I can't afford Gym

I have Chronic Depression and Want to go to the gym but can't afford it. So I am going to leave my Paypal here and see what happens.
Apparently, some guy donated 7k to a bitch on here. I just need 30 pounds for a month's gym membership.


Only gonna Bump this once and see what happens. If people are saying get a job then they dunno how it is. The point of the gym is to get out and get a routine and become more active other than to just stay in bed all day everyday and do nothing

I want to become better but Im just an empty shell. I need to go to the gym and create a new me.

You'll have better luck if you link the gym itself, and see if they let you pay online for a membaship. That way someone can buy your memabshif for you and youa won be supicios of being gypsy

Work out at home.

>If people are saying get a job then they dunno how it is. The point of the gym is to get out and get a routine and become more active other than to just stay in bed all day everyday and do nothing

That's the point of a job. Going to the gym isn't gonna cut it. You need to make yourself feel useful so get a job first. This will help you "create a new me."

Well I do apply for alot of jobs but noone is hiring. Thinking of getting an apprenticship in fucking food prep simply because it would be some money

shoo shoo gibs goblin

Look into your public options breh. I go to a nice free public people with a weight room, also free.

I PM'd you dude check and reply

Welcome to adulthood where we do shit that we don't want to do. When I was broke I filled some bottles with sand and got some dumbells and barbells from ebay and did a lot of cardio in the park and forest

Stop begging you pathetic animal

I dont see anything :L

dont see it

guess what kid sometimes you have to take shit work until something better opens up. I worked at a movie theater and a whole foods before I got my current job. Probably made less than $10k in a year, but I could afford basic stuff like gym.

why would I donate to someone who won't even commit to a basic gym routine

You sound like a lazy asshole.

sent, keep refreshing

Get a job

If you haven't done bodyweight exercises at home yet why the fuck do you think you'll have the motivation to go to the gym??

Don't even think about going to gym till you can do at least 30 pushups, 40 squats and 50 crunches at home.

>an exercise
Th absolute state

*public pool

Or even a minimum 1 minute plank....autismo

Dont call me autismo roody poo

The world is your gym
Jog outdoors, most parks have pullup bars, more recently outdoor gyms have popped up all across the country and they're free
Stop being a faggot

kill yourself


the park is full of muslim children and i feel awkward


You can just tell she's a whore