Used to be 350lbs for 10yrs+

>Used to be 350lbs for 10yrs+.
>I've had this pseudo gynecomastia since I was 10 (currently 26)

>Best approach to lose my stubborn man tits

Thanks Veeky Forums

Other urls found in this thread:


You're fucked. Enjoy your renewed health and pay for your past abuses.
>t. Guy who lost as much but had smaller titties

day one pic

Yeah, nothing short of surgery can fix this.

How much have you lost?

Just fast, walk and do mild excersises until you are 8% bodyfat.

supposedly fasting makes the body use up all material even loose skin

nice work but you'll need surgery desu

there is a fitness youtuber(not boogie) that did exactly this and made vids showing his body like this i think he got surgery too

Yeah... got quotes for $30,000.00+ for a full body lift, under arms, breasts, and legs...

Another victim of SS

Arms can be mended without the surgery. Mine actually looked worse when I lost. I wouldn't call my arms toned now, but zero loose skin after lifting 1 year.

Time machine

Fo sheezy though use your body to warn obese children what will happen if they don't get their shit figured out when they are still young.

better start saving up, or go to a third world country like spain where the doctors could kill you.

wtf dude? we have standards here in europe... geeez

I was 344 at 6'2" and I'm 240 now and we have similar stomachs, gonna go kill myself brb

Im really sorry man.

If its any consolation ive saved your pic. I will look at it whenever im tempted to skip the gym or eat garbage. Your efforts will not be in vain.

You had one chance at life and you blew it. It's the future you chose.

What's wrong with SS and SL?

I'm not sure about all that lol..

If you remember, let me know please!

Seriously...I'm a Grad student motivated to getting into Medical school. Hopefully can tie in public health and fitness once I'm an MD...

Ha, yeah right...

Yeah.. tell me about it...

Honestly, best advice I have is to acquire currency, then fuck models...

Fantastic. Glad I can inspire you homie..

Thanks captain hindsight...

your favorite activity must be waiting in line for government handouts. Seriously tho, every euro country except maybe Switzerland is a statist nightmare. Careful how you reply, I could have you arrested ;^)

Roid up so your massive muscles stretch your skin back out

>knows there is a problem
>won't change it
honestly, if you lost that skin you could have a life.

Build a time machine so you can stop your parents from giving birth to the man who would one day eat them

Waiting in line of my doctor, which doesn't cost me a fortune cause it is free you mean? :)

probably the cheapest option


>government demands 60% of your salary
>regulates the shit out of private enterprise

It's sad how deluded most euros are. They don't realize they are still living under an aristocracy.

I did change it? I lost over 100+lbs, BUT IM HEALTHY...

It may not look it, but I feel healthy when I run, lift, and do daily activities...

Fuck I used to have a hard time getting my shoes on, and would start sweating bullets...

I sat next to a 400lb guy on the plane (he was in the middle seat) and he had his elbows crossed the whole time because he had know where to put them..

For fucks sake, crossing your legs while sitting... shit...

Lesson learned is don't take the vessel you inhabit for granted..

Believe me...I've made changes man..

You've still got a better body than my gf

don't fall for the fasting meme

>reddit spacing
But seriously, why don't you want to look good?

The only correct answer. You just have to be as massive but with raw muscle.

it works though, have you ever seen pictures of famine victims

they didn't start fat

get a very strong rope and chair

Are you retarded?

I'm not retarded... this guy is though I know nothing about Steroid use...Highly unlikely option for me


I earn the equivalent of $100k in my country and pay ~20% of it to taxman.

Boy it must suck to be American having no workers rights.

>in my country

If you're in england, fuck off. We're full. Go back to Romania.

>be mutt
>go outside
>get shot by rampaging niggers in the middle of a black history month protest
>SJW dykes see you get shot and form a ring around you to try and stop the paramedics from reaching you
>when the paramedics finally find you they realize you can't afford the $50k health insurance
>die to a cacophony of niggerspeak chimpouts and feminazis screaming in your ear
>as you pass out from the blood loss you think to yourself "at least I don't have to pay as much tax as those commies in Europe!"

I mean... you might be retarded. You can count your options on one hand: diet and exercise, which probably won't help that much more but is theoretically realistic. Surgery, which would really help. Fasting, which could help. What is the point of this post?

you disgust me

born and bred here mate

You're a middle class prick with an elitist attitude. Well done on making a few pennies more than someone who actually works for a living. You stepped inside a NHS hospital recently? Its like being in the third world. Its fucking disgusting and its a diagrace what our politicians have done to this country.

