For those of you who have reached 1/2/3/4 For reps which one gave you the most trouble and how did you push past your...

For those of you who have reached 1/2/3/4 For reps which one gave you the most trouble and how did you push past your plateaus?

What is the word in the third line?

hoverhanding you illiterate fuck

Squats because I can't be fucked to do them too much. Heavy Squats suck the fun out of my life.

fyi 1/2/3/4 is not a balanced physique and overly favors legs. just keep lifting.

Nah it looks like moverharding

I read hover harding, thought it was some gay thing.

bench. for whatever reason, even though i have a physically large chest, i have issue activating it for the lift.

i even got 1pl8 OHP before 2pl8 bench.

my squat and deadlift got up so fast im not sure which on hit the respective goal first. i wanna say squats first then deadlifts.

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its all based on genetics, I hit a 1 plate OHP first at 5 months and a 3 plate squat last at 9 months

Is that Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums?


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I’ve been stuck around 1+/2.5/3/4 for well over a year now. Deadlift is the hardest for me


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1 pl8 OHP doesn't seem like a lot. I just started lifting again after numerous trials and can so 115 5 times no issue. I just avoided 1 pl8 so i don't hurt myself having not lifted in years

Deadlift. Just wouldn't progress.

Eat a bunch, gain weight. Works like a charm

Squats. Just keep increasing weight gradually. But my glutes are just fucking weak compared to everything else

its effay to kill yourself

someone already mentioned it, but 1/2/3/4 is extremely lower back and leg focused, i think the deadlifts were the most taxing on me, as i didn't want to get 1/2/3/4 for singles but i wanted to work my way up to 3 rep min, the biggest thing i'd say though to improve lifts and functionality is proper form once i got the form down (nutrition and sleep aswell..but you know that) on everything and took the ego out, 2/3/4/5 was way easier than 1/2/3/4.


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sub top? ugh, so fucking annoying.