The support guy of CONfido forgets to swap accounts before shilling this scam on telegram. Kek

The support guy of CONfido forgets to swap accounts before shilling this scam on telegram. Kek.
Did you guys receive your refunds?

no this was a big mistake he said. check his last comment on reddit. what, you don't copy comments like that into your clipboard, and then press paste accidentally?

no this was a big mistake he said. check his last comment on reddit. what, you don't copy comments like that into your clipboard, and then press paste accidentally
whoops I do it all the time

Reminds me of a time I sent a text to my side bitch sayin we guchi and I sent it to mah main hoe

no this was a big mistake he said. check his last comment on reddit. what, you don't copy comments like that into your clipboard, and then press paste accidentally?

no this was a big mistake he said. check his last comment on reddit. what, you don't copy comments like that into your clipboard, and then press paste accidentally
whoops I do it all the time

no this was a big mistake he said. check his last comment on reddit. what, you don't copy comments like that into your clipboard, and then press paste accidentally?

no this was a big mistake he said. check his last comment on reddit. what, you don't copy comments like that into your clipboard, and then press paste accidentally how does paste work

no this was a big mistake he said. check his last comment on reddit. what, you don't copy comments like that into your clipboard, and then press paste accidentally?

no this was a big mistake he said. check his last comment on reddit. what, you don't copy comments like that into your clipboard, and then press paste accidentally?

no this was a big mistake he said. check his last comment on reddit. what, you don't copy comments like that into your clipboard, and then press paste accidentally?

no this was a big mistake he said. check his last comment on reddit. what, you don't copy comments like that into your clipboard, and then press paste accidentally

no this was a big mistake he said. check his last comment on reddit. what, you don't copy comments like that into your clipboard, and then press paste accidentally?

no this was a big mistake he said. check his last comment on rebbit. what, you don't copy comments like that into your clipboard, and then press paste accidentally?

no this was a big mistake he said. check his last comment on rebbit. what, you don't copy comments like that into your clipboard, and then press paste accidentally?

no this was a big mistake he said. check his last comment on reddit. what, you don't copy comments like that into your clipboard, and then press paste accidentally?

no this was a big mistake he said. check his last comment on reddit. what, you don't copy comments like that into your clipboard, and then press paste accidentally?

Anonymous (ID: D9JpkBgZ) 11/22/17(Wed)04:08:08 No.4498579▶
no this was a big mistake he said. check his last comment on reddit. what, you don't copy comments like that into your clipboard, and then press paste accidentally?

no this was a big mistake he said. check his last comment on reddit. what, you don't copy comments like that into your clipboard, and then press paste accidentally?

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Anonymous (ID: GYJ8yZTe) 11/22/17(Wed)01:21:44 No.4498090▶ The support guy of CONfido forgets to swap accounts before shilling this scam on telegram. Kek.
Did you guys receive your refunds?
Anonymous (ID: NIQJh/5C) 11/22/17(Wed)01:47:49 No.4498358▶ no this was a big mistake he said. check his last comment on reddit. what, you don't copy comments like that into your clipboard, and then press paste accidentally?

Confido is Latin for "Trust"

You were all played by a literal 200 IQ pajeet who was laughing at you from the very start.

Now he probably has 3 different lambos to choose from.

(OP) #
Confido is Latin for "Trust"

You were all played by a literal 200 IQ pajeet who was laughing at you from the very start.

Now he probably has 3 different lambos to choose from.