Am i handsome

am i handsome

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Fix your beard and clean up your acne and you'll be fine m8. Also try to not look like you want to die.

Not with that canthal tilt youre not



No. Sorry. Doesn't mean you can't be happy though

so tilting your head forward is cheatmode for attractiveness? makes the tilt appear more positive or neutral, tilting your head back makes it appear negative?


canthal tilt is the angle of your eyes

everyone saying no is obese. the guys a 7-9 if he fixes his skin

depending on how tall he is, his teeth, and his body size.

he's cute

Once you stop making that "put me out of my misery" face, fix your skin and take less shitty pictures then you'll be handsome.

yeah mate, you look like Uncle Travis

Well you arent ugly.
Just change the way you look. As in your expression. Try and look happy/relaxed, girls like it. Or mysterious and relaxed. Now you just look doped out. No offense.

Also shave and wash your face.

>le canthal tilt

>muh canthal tilt
LMAO imagine being so autistic that you think Stacy talks about how positive Chad's canthal tilt is or whatever the fuck you lookismfags believe

the angle of your eyes changes on the perspective of the camera
look in a mirror and tilt your head back and forth while watching canthal tilt

Canthal tilt detected


Yes but someone with a positive canthal tilt while looking straight at the mirror would not look like this guy even while tilting their head back. It only changes slightly. This guy has a dramatic negative canthal tilt, even while tilting his head forward it would never appear very positive for him.

lmao you're the obese one if you think everyone even close to normal weight looks great, the guy looks like shit

i first said, was tilting your head forward cheatmode for attractiveness
someone replied canthal tilt is the angle of your eyes.
so when taking a photograph, my original question i still wonder, does it make you appear more attractive if giving the illusion of a better canthal tilt?

Im sorry to break it to you but a negative canthal tilt is one of the most unnattractive things about a face. Instant turn off. And no "Stacies" would not talk about "Chads" positive tilt, because they dont usually analyse the face like lookismfags do. But they notice when someone looks dopey and droopy, such as when they have a negative canthal tilt. Basically they may not notice is specifically at a first glance, but it adds to the overall look of the person and is an instant turn off. Now stop trying to cope

I would say yes, but it can also make your mid- face appear longer

>negative canthal tilt is an instant turn off
Fucking kek. Holy shit, it's so easy to tell you people don't even leave your house. Don't worry champ, I'm sure your positive canthal tilt gets you laid weekly. I mean it worked out fine for this guy right?

no because you're not white

I never said a positive tilt would get you laid, I'm saying a negative tilt is a turn off. NO ONE said the more positive the better.

This is why I left Veeky Forums, because everyone on here is a huge fucking baby, that refuses to believe they are anything but perfect, so they can never change.

Never change, never improve, just keep being a delusional fucking baby. You'll NEVER be "chad"


note the eye area.

Dont worry user, theres always surgery

>muh white

Do take shitty myspace pics. Just take a picture of yourself about 5-10 feet away(which removes that wide angle distortion) and that will give people a decent look at what you got. Right now you could be decent of a goblin hiding your ugliness with the perspective you are giving us.

Are you gonna post more autistic images or what? Come on, I need a good laugh today. You can keep screeching about muh positive tilt. Nobody cares.
>This is why I left Veeky Forums
Felt more at home on Reddit I assume?

You look good, a little bit above average

those are all white people

lol sorry about your ugly eyes user

no they're not

The spanish ultra chad

Canthal tiltlit spotted. These things do matter faggot.

t. Shlomo Sheckelbergsteinwitz

Sorry about your inceldom user. Maybe your positive canthal tilt wasn't enough.
>These things do matter faggot.
Sure, in your warped version of reality maybe it does.

sometimes pozzed lefty Mediterranean heritage americans claim they aren't white

>muh fighting success

Yea that shit sure translates to the real world

Of course we can redefine "white" as meaning "european native", but the original europeans who lived in burgerland were mostly (((anglo))) or germanic, so when an amerilard says "white" he's not thinking about a serb, a greek, an italian or whatever, he's thinking about the average anglo/german

photo wasn't taken from a neutral perspective, taken from below
invalid assessment of canthal tilt


>so they can never change
But how do you change the canthal tilt of your eyes though without surgery? Is it really that important to drop 1000s of dollars to change the tilt of your eyes?

Just like Ryan gosling. Sure glad he has a positive canthal tilt. Otherwise girls would find him gross.. oh wait?

lookin like an isis kid. not bad, inshallah bro

The eternal american telling who's white and who's not

i knew an american girl once from minnesota
never connected the dots, but her appearance had a distinct benjamin franklin vibe.

come on man... This is just sad now

> this.

also he would be more attractive with a better canthal tilt.
Yes it does translate to the real world. Were still animals. We still have instincts and mating instincts.

He doesn't have negative canthal tilt he has neutral maybe slightly positive

Do these purple lines look sloping downwards to you?

Mewing. Correct development aids in undereye support.
You can make it with a negative slope, but youd be better looking with a positive slope. This other guy is in denial saying it doesnt matter at all.

>Were still animals
I'm sure our cavemen ancestors cared about canthal tilt user.

His face still looks droopy no matter how many of lines you make around it you autist. You think Stacey is gonna go drawing lines on Ryan's face before she decides he's attractive? LMAO

>This other guy is in denial saying it doesnt matter at all.
No. It fucking doesn't. In the grand scheme of things you doesn't. At all. Nobody spends his free time analyzing some dudes facial aesthetics, nobody fucking cares about this shit. Not even girls care so much about men's faces, I think you may be a closet homosexual user.

> makes fun of whites using European whites that spend time in the sun

>he says while 99% of northern europeans on /pol/ call meds shitskins and think blonde hair/blue eyes is superior to darker hair and eyes

I'm not even sure what the ever living fuck youre on about now. We are not cavemen? We are not neothanderals? We evolved since then and our attraction evolved too. We are homosapians

But WHAT THE FUCK does that have to do with the fact that were animals??????????????? Are you doubting we are animals? are you stupid?

Everything you are attracted to is determined by INSTINCTUAL ATTRACTION.

> Good skin - it shows the mate they are healthy enough to support clear skin
> Tall - it shows the mate they again had good nutrition during years of growth
> Muscles - shows the mate they are strong and athletic, good for hunting and various other activities
> Positive canthal tilt - Shows the mate they had good development of the face

There are so many more

Seriously... How do you not know this?

Utter bullshit. The only ones who call southern europeans shitskins are american kikes and creaturas

I am a girl...
But I will admit I'm not mentally sound.
So you might have a point there


On that note I'm just going to add I'm sorry for getting so mad at everyone.
I think my ex has moved on and I haven't, so I'm really irritated by every little thing. Bye now

kek triple 0's confirm worthlessness

It's not that I don't know, it's that I don't care. And my life has improved ever since I stopped caring about it.
You have no reason to care about this at all, it's pointless. Why care so much about height, positive canthal tilt, etc. If you have them, great! It doesn't change anything. If you don't, oh well, still doesn't change anything.
Why even stop there? I want to fly too, or have psy powers, or being able to control people's mind. You can make your life miserable by caring about stupid shit like this that realistically doesn't matter at all.

It's ok femanon. I'm just giving you some tough love, you only make your life worse by caring about this shit, that's all I wanted to make clear. See ya

youre right, sorry

You are also right, Im really sorry

yes dont let anyone tell you different my man, don't listen to the haters on this board bro... you do you man

They all look white/European except for the Italian who looks ambiguous

get some sleep wtf

Not exactly but with a good personality easily at least a 7