Alright Veeky Forums you've broken me down, now build me back up

Alright Veeky Forums you've broken me down, now build me back up..

I'm male 5'7 179 pounds and I want to lose this guy and put on muscle.

I don't know how to eat right!! I have autism so that just doesn't help I'm 22 and too poor for a gym any advice?

>tldr I need a rigid diet to follow and workouts I can do at home to get firm and get some muscle

Please help. I'm fucking useless without some kinda guidance here. I've been trying forever

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Alright man, first thing's first: have you tested your bodyfat percentage?

Btw, I'm autistic too--and coincidentally the same height. But, I've lost a massive amount of weight and built a pretty decent physique (180 lbs, 10% bodyfat, roughly 5'7.5"). It's totally possible, and autism can even be helpful.

Idk my body fat but I'm pretty chubby around the stomach. I was once 126 pounds so it's a lot of fat I suspect

I really don't understand how anyone can end up in your situation. You really are disgusting. I mean even your sense of entitlement, starting a thread like we're supposed to hold your hand through your journey. You're on the internet, there is unlimited free information about how to lose weight. You probably haven't even read the sticky. Nevertheless, I'll be empathetic and try to help.

Number one calories in < calories out. Try to buy foods high in protein. Keep your fats/carbs as low as possible and keep your daily calories below around I'd say 1500 but with trial and error you will see what works for you. Also using the fact your poor as an excuse is pathetic. Get a job and pay for gym. For now just go outside and run in the park and do some body weight exercises there.

This shit really is so simple, brainlet

I'm on disability. No money for a gym after bills to help out my mom for letting me stay here and my personal bills

Are you disabled? How so?

The tism

You memeing? I legit want to try and help. Also legit autists are often into fitness, the two compliment each other well

No. I have autism.

And I'm trying to get into it

Go here and calculate your bodyfat. You'll need a tape measure:

Aight you have bigger problems than losing weight then. Godspeed

Just go running round your block





>"Hey guys im a piece of shit witha shit excuse for getting healthy. Pls halp"
>Anons offer advice
>"I can't do that stuff because excuse excuse excuse and sacrifices are too hard."

Well then time for you to kys

Reading the sticky will answer literally every question you asked. Have at it autismo

You should diet,but don't take it too far.Don't be the guy who eats 1 slice of cheese pizza,and calls it a meal,or that guy who brings measuring cups and scales to Thanksgiving dinner.If sugar is the issue,then just do a whole 30.

6 weeks in and I've already seen improvement on my body, lost ten pounds and I'm going to lose more. first week will suck, second week will suck less, by the third week you're itching and motivated to go to the gym. it takes time, train, eat, sleep.

What's wrong with eating 1 slice of pizza.That's a sensible portion.

don't be a shithead, only brainlet here is you, and your example of a post.

The fact you eat only one slice and say that's a meal is unnerving.Don't be a brainlet,If you do slice of pizza then add a Caesar salad or some baked vegetables.

don't buy food anymore. take money from no buying food and get a gym membership.

There can't be someone so retarded that they call a slice of cheese pizza a sensible portion.Also,ive tried a whole 30,and I reccomend it to OP.

Actually, gyms can be expensive,especially in the overpriced state of California.Here in florida,I pay about 120 a month for my recreational center.To be fair,that also costs more because it has other amenities such as a pool,Game room,and snack bar.

it's $10 a month and 60 membership fee at the end of the year, not that expensive at planet fitness

Why would I only eat one slice of pizza?I would feel hungry after that.

don't worry about it brah
44% of Veeky Forumsizens are fatbodies

bitch a gym membership can be as little as 10 bucks a month. Eat chicken brocolli and rice, and lift. It's not fucking rocket science here. starchy carbohydrates for preworkout and protein for gains.