Mini men, mini mini mini men wish death upon me

>mini men, mini mini mini men wish death upon me

He was talking about manlets, right ?

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Dude tupac is 5'5 he wouldnt rap that about him self.

That doesnt make sense

>black people dont even have to lift and they look like this
fuck i hate being white

50 lifted a fuckload when he was a coke dealer. His early stuff is great to listen to in the gym. It’s like his songs were made to bench to the beat.

Its many men you retard not mini men

>tfw la creatura
I wish I was full black so at the very least being bald isn't anything to think twice about

Kek blacks are the fattest demographic in muttland

thy’re the most athletic people on Earth you stupid faggot

Are you white tho


He was also on the juice. He got caught up in a HGH ring in the 2000's along with some other rappers.

>This is what manlets actually believe

>defending niggers


Heres Tyler the Creator he's never lifted in his life and eats shit like waffles/cereal for dinner.

>if we call this retarded circus show " the strongest man on earth" where fat fucks on 10g of gears compete with each others maybe people will believe it

There are plenty of NIGGERS lurking on this board you stupid fucking animal. Of course we're going to advocate for our kind.

k i l l y o u r s e l f


Dat der negro genetics.

Stop eating fried chicken and gravy 24/7 and negros get instacut.

Nigga, tyler is like 5'1

He´s also a midget.

i looked like that too, when i was 8 years old and i wore the same baseball cap at the skate park, but nobody likes a dyel so time to grow up slave negro

Tyler is 188 cm tall, dumbass


50 was confirmed on roids

Also barely eating anything, doing a ton of drugs and later doing an excessive amount of cardio while performing and being in tour helps

>Not going to the clink for free free weights
That's why he is rich and you are not

>Missing the joke this hard


What is Hmong?



>getting b8ed this hard

Whites still hire me, black women still love me. I don't have to grow shit , cracker kike.

Taking it in the ass daily is a great workout I hear.

Whites can look like this with no training too, Em would look similar after a 1-2 week coke bender after this pic I'd imagine.


>never saw the In da Club video

Nah, it's Mini Men. He was talking about Ja Rule, a known manlet.

Tupac didn't rap that...


Shady lifted like crazy dude, there was a solid part of his life where he tried to replace drugs with working out like a madman


Actually Eminem worked out and lifted alot. Tyler lifts nothing and his physique is still better.

Is GRoDT the greatest rap album to lift to? I have been listening to it a ton while lifting and it's so hype

it's a classic for sure

Wish def pun me

I put a hole in a nigga fo fuckin wiff me

> Em started getting into workout DVDs like Shaun T’ Insanity, P90X, and Body Beast.

No one told him about SS. Sad. Imagine what he could've become.

>that black gym staff who occasionally plays songs from GRODT on the gym's speakers

I don't mind if he plays wiz khalifa the rest of the time, it's still better than the shit the gym usually plays

I'm honestly hard pressed to find a rap album that I prefer to this. 50 Cent GOAT.

these rappers are on roids you stupid troll

This image perfectly encapsulates America in 2018
>braindead normie white people literally screaming with enthusiasm as a band of half-feral niggers loudly rave in ebonics and jump around shirtless like chimps onstage

Dude chill out. Some people have different music tastes. I hate niggers too, but if some of them make good music, I'll listen to their music.

You've never been to a Rock or Rap show have you?

don't be so fucking dense...