How do I get fit for the upcoming comi-race war in my country? Im assuming just SS wont work...

How do I get fit for the upcoming comi-race war in my country? Im assuming just SS wont work. Should I look up military routines? I have about 6 months.

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SS alone won't work
Try Waffen-SS

Do this

This seems shit.

Whatever martial art is popular in your country find a reputable local gym near you and go there.

You need SS fur when zee gassinks beginn

why does this guy hate white people when he is white himself?

because of the absolute state of (((white))) males nowadays

it's really hard to like white people nowadays, even the white supremacist hate half of them



you must be new here

>bodyweight squat

I do kickers, I do fuckinn twisters

In case you guys dont know whats up

>South Africa’s parliament has voted in favour of a motion that will begin the process of amending the country’s Constitution to allow for the confiscation of white-owned land without compensation.

Military routines would be good, start with the entry requirements. Don't go with regular infantry ones though, go for parachute regiment standards or something equivalent.

Cardio is absolutely vital, Hollywood muscles won't get you anywhere. Focus on functional strength. Learn to fight: Muay Thai and Boxing would be a good combo. Learn to shoot. Learn to navigate, light a fire, live off the land. Learn to lead. Get your mind to a place where you could kill without hesitation.

You have 6 months you say. Visit your local inner-city - you'll have the energy to do all the above in a fortnight.

Holy fucking shit. I thought that was going to end with Zuma being ousted.

We'll watch how shitty south Africa I'd going to become reaaal quick

beat me to it


>when he is white himself


Should I bulk the next 6 months?

>I have about 6 months
The race war is starting in 6 months!?

I fucking wish

Somewhere between now and 30 august.

Why 30 august