Lifting shoes thread

Would these be good for anything other than squats?

Any Olympic lifting or crossfit shit if you're gay.
They also help out with leg drive when benching.
Mainly squats though.

those look incredibly gay

I bought power perfect 2s and they are shipping to me. Can they be used for Olympic lifts and squats?

You look incredibly gay

I have the same shoes color and all. I'm not gay. I just like colors and don't like everything I own to be black, grey, or navy. Be a man and get whatever fucking color you want.

Also those shoes are great for beginners. Solid as fuck and the heel isn't too aggressive. I find it to be just right.

En verdad lo sientpo por quienes no pueden comprar los verdaderos mexicanos raza mostaza.
Sin acolchonamiento y frescos con madre!

Also squat shoes are good for benching as well. Angle helps with leg drive.

el ogrilo americano

I just use Chuck's but I want to get a nice pair of adipowers

I use Sneeds

I just lift in socks

Fuck off Paco

No shoes when lifting masterrace checking to remind you poofters I’m better than you all

I wear my adipower for all my leg workouts. I haven't even been doing squats the last couple of months

i'd rather wear gay clothes and be massive as fuck than wear clothes people think are "manly" with a skinny, "gay" body to match

>tfw sports doctor tells me i need lifting shoes because of how fucked my hip was
>tfw i have wide feet and none of them fit
>tfw i keep trying on different shoes
>tfw it keeps going up in price
>tfw i finally found a pair that fits
>$300 Romaloes fuck my life shoes

At least I made some gym friends because of these shoes but still.

Esos son mierda los zapatos para los exercisos que OP sta Hablando neccesittan ser plano

I own a pair. They're probably only good for front squats and high bar squats. They're not good for low bar (wrestling shoes are better) or deadliftings. They're pretty much only good if you do a lot of olympic lifting

they are good for all leg exercises. You're just retarded

I wear them on most days unless I'm doing agility training or HIIT

Only thing I don't like them for is deadlifts, but only if I'm going to 90% or greater.

back across the border with you, nacho libre

They will be good for cruising for gay sex
