Just a reminder that Low Test can make males act like teenage girls, around 3:30 is when they get their Test results...

Just a reminder that Low Test can make males act like teenage girls, around 3:30 is when they get their Test results....no one tells them how low they are.


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By the way, the order of men in the photo from left to right is:

Ned, Eugene, Keith, Zach

They're all twinky

h-haha low test betas I-I can't stand them either

Keith is more of an ogre

>white male democrats

How to increase test levels naturally?

i didn't read the article but any reason why their test is so unnaturally low? For all of them...

I'm guessing their sleep schedules and diets are shit

What's she talking about?

some shit about immigration



thanks, i'll check it up

>vitamin D is important for test
I never leave the house. Could that be a problem?

I really like Eugene's hair.

>bad diet
>bad sleep
>no resistance training
>maybe rec. drugs
or maybe its just genetic and buzzfeed tends to hire pussified dudes

you don't get vitamin d from sunlight. if you're worried about vitamin d, take a pill.

The major natural source of the vitamin is synthesis of cholecalciferol in the skin from cholesterol through a chemical reaction that is dependent on sun exposure (specifically UVB radiation).

>or maybe its just genetic and buzzfeed tends to hire pussified dudes

this. Nobody with normal testosterone levels would want to work at Buzzfeed. Just watch the video, it's unbearable how they act, now imagine that being your whole day.

Fucking hell such a punchable face.

geek sheaque


this image getting a workout today

>you don't get vitamin d from sunlight
You do though.

If you are Caucasian and you don't live in Scandinavian or Canada, then you can fill up your daily requirements with a 30 minute walk in daylight.

And your body builds up reserves of vitamin D for the winter months. Our ancestors had to deal with this problem for a pretty long time and adapted. So it's not as bad as people think. Though if you don't go outside at all, then you will still get deficient.

That said, you should take supplement pills in winter.
Vitamin D deficiency is just too annoying. Besides low T, it also makes you tired all the time and depressed. A serious deficiency also gives you bone loss, muscle pain, bone pain and an impaired immune system.


It literally does not matter how much D you consume, if you dont go into the sun you will not absorb any of it

Someone who consumes 100ml of D but never goes outside will absorb literally 0ml of D

Completely wrong

> Bicycles make you impotent and give you big hips

Ok grandpa

I am over 1000 ng/dL High Test and look like this

Eugene looks masculine.

Is that from How to bomb the US Government? Really loooks like shit MDE would put out.

nice try, your estrogen must be equally high

>he can do analysis via photo
LMAO at you, retard

>low test
>white males

Bros, does magnesium and zinc give you drawback effects when you stop taking them?