Holy shit, chin up is so fucking superior to the pullup

Holy shit, chin up is so fucking superior to the pullup.

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=chest dips vs bench press&oq=chest dips &aqs=chrome.1.69i57j35i39l2j0.3585j0j4&client=ms-android-google&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8
google.com/search?safe=off&client=ms-android-google&ei=gAybWqyoFse4zwLP64HQDw&q=weighted chin ups vs deadlifts&oq=weighted chin ups vs de&gs_l=mobile-gws-serp.1.1.35i39l2j33i160l2.113596.118767..119491...4....136.1696.21j2..........1..mobile-gws-wiz-serp.....3..0j0i71j0i67j0i20i264j0i20i263j0i22i30.XyqW1VdqEk8=

>posts neutral grip pull up

It's still a chin up

But do you climb a mountain with a fucking chin up?


>not climbing mountains daily

>chin up is superior to pul up
>posts a pull up picture

> have to climb over a stone wall
> fail and die because I only trained chin ups

But it's not his fault! Developers just need to change the modern battlefield map to cater to the "strengths" of women and chinlets. By not doing that they are surrendering to the cisnormative patriarchal hegemony that has dominated society for thousands of years.

Do at least 5x5 wide grip pullups, wait a whole day for DOMS kick in then try saying that, son.

Can I get ripped only doing only pull ups and chins while eating a +500 surplus? Pls respond

Maybe if you add weights and do lifting

>wide grip
Literally no reason at all to do this. All you're doing is limiting your range of motion and introducing a mechanical disadvantage that won't produce greater strength or hypertrophy results.

>can get amazing results by doing less than amazing work?
Why do people ask so many variations of this retarded question? There are no shortcuts. There are no "one weird tricks." You get out what you put in.

Will you get a ripped chest, abs, shoulders, triceps, forearms, biceps and legs from only doing a back exercise? No, obviously not. Think for a minute.

>t. 140 lb row

Does wide grip really help stack weight on rows?
I de loaded and managed to add 15 pounds but I'm stalling again :/
>tfw 160lb row, but that's my body weight so it's not too embarrassing I guess, whatever

t. wrong

Do even a little bit of reading, user.

You need to add weight, there was a guy on reddit who just did pull-ups for years and looks like this. He did 5x8 +47kg

Ripped no,Good at them yes

>all the people in this thread talking about low rep sets of pull ups
If you can't pass a Marine Corps physical fitness test with a first class, you're trash.

I can do 25 bodyweight pull ups using my biceps for help. I can do 15 using mostly my lats

>During the close-grip pull-up, your shoulder joints extend so that your upper arms move directly behind you. When using the wide grip, your shoulders perform a greater degree of adduction, which means your upper arms move in toward the sides of your torso. Both shoulder extension and adduction primarily use the latissimus dorsi, the largest muscle in the back. The latissimus dorsi is the primary mover in both types of pull-ups. However, during the close-grip version your biceps brachii and pectoralis major are able to contribute, according to ExRx.net. With your hands set closer, you bend your elbows to a greater degree, which recruits the biceps. The pectoralis major helps out with shoulder extension.

>With your hands in a close-grip position, you place the shoulders and elbows in a more mechanically advantageous position. Placing the hands in a position where the biceps brachii and pectoralis major are able to contribute means that you’ll be able to complete more repetitions of close-grip pull-ups than wide grip. During wide-grip variety, your latissimus dorsi and other muscles in the back have to lift a greater percentage of your body weight, which makes it the more challenging of the two versions.

literally first google result


Doesn't matter, as long as you're doing them with at least 1 plate hanging from your nutsack.

No, if you go on a cut and do pullups/chins/abs you can get ripped tho. You won't gain any muscle by bulking on basic BWF exercises.

No it's not.

Also, what's the best pull up width to target lats?

Pretty sure wide grip targets mainly the Teres.

anybody else feel like their arms are going numb after 17-18 reps?


No because I dont see a reason turning pullups into cardio

You can gain mass going pullups, however it will take an inordinate amount of time.

Any suggestions for chin-up bars? I'm worried either my door frame or current bar is gonna break as I keep increasing weight.

lmao what the fuck i remember seeing this picture like 3 fucking years ago

what the fuck dude

Let's be honest you can't do 18 strict pull ups

Probably because it's a three year old picture.


Okay then should I be doing close grip or shoulder width for Max gains?

>it will take an inordinate amount of time
Took that guy eight years, but then he did 20 minutes (including three minutes of rest between sets) of pull-ups three times a week.

Anyone else feel their arms give way super quick?
when I do pullups, chinups, any variation, I barely feel it in my back and shoulders, I basically only feel it in my arms and they fucking give out on me so quickly - theres no worse feeling in the world, it isn't even pain it feels like my arm muscles are in doom or something.

