What a regular soda looks like in Norway

>What a regular soda looks like in Norway
Stay mad Amerifats

I'm Norwegian and have literally never seen this type of bottle

Shut it, I’m pretending that 25% of our populatiom isn’t obese.

how much do they cost?

1,5 dollar, probably going to increase with our new sugar taxes.

Would you buy one bottle with credit card?

fucking kek, not even a burger and i can get a 2l bottle for 1.5 dollar, used to be cheaper before we got a sugar tax as well

I believe they make smaller bottles to make them affordable. But I'm okay with it because I want to quit soda.

One of those is zero sugar though.

>credit card
Why would you own a credit card, at all?
Seriously, it's like having a permanent loan with shitty intrest.

Doesn't it count in the sugar taxes?

You need a credit history if you want to take out a mortgage

>Sugar taxes

Holy shit, nice nanny state you got there. Too bad you're a bunch of docile, glorified farm animals too bitchmade to start a revolution to get your F R E E D O M from this sort of oppressive social engineering bullshit like we did.

It's a joke, stupid.

>implying finns drink non-alcoholic beverages

Pretty much this. I know people who just got shitty cards purely for credit history. My friend wanted one to start a credit history and her bank fucking rejected her because of a lack of history, so she had to go for one of these shitter 40% apr ones jist to get a foot in.

>sugar tax is a bad thing
People gorge on sweets and are lazy slobs if they're given the chance. When the general population has impulse control like a baby, you got to treat them like one

Then they still eat all their goddamn junk food, still end up fat, are poorer for it, some useless government bureaucrat or a campaign donator or some other parasite gets that money. Instead of someone who might have actually provided something of use to society in the private marketplace.

All this shit ever does is screw over people who actually work for a living. How the fuck do you think everyone here got so goddamn fat in the first place? A bullshit food pyramid encouraging 9001 servings of carbs a day plus corn subsidies out the asshole.

The State's solutions to the problems it caused in the first place only cause more problems, and the cycle repeats itself until the State collapses in on itself like a neutron star. Or like Rome.

Break the cycle. Stop being a Useful Idiot and encouraging this destructive horseshit.

t. 500lbs la creatura

Norwegian here.
what the fuck are those things? our bottles are literally the same as americans, except we don't have gallon jugs or whatnot.

I can handle my own weight thanks I don’t need to be taxed into submission like a stupid cuck.

well if they pay the tax, they will be poorer and poorer to the point they wont be able to pay for those junks and loose fat

OR we ENCOURAGE them to buy shit like junk food, cigarettes, alcohol and drugs, so only the strong mind and body will survive

just not the indifferent way inbetween please