This is probably the worst place to ask but what is absolute square one?

This is probably the worst place to ask but what is absolute square one?
Where does a complete weakling begin?

I don't qualify for physical therapy any more but I can barely lift a 20lb dumbbell with one arm.
Even basic 30 minute excercise routines on popular sites are either completely impossible for me or would take well over an hour.

start with even smaller weights and work your way up
unironically - try SS (but read the fuckin books pls)
and read the sticky


>Even basic 30 minute excercise routines on popular sites are either completely impossible for me or would take well over an hour.

That's where you start then. You start slow then work your way up.

Also read the sticky.

Do what little you can and eat more
Read the fucking sticky

What is this?



Unironically ss and gomad

jesus christ
starting strength my marko rippertoads
read the sticky

When i got out of the hospital i couldnt walk 100ft without having to sit down and rest and catch my breath, couldnt move either wrist either or lift a pencil.
Now two years later I'm almost at 1/2/3/4
We're all gonna make it bro, its just a matter of when and how long is it gonna take

You start with the bar, not even a joke.

I added 140kg (~~300lbs) on my bar with squats in a bit more than a year of strength training, and that's not even impressive nor i am a talentchad. Remember to eat a lot, don't worry about putting some fat, cut later if you want but try to maintain strength, always.

Wish you the best op

SS - starting stength
read the fuckin sticky pls

Empty barbell.
If that's too heavy, use machines.

I am, thank you.
I'm on machines so I can't leave the house but I'm going to do what I can here.

Thank you for the help. If I survive the surgery I'll be back.

Jesus what kind of surgery?

Schutzstaffel training program


There are probably some body weight exercises that would be a great beginning workout like push ups and squats depending on your body fat.
Maybe try yoga.

Holy shit, read the sticky and lurk more

What is your goal body user?

In your position it's best to avoid weights for now.
Do some basic calisthenics stuff (Convict Conditioning) to get some momentum. You don't have to buy anything.