How about you fuck off fatty enabler
We need more people like OP who are willing to look at themselves and decide to put in the effort to better themselves

I was born into a working class family living in a council house, sorry that I'm more successful than you.

And yeah, I have been in an NHS hospital recently, it's awful. I'd happily pay more tax to improve the service.

You have to go back moische.

>/pol/ invades another thread


You sound like a chav faggot from Yorkshire who still blames "maggy fatcheh" for all your problems

Appreciate the support..

Seriously wtf, at least it's keeping my thread alive



you seem like you aren't gonna actually take any advice here but you are still pretty overweight, not just from the skin but from the looks of things you are still in the obese BMI category. a lot of the time people will go from like 350ish to 230 or so and think that's a healthy weight and look at their loose skin and not realise that there's a ton of fat attached to it.

not sure what your height is but i'd suggest getting down to around about 170 lbs before you consider your loose skin

60% hahaha.

Try nothing on the first £11,500 and 20% income tax thereafter.

Oh wait, you pay income tax right? Right, yeah you do. And you get NOTHING for it. So what is your argument again? We both pay income tax, yet I get free unlimited healthcare for life, and you get fuck all. Enjoy.

lol, judaism has nothing to do with religion. the catholic archbishop of colone is jewish and he absolutely hates Christians, Germans and especially Jesus Christ.


this is too much /pol/ for me

Except NHS has long fucking waiting lists and your health care professionals are of a lower quality. Prove me wrong, protip, you can't.

I wholeheartedly agree with you.

I suppose I need to kick it up a notch, but I'm seeking advice on what type of exercises can help, as I have been struggling for the past 9 months in cutting away at my breasts and stomach area...

The difference is, if you are poor as fuck you are still guaranteed care. Someone more well off can just get private health care.

Also, see this:

United Kingdom Overall health system performance : 18th

United States Overall health system performance : 37th

At least you have the most profitable healthcare system :^)

>most profitable healthcare system
>implying this is bad

>asks for help on how to look better
>someone takes the time to give advice on a surgery free, easier way to look better
>proceeds to call them retarded and wont consider even trying
you are an ugly piece of shit on the outside and the inside

What is the problem here? we are wealthier so we can spend more. we have about 6 times the population of the UK

Don't be a doctor, you're clearly retarded.

no exercises will help that's not how fat and loose skin works, you can't fill skin out with muscle and have it disappear it will still be there.

the only way to get rid of the actual skin is via fasting and even then it's pretty much totally based on genetics

>equivalent of $100k in my country
That is MAX 60k in the US and it is actually pitiful that you consider that to be a large amount of money.

">knows there is a problem
>won't change it
honestly, if you lost that skin you could have a life."

"But seriously, why don't you want to look good?"

What the fuck are you talking about..

If this is you... you gave me vague, unrelated, and incoherent responses to my posts...

I'm genuinely confused...

>thinking taxes can save your abysmal healthcare system

How's that boot taste, commie faggot.

You were meant to go boar mode. You're fucked now. You will never make it brah. RIP

not him but you look like this:

Wait a fucking second...

You guys are seriously telling someone that fasting is an actual option to tightening of skin and fat loss...

I genuinely believed that you're trolling...still do

>wait a second, you mean not eating causes your body to use fat for energy

I know you're baiting, but thanks for confirming the incompetent euro doctor stereotype

Spain is one of the top countries on health care quality you ignorant fuck, you don't need to cook crystal if you get lung cancer like in your shitshow of a country

I went from 450 to 200 and my chest really started to reduce around 215.

My main problem these days are the slabs of back tits but those have been going away slowly too.

I think we both need to keep cutting much longer before we decide it's gyno. Looking at your pic, that's a shelf of fat that you haven't lost yet.

>implying it's good

>best on the world

Fasting and Dry fasting OP. Dont listen to these retards. These are the same people who told you to "eat 6 small meals a day to boost your metabolism".

DJ Khaled!

I'm not fucking stupid..

I know how FASTING state works between fucking meals.

WHAT you guys are suggesting is going into starvation mode.

The regulation of adipolysis is MINOR between meals... (FASTING)

Major Triglyceride breakdown of Free fatty acids will not occur until 24-72 hours of STARVATION

72 Hrs+ is when Adipose stores begin to deplete for production of KETONE BODIES (small 3 carbon sugars that are capable of crossing the BLOOD BRAIN BARRIER WITHOUT the assistance of ATP)

Yes...Glucose can cross the BBB, under conditions where you have the necessary ATP (ENERGY) for active selective transport across the BBB...

