Are rest days really necessary ?

Are rest days really necessary ?
I do PPLxPPL because someone recommended a 6x day split,
but cant i just go 7 times a week if im up for it and have fuck all to do realisticly speaking ?
Are there any physical benefits to having a rest day on a PPL esc. routine

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If you don't need a rest day on a 6 day split, your workout intensity is way too fucking low. Push yourself harder

if u feel that u can recover without a restday then go ahead
normies and brainlets can only workout with a 7 day frame

im training pretty hard, when i perform a lift im at my limit interms of how much i can lift with decent form.
I complete the whole routine and all the sets but when i walk out of the gym sometimes i feel like i have more in me. This wasnt the case when i didt texas method but now im running PPL and just feel like
i get a pump abit of soreness > i leave > eat and sleep and im fresh as a cucumber

This is a question that depends entirely on where you are currently in your lifting life.

I use to train everything 4 times a week, then 3 times, then 2 times, now I just do 1x frequency like a typical bro split.

You should be doing 3-4x frequency until you can hit 1/2/3/4 for reps, then you can move onto 2x frequency. If you're doing just 2x frequency and you're no where near 1/2/3/4 for reps then you're kind of wasting potential.

I'm on day 92 of lifting for ~60 minutes every single day.

You do have to be reasonable with your programming, though. You also need to be able to adjust your workout on any given day if something is feeling a bit sore or overused.

ive hit 1pl ohp, bleeding edge close to 2pl, 2pl squat and 3pl dead (all for 5) = meaning im weak as shit

Why? You don't really use legs on Push day, and your push-related muscles have had three days to recover. You only need a rest day because you're soft. There are always muscle groups you can work on - calves, forearms, core can be trained every day.

What a fucking meme. Stop giving advice just because it affirms your gay routine. You may be strong but you look like shit mate.

this is OP bro, i work in calves/forearms and neck in with the other P/P and L days (i do once every 2-3 days depending on how sore i am with those accessories)
Here is my routine :
on pull i add deadlift

Look at it this way. You grow when you are resting. Residual fatigue is a thing. PPLx is the maximum volume I would personally recommend to someone. You’re already hitting twice a week frequency with that, and you have a rest day in between every cycle to manage residual fatigue. Studies have already shown there is no difference between in results between 2 and 3 times a week frequency.

A fact that is quite well established in pretty much any actual book on strength training, but somehow completely unknown to most regular gym-goers, is that training load must fluctuate throughout the week (Load = how tough a given workout is, basically).

The higher the load is on some days, the lower it must be on others. High/low are relative terms here, of course. What's a high load for one guy may be a low load for the other guy.
This means that if you have really tough days, you should also have fairly easy days. A day completely off from training is a simple way to automatically accomplish this.

On a related note, this also means that if you want to train every day - which is doable - you should make sure that some days are harder and some are easier, rather than try to fit roughly the same amount of work into each day. Unless every day is easy, in which case it won't matter.

i hit my macros almost all the time and sleep atleast 8 hrs, it makes sense why i feel ready for another workout the following day

Lol why does that routine have OHP right after incline press? The front delt is already worked sufficiently from incline alone (in fact it’s almost as good as OHP and it works upper chest) not to mention its hit a tad bit on flat bench. The front delt is tiny and doesn’t need to be worked that hard. Probably bad for your shoulders and it would grow better with less volume.

Well monday Pull is usually lower then fridays so as to go back to the 90-95% 5rm for bench the next monday and the increase incrementally by small amount every week

>Studies have already shown there is no difference between in results between 2 and 3 times a week frequency.

No they don't. 2x is the minimum. 3x will always be better because simple math we learn in kindergarten proves 3>2.

he explains in the thread
i personaly dont feel incline is working my delts as much as incline and feel completely fine to hit 1pl ohp after an intense bench and incline bench

*as much as Ohp

same here
also drinking a nice big shake before u go to bed to maximize recovery feelsgoodmane

At the end of the day it's actually really simple and easy to tell whether your training works well or not.

Basically: is your performance consistently improving?

If yes, everything is great and you should keep doing what you're doing. You can TRY to increase training frequency and see what happens. If you stall, go back to 6x week.

If no, something's gotta change. Maybe you need to change more but since you're already training a ton, it's more likely that you would in fact benefit from training less.


>3x will always be better because simple math we learn in kindergarten proves 3>2.
Classic failed logic.
Tell me, why don't you train 50 times per week? 50 times is way more than 3 times, so it must be better, right? Oh, what's that? There might be a point of diminishing returns, you say? Well where might that point be, then? Should we look at what the research says?
Guess what, it says there's not much additional benefit to be had with a frequency of 3 times per week compared to twice per week.

You're the kind of person who ends up overdosing on pre-workout because 4 scoops have to be better than 1, right? I mean, we learned that in kindergarten.

OP here, i guess ill just do 7day split and fill that extra day with a section of my body that is lagging behind - right now its pull


Protein synthesis is only elevated for 24-48 hours after lifting. Anything more than a single rest day per muscle group is a waste. If you only do 2 times a week, that's three whole days of NO GAINS.

go suck 4 dicks