Tfw when it's already 12 and you have to eat 3000 calories

tfw when it's already 12 and you have to eat 3000 calories

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>it's 8pm and you still have half a gallon of water left to drink

You can do it user dw

Fucking hell I keep telling you assholes just eat 3 pints of ice cream it's fucking easy

will do, user

get 5 mcdoubles, user.

or 1 big chalupa

Is clean bulking 100% a meme then?

IIFYM my dude

Obviously it is better to clean bulk than to dirty bulk but in terms of bulking in general, you need to hit your calories no matter what and in op's case, its best to hit garbage junk food and get that calories needed than to be without it.

Drink a gallon of milk


OP here, currently cooking up a greasy bucket of nugs, then maybe might eat some icecream or something idk

what the fuck is nugs nigger? stop eating prison food

This. I truly know that feel, friend.

How is clean bulking possible? Chicken tits are like 600 cals a pound


All caps when you spell the man's name...

a man of culture too I see

literally sip it for 2 hours are you fucking dumb

>tfw going to bed right after eating a Dave's double and large fry