Start eating clean

>start eating clean
>my shits are 1000x better
reminder that dirty bulking is a fucking meme

dirty bulking sounds like a trend that originated in the grindr scene

>don't know what the first one is
>only eat a burger like once a year
>don't like cola
>never tried a taco in my life
>last time I eat cake was in 2012
>I don't eat potatoes (any kind)

yeah, they'd say shit on the grindr profiles like down n dirty bulkin, plug the chocolate icecream machine.

They'd dirty bulk and then have someone fuck them in the ass while their butthole was full of fluid state fecal matter and it would pour the fuck out. Really fucking disgusting!

>tfw I eat healthy and still got diarrhea sometimes

I hear dey eat da poo poo

I reduced coffee, severely reduced alcohol, and quit cigarettes and my shits are way better. wow

What are you eating? Fiber will generally help with diarrhea. I started eating oatmeal and an orange every morning for breakfast and haven't had an issue in months.

>Eating 1500 calories a day for the last 3 months
>mostly chicken breast, rice, grilled or raw veggies, fruit, and hot sauce
>occasionally whole wheat pasta or bread
>loose squirty shits every couple of days

When I was a fatass eating fast foods and junk almost every day I had great shits actually

what fruits? wheres the oats?

Tomato, berries, apple, mango, banana, orange/clementine

drop some carbs and sub in beans. Kidney, black, refried whatever. You'll be gassy for a week or 2 before you acclimate then it's healthy log mode.

I included some black beans in one of my week's worth of prepped lunches a few weeks ago and didn't notice any difference in gas or stool

use myfitnesspal and actually track your shit. I find I rarely get over 20g of fiber even if i'm trying. Men are supposed to get 30+ per day.

>doesn't know the Arby's classic beef n cheddar (TM)

I shit like five times a day, I think it's the coffee

>been eating clean during my cut, feel good
>browsing Veeky Forums and the pictures make fast food look good
>get some buffalo chicken tenders and tater tots
>all within my calorie budget
>soggy tendies, crumbly tots
>doesn't even taste good
>finish up my shite meal chewing carrots and wanting to kill myself
This is shit.

Addendum: fast food just really isn't worth it. Also, most people have too little or too much fiber. Slowly up your intake to recommended levels. Too much fiber can make you constipated or have watery shits, too.

My shits have been terrible lately, diarrhea frequently and stomach pains. Could it be due to too much fat and shit food in diet?


I don't have that in my shithole

>tfw you don't have diarrhea or solid logs but instead have this kind of sticky consistency that doesn't come out all the way that you need to scrape off your asshole


You may be alive, but can you say that you've ever lived?

hungry as a fucking beast on campus and nothing to eat
eating chick-fil-a grilled “””nuggets””” rich is essentially grilled chicken breast cut up. 210 calories and I’ll much some blueberries. Pic is breakfast, all in an omelette. Should I be eating bacon daily? First time I ate bread in two weeks...

>Just ate this Costco hotdog
>is at least 550 calories
>still feel hungry

I can't tell if I'm actually hungry or that my stomach acid is going into overdrive because it's crap food

>1980 kcal
what are you trying to prove?

>You haven't lived unless you've eaten shit food
American detected

>browsing Veeky Forums
nigga what are you doing? most of Veeky Forums is trash alcohol/fast food garbage not suitable for a Veeky Forumsizen

very rarely will you get good threads like

ITT: newfags that don't know what dirty bulking is

aw shit i forgot the crossboard links

Well, there's almost no actual food there.
It's an expensive hot dog shaped delivery system for chemicals designed to make you eat more in spite of it being calorically dense.
That caloric density is part of the addictive mechanism.

>eat healthy
>still get runny shits at times

If I eat too much oats, I get the runs. If I drink too much milk, I get the runs. If I eat my eggs with coffee instead of separated, I get the runs.
I might just be fucked up or something. But to be honest, if I avoid any of this my shits are fine. Even if I eat unhealthy for a week, my shits are still fine.

>shit food
Maybe if you go to some shitty chain like Taco Bell, but a good hole in the wal Mexicanl place is delicious.

since getting fit again, i shit way to much now, even if i shit before i lift half way through the workout i bowels are tell me its time once again. it can be 3 fucking times each workout and its a fucking pain. and yes i eat right.

god damn, youd be worse than vegans when going out for lunch

How is $1.50 for a quarter pound all beef hot dog "expensive"?


>he thinks fast food gives bad diarrhea
Try GOMAD for the ultimate diarrhea

>That pic of a morbidly obese type 2 diabetic man who's two hot dogs away from a heart attack
Have fun with that porkins.

GOMAD gives me great poops. I feel cleansed afterwards

Missing the prime villain.

>them solid nowipe shits
great texture, easy evacuation and no foul smell

Look up psyllium husk it helped me user

>implying that is a picture of me
Have fun with that trolling.

I dgaf about health, but after learning how to cook fast food just sucks to me now.

I started making my own ice cream last summer. Makes any store-bought premium brand taste like no-name garbage in comparison. It's great.

you realize that's not a sign of healthy diet with those heavy bowel movements, right? enjoy your hemorrhoids and eventual colon cancer.

>laxative for diarrhoea

Completely honest here, my main motivation for eating clean is better shits. I was having extreme problems with my asshole. Lots of fiber means you don't have greasy shit stuck to your asshole that you have to scrub off. I literally was walking away with a bloody asshole every other day. Eating clean is so much better.

You realize solid and great texture is not the same as shitting rocks, right? enjoy your retardation and eventual brain cancer.

What do you have against potatoes? Sweet potatoes are God’s food and normal potatoes are fine as long as you don’t deep fry them.

Great Texture isn't no wipe.

Even normal potatoes are fine fried as long as you don't over fry them. The "hard" part about frying is getting the temperature of the oil right. If it's too high, you burn the outside before it can be cooked through, and if the temperature is too low the food absorbs the oil and makes it greasy.

I don't drink coffee, I don't drink alcohol, I only eat homemade food, and my shits have been broken up pieces that float for the past 6 months.
Before that they always had little tiny bits of light colored specks in them.

I'm not falling into this politician tier debate rabbit hole over what is considered great turd texture

>tfw IBS (C)
>can't have more than 100 grams of protein
> never get the runs like everybody else who eats tons of fried foods
>can eat clean as possible and still only poop 3 times per week
>prunes and miralax just make me unbearably gassy

Maybe you have IBS? Some people just get the shits no matter what they eat due to inflamed intestines

>tfw recognize every single items brand and price range from years of fattyness

You could be eating too much roughage and fiber.

Try kiwis and pineapples, that will help if your body and plus kiwis have a lot of fiber and enzymes to break down proteins Plus pineapples have enzymes to break down carbs

oh, but i think you will fall into it. clearly, you have A TON of free time on your hands since you don't have to waste hours wiping like the rest of us

starting eat oatmeal every day

shitting has been damn near perfect


Too much fat in diet, look it up

you might aswell be a veganigger

OK? Thanks for letting us know

Possibly. Never actually thought about this.
Maybe. I tried eating less fiber and it seemed to work at first but I still manage to get the runs from time to time even after lowering fiber consumption.

>eat at indian restaraunt once and clog toilet

>get an indian gf and start constantly shitting blood
dont know how the brits survived it...

I don't really eat fatty foods though. Unless peanut butter counts

>tfw I never get diarrhea or upset stomach no matter how terrible I eat.
bowelets, when will they learn?

Why is my stomach always loud as fuck whether Im hungry or not?

It's either loud hunger pangs or loud as fuck digestion. It's embarrassing, which is why I have a fear of being in quiet classrooms or offices.