For cutting, how inferior is this to Ephedrine? No Ephedrine where I live

For cutting, how inferior is this to Ephedrine? No Ephedrine where I live.

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Do you have erectile dysfunction??

The increased lipolysis is not sufficient into really taking this medication for fat loss.

Is taking this with light fasted cardio, more effective than not taking this at all?

You need to take yohimbine hcl not yohimbine.

Yohimbine is a good thing if you dont mind a few sides like shaking for example.

Also you need to fast like shit because if you eat the wrong things while taking yohimbine you fell like shit and it doesnt work.

But yohimbine is a good thing and the sides are not so hard.

Ive tried clen, winstrol and stacked t3 and t4.

Yohimbine hcl was by far the most effective. The side effects with the others, weak, clicky joints, painful pumps and shaking, and water retention, were awful.

But it has to be taken fasted. I do one hour of walking in the morning, the results ive had are incredible. Im almost stage ready. Although ill be honest, im on tri-tren and test sus, as well. And eat fucking clean, cut the sugar out, all of it.

any permanent sides can be attributed to yohimbine in your experience?

Where did you buy from? I used to buy from Powder City before they went out of business and their stuff was usually dosed proper/pure

as a side I noticed it looks like powdercity is back up and running but I haven't tried to order anything from it.

Yea no shit, I just checked too. I guess they settled the lawsuit that got it shut down originally. I hadn't had to buy anything for a long while cause I stocked up but good to see they're back.

legit question anons. i've been on clen and got good results. But it's been a couple of years now. I'm thinking about using something for cutting again, when i'm around the 8% bodyfat. What would you recommend?

I’m in shape in I’d use this shi, hunger supresent, good for blood pressure, steroid for asthma.

Got some Yohimbine HCL, but not quite sure how to use it effectively..
Have taken 5mg with 200mg caffeine on some occasions.
Do you guys do the YC-stack or just high doses of Yohimbine alone?
Looking to burn some extra fat, fatass here.

I've got some on its way to me still haven't decided on how I'm going to dose it. You are supposed to take it on an empty stomach so that means mornings but I don't exercise until night.

trying to lift on this shit feels horrible, you feel too speedy

its god tier for orgasms though

One thing I don't understand is, if you do a 16-8 intermittent fasting diet like the site suggests, when should you go the gym? After dinner?

> take about 15-20 minutes before performing 30-60 minutes of low intensity steady-state cardio (ie: walking; medium is okay as well, but watch your heart rate)

>tfw heart condition, no real symptoms but trapped as an eternal natty

Nigga if you're getting better results from yohimbine than you were from t3 then you were either a retard with your t3 protocol or you got bunk hormone.
I do agree that fasted cardio with yohimbine (following lyle mcdonald's protocol) is great though

I take my dose in the morning, fast until lunch and go to the gym a few hours after lunch. Then I either have a small post-workout snack and have dinner later or have dinner right away. Don't care about IF. I have a dose of ECA with lunch and another dose around 17-18.

It acts on different receptors then ephedrine does.

Yohimbine HCL (don't use Yobimbe) acts primarily as an alpha-2 (and lesser so alpha-1) receptor antagonist. It's a thermogenic and pairs very well with Caffeine (YC stack is what I use).
Any fat loss with Yohimbine HCL necessitates low blood glucose level, meaning it should only be taken in the morning while intermittent fasting until later in the day (its wakefulness effects, especially with caffeine make it necessary to take it in the morning to not effect sleep)

Ephedrine is a non-selective adrenergic receptor agonist, meaning it will bind to both alpha and beta adrenergic receptors including alpha1, beta1, and beta2 receptors. It's fat burning potential is greater than YHCL and also includes hunger suppression. Like YHCL, pairing with Caffeine increases effectiveness.

For both of these compounds, cycling is recommended (2 weeks on, 2 weeks off).

So you don't both with the hour of cardio in the morning?

Yohimbine and Yohimbine HCL are the same thing, I think you means Yohimbe, which is usually only about 2% Yohimbine by weight.

I do about 40 minutes of low-medium intensity cardio 20 minutes after taking the dose, which i take along with 150mg of caffeine.

Different user but I haven't experienced any only term sides.
While using, it can increase BP and anxiety (especially with caffeine). L-Theanine when taking the two in the morning greatly helps, and magnesium, zinc, and melatonin at night helps me get to sleep easier and makes sleep more deep and rejuvenating overall.

How are your results so far? Do you think this routine is manageable without Ephedrine? Last time I was cutting I was really exhausted at gym.

Thanks for the help, by the way.

PC was good, and Primaforce can fuck itself. Buy from LiftMode.

Buying a bottle of Prima is about $10 for 225mg, while you can get 1g from lift mode for $7. It doesn't come in capsules though so you have to measure it out yourself, but buying a mg scale for like $20 and buying liftmode is well worth it (1g from lift mode lasts me around 2 months, while the most I can get out of a bottle of prima is 2 weeks)

what about Synephrine?

is there any cutting supplement that works, that isn't illegal?

Just started today actually. But I've done it before, last year for like 2 months with great results. To be fair I can't say how much the y contributed and how much it was just daily exercise and fast until lunch. But the fact that I wake up early, take my dose, and then have to go out walking, then have to fast until lunch, is at very least a great motivator and routine-keeper. With it I stick to schedule every single day, without it I'd start cheating the first week.

The ECA lowers appetite and really helps me with not giving in to cravings in the afternoon/evening. As well as making me able to focus on school without getting grumpy from hunger (I tend to get some small snack when stuyding when not cutting). But if you've got discipline you can do without. I just find it so much easier with it.

Gym sessions are good but I never go before lunch. Want to load up on some carbs so that I can go hard.


yohimbine hcl does work but it makes you horny

Is this still effective at high bf%?

It's even more effective on higher bf%. But of course you have a longer way to go.

Anxiety in some people. Im on anti-psychotic medicine, it can interact, but that may also be due to the roids. Ive got my techniques on meditation etc. Plus as other user said good luck sleeping on it. I take it first thing in the morning, try not to take it past 12midday. And it will make nofap more difficult.

Guy in the gym imports it, Yohimbine's banned in the UK. Magnus supps is the brand i use.

I very much doubt my t3 and t4 was bunk considering my source is a damn pharmacist. Also i didnt say i had bad results, i said i had bad side effects, and the cons outweighed the pros. But thats just my body, your body is different and will react differently. Yohimbine is far better FOR ME, because it has very little side effects by comparison.

Remember. Its not illegal because its dangerous, its illegal because its effective.

Ask yourself why doctors in the US regularly hand out opiates, which are proven to be harmful, if your medical care was their primary concern.

I know that, but it's mostly about cutting sups. That would go through the customs