Losing weight

Could I lose this weight in 3 months?

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No. You could not. You could lose it in 3 years though.


go /fast/

I doubt it but shit, might as well try

Does it look like he could fast ya dumb fuck?

he wants to lose weight goddamn it, at least im giving him something to go on, ya angry fuck.

Fuck! Don't go to Africa dude. You'd get fucking eaten

Do following:

>keto(Min. 200gr protein per day)
>no cheat meals
>train 5 times per week

you will get shredded in less than 3 months

Fucking look at the pig and tell me he can fucking fast!!!

Fasting for this guy is only eating two lunches

aaa come on don't be bullies

probably right though..

ROFL, mk677??? You mix that up with mk2866?

With the amount of calories he has around his mid-section? Yes it does

Assuming you're about 50 pounds over weight? You could lose it in 9 months to a year, if you drastically restrict/change your diet and begin and intensive cardio regimen. Don't try this water fasting bullshit. You'll just gain most of the weight back. You need to exhibit some real self control and change your eating habits permanently. Good luck.

You could lose that in 1 month much less 3. Look at this lad:


He lost 52 lbs in 28 days. Depending on your height, you don't look like you have much more than 60 lbs to lose, easily doable in a month. You just have to not eat, and yes it is possible.

This moron is wrong about gaining the weight back after fasting, again, refer to the video, lad gained no weight back. Fasting works and it works well.

mk677 makes you bloat up like a water balloon.

First off work on that posture, you'll be in a 45 degree angle by the time you're 50.

In three months you can certainly work out for 2 hrs a day, eat healthier, and work on de-stressing and a better sleep schedule.

It takes some getting used to, but you'll have a noticeable difference after 3 months (although not exactly 100%)

If you keep in good habits you'll wind up much better

You can lose a massive amount of fat in a month, because you are massively fat. Eat nothing but low-sugar fruits, low-sugar veggies and lean meat while practicing intermittent fasting. Do it for a month and weigh yourself.

2k calories or less, 200g protein, at least an hour of cardio 6 days a week + serious lifting 4-5x a week and I think you could

You look about 60 pounds overweight. If you eat at 1000 calories a day that should lose you about 3 pounds a week for 3 months that's 36 pounds. If you lift and do cardio you will not only lose weight faster but you will also look good and feel stronger. Good luck.

In 3 months no, in like 10-12 yeah if you're dedicated.

Fasting is stupid as fuck. If you are going to fast I would say only do it for 24-72 hours max. Any longer and you will never make it.

Care to back up your claims user?

Eat healthy and do super sets.
You should lose at least 10 kg in a month if you stay constant

t. Long time Oprah viewer

t. moron that knows fuck all about fasting

yes, eat 30g salmon protein per day plus electrolyte and calcium supplements , a bowl of broccoli per day thats it