How true is 'doing cardio for fat loss while trying to gain muscle is counterproductive'

How true is 'doing cardio for fat loss while trying to gain muscle is counterproductive'

Is this just lazy fucks or is what I've heard that cardio burns muscle too?

I'm bulking and have gained 6kg in a month...too much fat but not enough muscle to make it worth a cut

>ignores the attention seeking sluts
>mires the lads because they deserve it
What a lad

he's married you dumb shits

Cardio is good for fat burning but so is lifting. HIIT is good for weight loss and cardiovascular health, meme jogging isn't that great, and lifting is better than a jog, on average.

Cardio doesn't "burn" muscle - it burns calories you would otherwise use for building muscle and stresses your body on top of working out.

Indeed...don't suppose you have an answer to my ?

Thanks mvii

Don't be afraid to throw in some cardio OP. It's impossible for most people to say, train for a marathon while still bulking up, but you can increase your cardiac fitness at the same time. In fact, it's important to have a good heart if you want to lift big ass weights and recover from it. Plenty of excellent powerlifters do a ton of work that would be considered cardio, but they're not going out and running miles. The most extreme example would probably be Matt Wenning, who has an absolutely freakish work capacity.

Why the fuck are you doing a +1500kcal bulk

Just to be clear hiit is like sprint not sprint etc

>he isn't bulking 1500 kcal/day

3000 Cal's is what I'm doing where did I say 1500

Cheers mate

6kg a month is +1500. If your goal is aesthethics you're eating way too much.

And how the fuck would I have gained six kilos in under a month on a deficit

Cardio isn't for fat loss.

It's for cardiovascular health. It helps your heart, your blood vessels, endurance, and imo well being.

I lost 10kg in a coma and just started training to get gains back so muscle memory and the fact I was so skinny is why so much

you don't burn hardly any calories lifting weights for an hour
you burn more calories in an hour of cardio, but most online calorie burn calculators will tell you completely false information and wildly overestimate by 300-400%
I know this because I'm a competitive cyclist that has actual tools to measure caloric expenditure and have done labs which give much more accurate estimation

In an hour of weight lifting, a average 150 lbs man will burn maybe around 100 calories
In an hour of cardio, an average 150lbs man will burn 300-400 calories, you have to get into extremely hard training to burn north of 800cal in an hour- IE an hour where your HR is 95% max. Not many people get into it at that level.
Thats like half a cliff bar in an entire hour of lifting weights.

Pendulum is starting to swsing on this, LSD has a place for modifying stroke volume, its just not the only solution you need anymore.

>walks 2 hours for 10km/6.21miles
How do you feel about that.


It's about 1000 calories.



Whats the best type of cardio, for how long and how many times a week? I jog 3 times a week for 30 mins at moderate intensity. I love running and would't like to remove it completely. HIIT is really that good?