How do you fit in exercise when you have an 8-5 office job?

How do you fit in exercise when you have an 8-5 office job?

Veeky Forums is all neets

I have 4 hours of free time, idk what you're doing

Gym after work? Its not that hard

You go to the gym before or after work. Are you retarded? Put down your game of normies for a few hours a week you lazy fuck.

Do it when you get home. Shower, if you need to reset. Then do an hour. 30 mins cardio, 30 mins of lifting. Then eat and relax. Assuming you are home by 5:30 if you start working out at 6 then you'll be eating by 7 if you pre-prepare meals on your days off. Then you're free to shitpost and watch netflix until bedtime.

>you get off at 5pm
nigga the fuck
you have loads of time to go to the gym
you're just making excuses

I run two businesses and work on the weekend. ppl 6 days a week, I go backpacking or cycling on the 7th

larp, post body, etc

um...go at 6pm?

go at 5 am

Before 8 or after 5. I work 5 to 5 and still get it done. You just gotta make it a priority user.

Go after 6 or before 7

I have a 45 minute commute

>not doing chinups on the bars in the bus

I work 8-6, get home around 7. I lift and run after work

Id walk 45 mins to do legs day then wobble my ass 90mins back home. Your just making excuses

In my country is 8-6 :(

>not lifting on your lunch break

Like everyone else does?

You think you're special? Fuck you

I do too, sometimes an hour w/ traffic
Find a gym on thats on the way there and/or back

Military fag here, a 9 hour work day is an easy day. I've worked the last 3 Saturdays. If I can find time to lift your lazy ass can.

I work 8-5pm too with a 20 minute commute each way.

I get up at 5am and lift Monday-Friday. Sometimes I do a 2-a-day and go after work as well. You have plenty of time.

My dad and I both get up at 5. You get used to it. Make sure to wake up with high energy so you're hyped to start your day

45 min commute is a good day for me

I just bring my gym stuff in a bag, leave it in my car all day, then I go to the gym on my way home after work
it's not that hard

Pretty much. You have to keep in mind that most of this board consists of 19-ish year old college students that have plenty of free time along with metabolisms firing on all cylinders allowing them to make easy gains.

>working abroad in construction
>living with coworkers
>have to be ready by 6 because a bus picks us up
>commute is like 40 minutes
>work starts at 7
>we work till 6 pm
>back at our quarters by 7 pm because we always go shopping after work
>have to prepare food and take a shower cause it's a dirty job
>still manage to do a bodyweight workout
>in bed by 9pm so I can get up at 5am
holy shit OP just give up

Seriously faggot? You should have plenty of energy.

Try lifting after an 8-9 hour physical labour job. Starting your workout already fatigued sucks.

Go before work and load up on caffeine.

8-4:30 here
I go afterwards

Once summer comes I'll get myself to go before work but right now it's winter in Minnesota so I'm not exactly missing out on any daylight

australia: not even once

I work 8-4 and I get my ass into the gym at 5:30

No excuses.

Stop wagecucking. You’ll make muscle and happiness gains.

You go either before 8 or after 5.. It takes 2 hours total for commute + workout time. Its like doing the dishes and laundry user, you dont want to do it, but you pick up a dish and start scrubbing it. Before you know it youre done and hey, it didnt take that long after all did it? Just do it man. You dont have to be motivated and pumped, you just show up and lift and go home.

Like really wtf else you gotta do man, sit here on Veeky Forums or argue on /pol/?

i have a gym in my office. i got around 5 when im done and crush a workout

Little bitch, I can work out while working 65-77 hours a week then so can you

I have fucking 1,5h to commute and I don't cry. Move your arse fatso

You can do a calisthenics workout in 20 minutes. You can do HIIT cardio in 20 minutes. Pull up day > cardio day > push up day - repeat. lol

i walk 2 miles to work, then i go to the gym after work and walk 2 miles home. i'm also not that happy

Do you have any cavities?

I work 12 hours - labour, days and nights and still have time to gym

>The Year of Our Lord 2018
>not being a NEET and focusing only on lifting and diet
>thinking you're gonna make it

I wish I could be a NEET but the US doesn't have much in the way of neetbux.