So please dont fucking sit here telling me that 'FASTING' works...

NO... starvation works...

Regardless, Thank you for your input..

This is not true.

Getting this assblasted over semantics..

Fasting is not eating, when you break your fast by eating you're no longer fasting. Not very difficult to comprehend, nice mental gymnastics though.

Fasting is considered a state of hypoglycemia which induces your body to break down glycogen into Glucose for ATP production...

Yes, you are using sugar stores.. This is not Triglyceride stores (FAT)...

Once your body has DEPLETED glycogen stores (by not consuming ANYTHING) then you begin adipolysis for energy

IF you are overweight... the odds that you have more glycogen stores available means that you have to fast EVEN longer than the average person before your body notices that you have no available sugar to produce ATP

The source is from USMLE STEP 1 First Aid...

Yeah.. I get assblasted when a bunch of fucking retards on the internet tell me to starve myself to tighten loose skin and lose weight

Prolonged starvation leads to protein degradation..
That's the whole fucking theory behind people's "DRY FASTING" regiment

keep on fighting motherfucker!

Dry fasting and surgery is the only two options you will ever hear, so get surgery, flappy



you're not even human

I'm going to keep doing diet and exercise for the next year, then revisit the possibility of surgery...

I'd like to get below the 200 mark before even considering surgery

I will man it's hard right now, but take it one step at a time

Good on you lad, you won one for us all

back to your magic broscience containment general

you cannot enter 'starvation mode' when you have sufficient fat or muscle stores in your body, which you certainly do.

research autophagy and how fasting works.

why are you even making these posts if you just tell everyone they are wrong and continue to do what you were going to do to begin with?

Dry fast my friend it worked for me with not that much skin tho, what really did work for me was doing weight lift for about a year slowly losing fat skin went back to normal i dint know about diet at the time i pretty much had eggs meat chiked and potatos never did cardio i had similar tits the idea was to get a muscle to fill them and really payed out but took quite the time good luck buddy

At this picture i weighed 112 kilos.
in the next picture ( which is fromt oday ) i weigh 77 kilos. we're all gonna make it trust me brother

Just fast lol


lawn mower/grass wacker with metal blades

You are right, and I am overreacting...

From my perspective, it just seems like a cleanse diet, and doesn't seem to be very ideal in the long run..

I'm presuming by slight fasting that you deplete basic sugar stores, so when you do exercise, the first thing to go is the fat..

My apologies for misconstruing everything and the subsequent name calling etc..

Woah, man... very impressive thanks for the motivation

what height ?

gives me hope that my bitch tits will disappear after i cut

Hey OP,

I lost ~20Kg and had lots of loose skin AND gyno so I had to go through gynecomastia. Don't listen to faggots ITT berating you, offering broscience solution or telling you you gained nothing. The VAST majority of Veeky Forums were, are and will always be skellies who have a hard time chugging down a protein shake; they will never understand the difficulty of losing weight ("lol just don't eat nigga like stop eating haha") and will never know what it feels like to carry all that around, or how it feels to finally have it gone. They blindly regurgitate whatever advice they read here who's bearer was adamant enough and clever sounding and will kick you down if you refuse it. From personal experience, and knowledge from speaking to 4 top surgeons and specialists and tons of reading actual medical articles, here are the facts:

1. You lost tons of weight and have more to lose. congratulations, you have more will and self-regulation than most of humanity.
2. Skin keeps contracting long after you're done losing the weight, between 6 and 12 months. You will not know how much you have to remove until maybe a year after you're at your target weight.
3. No honest plastic surgeon will operate on you while you're still losing weight, and will instead tell you to lose as much as you can and then wait several months so the skin finally contracts and firms up, otherwise you might still end up with loose skin.
4. Skin contracts to a finite point and no more, depending on your age, health, smoking habits, sun exposure and genetic makeup. No, you can't lose loose skin by fasting, rubbing skincare products or shia butter or other nonsense on it, that's complete horseshit. Anyone who had this "work" for them experienced the skin contracting on its own.
5. Your gyno might be so severe you may need free nipple graft; it sounds fucking awful but it gives the best results.

Good fucking luck my nigger. Not only can you make it, you ARE making it. Keep your chin up.

5.11 i think? we measue my centimeters, so i'm 180CM

>cook crystal if you get lung cancer
u wot m8