Please tell me what to do

Hey Veeky Forums I need help.

I am a stupid fat slob that wants to be fit and muscular but I need direct instructions on how to do this.

What information do you need first for you to be able to help me anons? Please I am desperate.

Other urls found in this thread:

read the fucking sticky

I can't piece the information together, I need direct instruction.


>I need direct instruction.
pay a professional to hold your hand

Poor, please user

you have to defeat me or this planet will explode in five minutes.
also stop eating so much, drink a protein shake in the morning, eat a normal lunch like veggies and chicken breast, and another protein shake at night. good luck.

and exercise or you'll get fat.

Does slimfast work?

Two protein shakes a day? Have I been doing it wrong this entire time?

loot of cardio
high reps
eat less

anything that fills you up, I usually drink herbalife, mix my shake with water and protein powder. and eat lunch at 2:30, and have a snack at 5 ish.
protein shakes don't have as many calories, and they fill you up because of protein, two a day is normal, dinner is what makes you fat and replacing a big meal with a shake cuts your calories without being hungry and suffering. and your body will get used to it, first days you might eat something after the shake and that's ok but dont make it into a habit.

Ok what cardio and for how long? Will this help:


Fuck off this is obvious bait.
5/7 made me reply.
Kill yourself and sage.

Just fast for two weeks, eat for 1 day and fast for another 3 weeks then eat for 2 days carry on till you reach your desired weight.

that's not good advice. people who lack willpower are usually fat, why would he want to be hungry all day for two weeks when he can eat sensibly and still lose amd not associate weight loss with hunger pangs?

Hunger is what he wants, he shouldn't just get used to it he should enjoy it
Can't speak for everyone but I started intermittent fasting from 18-6 working up to 23-1 until it was easy. Then my fast was easy too, after the 3rd day I only wanted food because I knew I'd enjoy it, not because of how my stomach felt

Fasting is disgusting.Also,that meager one day you eat,can you eat a shit ton of food?Or do you eat toddler portions?

Yeah,who would want to feel stomach pains from being hungry for 2 straight weeks?

Join a gym with proper weights and cardio machines. Do a program like Strong Lifts or Starting Strength or even just push pull leg routines. Go to the gym ideally everyday as long as you feel up to it, minimum of a half hour of cardio after every workout session. Don't consume calories after 9:00pm, Eat your first meal of the day at 12:30 or 1:00PM. Drink black coffee in the morning with splenda if you need sweetner. Eat vegetables like spinach and broccoli, try to limit sugar and empty carbs to zero this includes fruit. Think of carbs as fuel for the gym. Take a multivitamin, Omega 3, Vitamin D, Magnesium, Zinc, Creatine, and whey protein (after workouts). You need to get at least half a gram of protein per pound of bodyweight to prevent muscle loss. If you have a cheat day on the weekend, just make up for it by doing extra cardio, not ideal but it is what it is. Follow this plan for 6-12 months and depending on how much fat you have to lose, you will have a six pack.

>Download a calorie counter like my fitness pal
>track cal intake
>do cardio
>cardio does not mean you can eat more
>if you're fat get an informative reclining bike and sit your ass down and bike while watching TV
>if you can walk long distances walk
>once you can jog without risking your knees and feet start jogging
>swimming is great
>do some lifting too, burns less calories but still good
>once you're not fat just a little overweight move on to the normal fit routines.

It will take some time for your stomach to shrink. Most dets fail because it's too much too quick and people break. Just focus on calories and look up everything before you eat it. Eat based on the numbers. If you go out to eat look at some foods you may like and look at the numbers. Always pick the lowest number. Little things like that go a long way.

Read starting strength

Cut carbs and fats, but maintain decent calorie count

Do cardio everyday

It's worth the work if you stop being a fat piece of shit

You don't feel hunger pains for 2 weeks straight

I had to learn to tell myself "no".

No snacking between meals, no drinking calories, and no 2nd helpings at meal time

The self-control you establish by telling yourself "no" will help you progress