What does Veeky Forums think about this sweet white creamy goodness?

What does Veeky Forums think about this sweet white creamy goodness?

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best invetion since the internet


best invent since bread

I'm unsure if it actually gives estrogen or not. It has such amazing macros, but the very fact that the "Got Milk?" campaign existed makes me suspicious.

I drink a gallon a day

>beef, it's what's for dinner
oh no jews!

Been unironically doing halfGOMAD. And now I crave milk. Shit is so tasty. Good macros. And keeps me hydrated.

Only downside is acne like a motherfucker

>What does Veeky Forums think about this sweet white creamy goodness?
I like where it comes from.


Chubby bitch, I bet those heavy udders hang low

>tfw no personal wet nurse to fuel your gains

not as low as your roastflaps hang, chestlet

Worry no longer
>After the intake of cow milk, serum estrone (E1) and progesterone concentrations significantly increased, and serum luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone and testosterone significantly decreased in men. Urine concentrations of E1, estradiol, estriol and pregnanediol significantly increased in all adults and children.

Haven't drank milk in a year dont miss it at all


>biggest and strongest dudes of yesteryear drank tons of milk (raw, un-jewed)
>some fag says not to

Those dudes of yesteryear didn't drink estrogen ridden milk.

I get my milk from a local organic farm and it is unpasteurized and unhomogenized.

Being this wrong
Samefagging your shitty reply

Fuck. What's the alternative?


cancer and the very reason cattle gets unnecessary tortured every day

Vegans pls leave

Pasteurization and homogenization have nothing to do with it, it comes out of a cow that has been perpetually pregnant and lactating for years

>implying strongmen of yesteryear got milk from cows that never lactated

Milk has a ton of sugar. Unsweetened almond milk is goat

>best milk alternative
>still has shit macros

No, they just didn't lactate all the way through pregnancy.
Also, it's not like your body isn't going to convert excess estrogen into test. Or like you aren't getting growth hormones from that shit to compensate. Those guys also ate red meat and lifted.
The question was: does milk raise estrogen?
The answer is yes.



nobody gives a shit if it "raises estrogen" if it also raises test and makes you big and strong. and provides growth hormones. No need to take things so literally if you know what he meant.

turns you into a faggot

This guy walks up to you in Whiterun and calls you a puny milkdrinker, what do you do?

Milk truck just arrived


The present data on men and children indicate that estrogens in milk were absorbed, and gonadotropin secretion was suppressed, followed by a decrease in testosterone secretion. Sexual maturation of prepubertal children could be affected by the ordinary intake of cow milk.
It does not "also raise test". Raising estrogen does not mean you can't get big and strong.

>Raising estrogen does not mean you can't get big and strong.
what point are you argiung? that drinking milk will accomplish everyones goal of getting big and strong (Veeky Forums), but may raise estrogen, but it wont matter anyway because our goal was accomplished?

pretty sure there were some jacked dudes 150 years ago when all there was to drink was fresh farm milk and since more modern times men have been getting more and more pussified while drinking less milk.

>watch out we got a What the Health retard everyone

scream in his fucking face and leave the room

Getting big has more to do with you lifting weights and getting enough protein than your sex hormone levels, which are more affected by your testicles than your diet.
Relative to anything else which fulfills your macro requirements, milk is inferior.
We do not have data on milk from 150 years ago but we do have data on milk from 2009 which indicates that it raises hormone levels associated with growing breasts and decreases those associated with developing muscles.

Friendly reminder to everyone in this thread to drink as much water as milk otherwise you'll get kidney stones.

I used to have like three or four glasses a day before it started giving me diarrhea. My genes suck.

I'm talking raw milk from a clean farm whos cows roam a pasture, not 2009 jew milk.


Milk didn't used to come from cows that are pumped full of hormones to increase production


the farm i get my milk from doesnt do any hormone pumping. Its literally cows walking around shitting and eating grass. These dudes are hippy as fuck.

I'm Irish so we get actual milk and not the low fat powdered watered junk.

Is good. Drink at least two liters a day, usually 4-6

Gives me acne.

No thanks.

It makes my scalp itch real bad. Anyone know why?

milk's back on the menu

>drink milk every day
>also drink 500ml Quark every day


Research suggests that consuming dairy helps to prvent kidney stones. But whoever is right either way, everyone should be drinking, at minimum, 2 liters per day, but preferably a full gallon.

Neck yourself


>what does Veeky Forums think about milk
>after years of gomad memes

What the fuck kind of question is this?
Fucking newfags i swear

Hell yeah, I'm in Texas and I get mine from a farmer the town over, he trades me milk for beer since I work at a small brewery. We also have a dude who raises bees come in and trade us honey and bacon from his pigs he also keeps, not to mention all the venison and wild hog people give away after hunting season

>memes represent everyone's actual opinion