There's a guy at my gym who looks really good (lean but not too much mass)...

There's a guy at my gym who looks really good (lean but not too much mass), but does retarded shit like back and chest on the same day, biceps and triceps on the same day, doing a lift every single session, and stuff like that. Does routine really matter for naturals? He kills it in the gym but his routine looks abysmal, yet he looks amazing. Thoughts?


Doing a lift every single session
Are you saying its bad that he lifts when hes at the gym?

Things that matter in the long run
Anyone saying different are dyel

>doing a lift every single session

No I mean I literally see him bench 4 times a week



>biceps and triceps on the same day

I assume you're a new lifter if you think this is wrong. Personally my routine is:


With a day off whenever I feel my body isn't 100%

Full body is optimal for naturals, squatting and benching 3 times a week is not a bad thing

this image really gets my noggi joggi

Where is your gym located? I might not be in the "really good" looking category, but I do all of those things. Isn't that normal?

He does a full body. Everyone is different, but my physique didn't really start to come together until I started doing a full body. I do a full body 3 times a week and have never been stronger or looked better. A split just wasn't for me

Crunch gym?

He dosen't bench 4 days a week

Natties have no choice but to do this.

Can someone please tell me what this means? Should I lift every other day? Should I lift everyday but not heavy lifts every day?

>Does routine really matter for naturals?
Nope. It's all about diet.

Full body is god tier. Splits are for faggots.

That's a good thing you fucking retard

>op does bro-splits

>bro splits

>Does routine really matter for naturals?
if you have diet, effort, consistency
as long as your routine is balanced, you'll do better than many people
and better than the masses that don't lift

I feel like full body is just better in every way, but I love going to the gym 5 days a week and couldn’t imagine working that much being good for you.

>biceps and triceps on the same day
Lol do you split arms into different days? Literally everyone I know does bicep/triceps/forearms on the same day. So many dyels on this board

"Optimization" is a meme
All that matters is consistency and not injuring yourself and occasional progression.

That's it.
As long as you are consistently training watching yourself and put in effort you will grow and maintain

>looks really good
>lean but not too much mass
>doing a lift every single session
>routine looks abysmal
>bench 4 times a week

Bitch. Fuck is wrong with you? Does he look good or is he just lean? Is his routine bad because he benches x4/week? That don't make no sense.

>"Optimization" is a meme
>All that matters is consistency and not injuring yourself and occasional progression

So, would you say that is optimal then?

Plausibly, full-body at 60-80% every 24hrs

You don't know what you are talking about.

God damn this post is retarded

>Tfw my sleep is consistently 6 hours or less

>tfw do back and chest on same day
>tfw do bicep and tricep on the same day

>how does theis guy at my gym look big
>but he benches like 4 times a week
what did he mean by this?

I do the same routine 3 times a week with little issue. Then again I'm overweight and my beginner gains are just catching up with what my strength should be at this weight. I'm also cutting and have been making progress every session. 95lb bench to 165 this morning. I expect my strength gains to stall hard as some point and it'll just be maintaining strength while losing weight

Most people who play sports don't really need a strict routine to look good.