Thats where all those bad trip and suicides stories come from.

That sounds magical. Terry always said to do it in silent darkness but David Bowie is so transcendent that he could be an exception.

Pretty sure DMT changed my life and helped my depression but probably placebo

microdosing acid is good for working out and productivity and isn't an addictive shit narcotic like adderall

microdosing shrooms leads to self entertainment usually though (jakcing off, watching a movie, video games, etc). Really nice body high though

Ive done a lot of shrooms in my life, ans can honestly say theres a progression curve. ive had good trips and a few bad, but all in all a humongous lesson/experience in realizing you arent the center of the universe and where you fit in the macrocosm.

first few trips: "t....this cant be the truth behind reality/our existence?!?"

a few more: "i..i see.. this is...the universe...i guess..."

more: (huge smile and a grin) "this is how the universe/reality truly is without our biased subjective filter kf reality, take it in lads!" (slaps friend on back)

i would recommend shrooms to any living being in earth, the trick is that if you dont finish business on a previous trip, youre gonna have to go back (while trippin) and resolve it

god damn i've never done tabs before but this makes me want to try it at least once. Sounds so surreal

Dropped a 155mg tab the other day (first time with psychs) and I literally went to renew my gym membership and started working out again. It showed me where my weaknesses and strengths lie and also taught me to let things that give me anxiety and stress go.

Fuck. 300ug? you are a mad cunt

>Let It Happen
Currents is a top tier trip album

Be careful about using psychs around people. You may notice things about their personalities you won't be able forget.

This. Psychedelics are the 'real' redpill. Just know there's no turning back, user.

Look up 'set and setting'

Lonerism made me seek out on SilkRoad and drop after ~15yrs without. Good stuff.

This is true, they are the true redpill
Every thought i had just clicked easily in my head but i was already redpilled and hated the world since 15 year old. But now i feel like im a master analysing people and being in social situations because i know what people are and what we all want but im not happier, its a trade

I had 2cb few months back. Was laid down on my back, thin blanket over me with a bit of light coming through so I could just see it. Anyway, I kept my eyes open looking at the blanket which was like and inch from my eyes and as I was breathing I felt like I was pushing the blanket further away. I kept breathing and then the blake just flew up and I was left laid down eyes open not knowing what direction I was facing or laying in an infinitely big black room with weird twirly black and white shapes appearing. Was weird as fuck. I definitely recommend shutting your eyes on psychedelics and smoking bud if you're freaking out. The secret to not having a bad time is to just watch your thoughts. Don't get attached to what you're thinking/feeling, just watch it as though you have a birds eye view on your thoughts. The voice in your head isn't you, the real you is the person aware of the voice

Make sure you have nothing important to do that day or the next day.

Set and setting!

Unironically, reddit has loads of info and resources for further reading. Also check out

LSD is extreme. With potential for both euphoria and despair. Also has potential for permanent negative effects on your sanity.

Shrooms are amazing. Do them, only good things will come.

LSD I wouldn't recommend unless you have someone you trust to certify its authenticity, and to also watch over the group.
High grade LSD is hard to find and much of the time you'll get sold shitty LSD substitutes like 25i instead which have potential dangers and are just an experience I wouldn't recommend.
The thing about needing someone to watch you sounds silly. But if you're taking any decent dose you're literally going to go insane for about 12 hours. Which of course is fun, with many cool perks like mild euphoria, weightlessness, new perspectives, hallucinations etc.
In summary what I'll say about LSD is don't rush into it, be aware that its effects are extreme. Its not something that will alter your emotions like party drugs, it will alter the way you think, and perceive time and reality.

Shrooms are simply fantastic, I cant recommend them enough. One of the best experiences of my life on them, and I've heard like 80% also say the same. I just felt completely free of anxiety/doubt. I felt like I was my best self, no fear, tremendous pride in myself, and just a general compassion for the people I was doing it with. Which is rare for me.
If you can do it, do it. Honestly do everything you can to get a hold of them if you see an opportunity.

LSD made me realize i was a piece of shit and needed to try harder in life or everything around me will leave like my ex. Was a wake up call if anything.

I've tried mushrooms, ayahuasca, peyote and DMT. DMT is by far the mother of all psychedelics. You will go deeper than anything else and the mysteries of the universe will be revealed to you. Just don't do them too often.

research chems are gross, 2ce gave me actual brain dablage

Always wanted to try, never had the guts. With my luck I'd probably get my brain fucked forever

This guy knows his shit

oh shit, thought I was the only dude that listened to TI because the only other people I know that listen to it are girls

I was on some strong anti-depressants with some pretty bad side effects for my depression. I found it nearly impossible to get out of bed, to find the motivation to do anything even as simple as cleaning my room (Sorry Jordan...)

I was given the chance by happenstance to partake in an ayahuasca ritual with a friend of a friend.

I came back from it a change man. It was literally like a switch was flipped in my head. I'm not depressed anymore. In fact it's quite the opposite. I wake up every day with a pervading sense of euphoria and joy. I can only vaguely recall what it was like to be depressed.

15 years I battle depression and suicidal tendencies. 15 years of therapy. Nothing ever helped.

4 cups of this disgustingly bitter brew and 8 hours of psychedlia... and it all disappeared.

There's a reason things like ayahuasca and mushrooms are illegal. Because they're free. Because with them you could treat yourself and cure yourself.

I did about 5g of mushrooms a few months ago. It took a while for the effects to kick in and nothing really exciting happened until I smoked some bud. Then the trip started, mainly consisting of colorful "layered" vision, extremely slow thought and memory retrieval capabilities, but the most pronounced effects were the auditory hallucinations and the feelings/thoughts it put into my head.

The auditory hallucinations was definitely not something I was expecting. It wasn't words or someone's voice, but rather strangely nostalgic sounds that repeated. Many of them I associated with my childhood for some reason.

The feelings and thoughts were interesting. I felt like an alien, looking at myself naked in the mirror, while usually weird, was very strange on mushrooms. I was intrigued and confused by every inch of my body, it felt so random yet so oddly specific. I felt that way about life and the universe: everything felt so arbitrary yet so purposeful, which was really confusing to me and still is.

I took about 3 tabs of LSD a few weeks later and was pretty unimpressed. It was basically just an better version of the visual experience of mushrooms, and it lasted longer, but that was the extent of it really. The visuals was very cool and tripping for 10 hours was fun, but after a certain point it became boring. I think I got a bad batch as I took much more than tabs but got pretty much nowhere.

That may have been how it was in the past, but as we move forward you're going to see a lot more right wing spiritualism directly including psychedelics.