So... is he /ourguy/?

So... is he /ourguy/?

Looks like a faggot so probably

He's actually fit so no

>likes lifting
>likes anime
>5'9 manlet like us
honorary Veeky Forumsizen

>also plays a nigger that wants to kill other niggers
one of us

Veeky Forums has a majority non-white users

Liking Naruto and DBZ doesn't make you a weab, it makes you a nigger

His favourite anime is School Rumble you fucking pleb

>>also plays a nigger that wants to kill other niggers

I kek'd


He plays evil characters.

Anime is for degenerates.

It's all part of the plan.

Not if I have anything to say about it.

>Anime is for degenerates.
>not lifting for based Guts

kys fag

like i said, manlet.

anime is next big jewish thing, dont believe a thing media tells you- most likely not even his own words

kys sheep

>Veeky Forums gets to deep into right-wing bs it turns against anime
First you came for the traps, and now anime?? Why are you fuckers even HERE for? THIS IS PLACE IS ALL ABOUT LIKING ANIME YOU FAGGOT GET OUT REEEEEE

Him and the lead are manlets

>DBZ and Naruto
>considered liking anime

Seems like another casual shitter. With that being said, he is still a good actor.

What’s with so many blacks liking anime? Do they like it ironically? Because I’ve seen them mention more than just dbz

not sure about black desu, spics love anime though.


It's just wanting to be a dichotomy. People want to be appear the opposite of their stereotypes. They sign up for whatever hobby they can that at makes them seem interesting in their own head, and pick whichever hobby/etc requires the least amount of work. For instance, to like anime, all you have to really do is disregard your sense of taste and you're finished.
I.e.: swole guys saying their into anime or origami, athletes who play videogames, beta males attempting to be the most romantic man in the world, girls being into Honda/"tuning". It is last-chance-grab from fear of realizing you don't have anything interesting about yourself unless you make some kind of chicken pot pie of interests and traits.

Of course, the majority of its users are Americans

>anime is the next big jewish thing

Nah i think they just like anime

Kill yourself also 1 from trips confirmed seppuku in order

>implying playing evil characters makes you hated

I'd be willing to bet the joker is probably one of the most liked characters of all time. People love vilans.

>you cant like anime casually
he never said he was an expert anime hobbyist

He probably just watches DBZ and Naruto that's it

Dude is hot af, no homo

>into streetwear/sneakerhead

He's the proof you truly need to be yourself if you ever want to make it.


Where Wallace at?

t. filthy wh*Toid

>anime is next big jewish thing


He is a tiny manlet that wears heel lifts so I guess in a way


animues for faggots and nigger lovers are typically faggots so if you're a raging fucking faggot he's probably your guy, faggot

this isn't /int/ friendo



hes 6ft? he was only 184 during the movie.... jesus did I just not notice that his legs were twigs or what??