Tfw hungover

>tfw hungover

What do to get rid of this Veeky Forums?

stop drinking alcohol you cuck

I'm not a beta cuck who stays sober

>boohoo i have no charisma without alcohol
keep coping i'm not the one who's hungover every sunday morning i make gains

>hur dur how do I get rid of hangovers?
Stop drinking you fucking retard. Permanent solution to your retarded problem. A thread died for this

Vitamin b6 and b12

anti alcohol faggots are worse than vegans. Drinking is great fun. I'm well aware of the consequences you patronizing pricks

lemon water, just water with slices of lemon

This. they're a joke

Just drink a lot of water and if eat something. Then drink some more water.

Well, first you need to understand what a hangover is. Your brain is normally floating in a solution of cerebrospinal fluid. The reason you get drunk is that alcohol enters the cerebrospinal fluid and interferes with the more sensitive parts of the brain, such as inhibition which is what causes the euphoria. Your body tries to flush out the alcohol by flushing out the cerebrospinal fluid, which is why you piss so much. But the cerebrospinal fluid gets lost quicker than it can be replaced. If you drink too much you get really dehydrated and your braincase doesn't have enough csf. So you brain hangs from the top of your skull and that stretches out the ligaments and that's the pain you feel.

So just drink a ton of gatorade and rest it off.

Hangovers involve throwing up 10x

Water, food and rest
If you want to cut your hangover in 2, drink as much water as possible before going to bed drunk, but that will rarely happen.
I kinda like the day when im hungover without the headache.
Im so comfy, warm and dont move much.
I jack off a lot, my dick gets intensely hard and i just have to release.
I eat tuna with a lot of pepper and garlic, a bit of bread too.
Or i fry eggs and bacon and dip bread into leftover grease.
Sour food is excellent, but dont eat it without meat or eggs.
Then the sugar cravings will begin, everything feels 4 times sweeter than what it really is

why are dreams so vivid when sleeping drunk?

You don't dream when you're drunk

I get hangovers but I don't vomit unless I drank like two fifths.

Get big so alcohol doesnt hurt you as much

I get the same thing. No clue.

i did
people were running up to my face and it was kinda scarry
Then i saw my english teacher and i got super hard and fucked her
her vagina was odd so i didnt even put it there i fucked her in the ass
Then her head fell off
Then i picked it up and rammed my cock in her mouth
Jizz was dripping out of it as i came what seemed like an explosion in my balls, my dick was way too sensitive to continue
so i put her head back on and i woke up in a puddle of my own cum, some drool and a very dry nose and a headache
It was 2 in the afternoon on a sunday and outside my room which was opened, my gf was angry, bitching and turned on the vacuum cleaner
One that has water as a filter, really loud
Then i woke up again, i was back to normal, i dont have a gf and i have no idea where the roar came from

Frank Yang type shit


Keep drinking.

>I have no charisma without alcohol

Who else suffers from this? My voice never cracks when I'm drunk and I feel like I sound like a cooler dude who knows what he's talking about.

Post-weed dreams (For example if you've been smoking several days in a row, and then stop) combined with high quality magnesium. Now we're talking next level dreams.

Same here. Problem is I don't know when to stop. A couple drinks in and I can talk to people easier. Every time I've been with a girl we met when I was buzzed. Problem is I can feel my buzz slipping away so I have another drink. I've had a few alternative violent or weepy episodes when I blacked out. But it's the only way I can talk to people.

If you drink more it won't be a hang over

Aside from not being a soyboy? Drink a Bloody Mary.

drink a shitload of water just before going to bed

I know it won't help you now, but next time - before drinking - drink a tea made of black pepper and Turmeric; have this along with natural fats such as avocado or macadamia nuts, and you'll be golden

>hay guise how do I fix a problem that I caused myself by being a poor self-controlled KEK ?

eeehhh have you tried not being a drinking KEK ? Dont drink it if you CANNOT handle it you fucking sperglord

LMAO I didnt know the word C-U-CK is getting replaced with KEK now ......... pretty shitty tbqh

got these pills against dehydration. electrolyte replenishment thingy. Not in any way marketed as a hangover cure, so it actually works.

Take those, drink a few liters of water, shower, go for a run, shower again, eat plenty and drink coffee. You're a new man.