I do, but I got a 6'6 wingspan so my arms die before my back can even get started.

And pull up is chin up too, brainlet.

>Palms facing you
Chin up
>Palms anywhere else
Pull up
Everything is a pull up
Everything is a chin up

fall off a cliff
barely manage to hold onto the edge
cant do a single muscle up to pull yourself out
call yourself fit

At least you tried.

Yeah but you need to do dips as well while adding weight progressively. It's been empirically proven that chest dips and chin ups > bench press and deadlifts

It's called using a dip belt you retarded fuck

wide as possible

Is it easier to do pullups with a flat bar or a bent bar?

>he doesn't hang weights from his cock to get those pecker gains

That's teres, not lats.

Not sure what you mean by bent but if you mean the chin up where the bar is angled then the bent one is better. It puts your wrists in a more natural position.

Wide grip is harder, yes. But, it's not better. You get no greater engagement from your lats. Look up literally any EMG study.

No, it's a pull up. Rule of thumb: if you're biceps are sore/directly targeted, it's a chin up.
You're welcome.

To add: chin ups and pull ups are a viable way to train your back only when you're skelly or when you've already cut. I'm currently at 105 kg (started cutting already) I can assure you I could do all the pull ups I wanted at 85 kg in September but now it's only lat machine and pulley.
>come on man, it's just a +20 kg pull up
it becomes very inefficient to train the back, since the forearm and biceps muscles (depending on what exercise you're performing) will be the real limiting factor and won't allow you to really hit lats/back.

>It's been empirically proven that chest dips and chin ups > bench press and deadlifts



Spoiler alert, it's not deadlifts.

Unless you're training for powerlifting competitions there is zero reason for bench or deadlifts


I know, that's why I do it

so you did this once and think it's the GOAT now

Nice argument, imbecile.

Are you pretending to be retarded?

Let me clarify, I was only able to do regular chins and only recently did I make the jump to pullups. They absolutely destroyed my back and my core to my surprise.

If Op is still here. Delete this thread and then promptly kys.

You're new here aint ya?

Just do weighted close grip pull ups then and get both bicep and lats activation

Sometimes I forget...

Yeah, if you're pussy

>He doesnt add weighted jelqing in to his program


How could you possibly get sore from 25 pull-ups. I'm just starting to feel warm at that point. Get to work, kid.

you aren't retracting your scapula properly

I really hope the 5x5 poster means weighted.....

For fucks sake why is the idea of using a dip belt so complex for you DYELs


>Scott Abel is a world-renowned physique-transformation specialist.
>clearly a clickbait article
I can easily find proof about the existence of reptilians with a couple of internet searches
With plenty of available information sourced by literally every other holothurian asshole, plenty of critical thinking is required – something so sorely missing nowadays

Moreover: the first link seems to exalt the virtues of the db bench press, which is something arguable and agreeable. The roided faggot poses in an awful photo too and it seems to be a fan of the db bench press – not even of the "chest dips", which is mentioned more or less as an obiter dictum and as an "incline bb press" replacement. Note that usually you don't want to go heavy on incline, pretty much as you don't want to go heavy with weighted dips.
The take home point from that is: do db press, no shit. I don't believe that db chest press will allow you to target volume that easily if you're a natty, since brachialis and brachioradialis are a limiting factor, but to each their own. Note the cited article doesn't even remotely purport the inane thesis that "dips > bb press", at all.

The second link is literal clickbait cancer. How one could even pretend to compare deadlifts with chin ups (and with chin ups specifically, not even with pull ups) is beyond me. Note that here as well the cited article doesn't even consider nor compare those to deadlifts.

TL; DR you're a faggot and user was right: you love to choke on a million dicks.

How much do those usually run?

you gay niggas can ignore deadlifts and bench all you like
doesnt stop you being massive homosexuals

Fact: if you can do more then 20 pull ups in a row, you're just a "toned" skeleton.

First off I'm surprised you took the time to actually read the entirety of both articles so bravo.

Still you use your own logic against yourself. You don't actually argue why my original point is wrong.

Dips are still Superior to bench and chin ups are still Superior to deadlifts.

Deadlifts and bench are only popular due to most strength coaches like ripptoe having a powerlifting background. Sure maybe they are better movements for the absolute strength for competitive weightlifters and football linemen. However the majority of people on this board and in the world are not training to be powerlifters or linemen. Also why would you? They look like shit most of the time and the very few with great genetics and very structured diet pull off massive with aesthetics. To be able to pull off 5x5 heavy chins and dips you have to be strong for your weight and not be a fatty.

Tldr: bench and deadlifts are for fat fucks whereas weighted dips and chin ups are for people who want to be strong and actually look good.

Today I did a 5x5 superset.

Dips 90 for five and chin ups for 45. I usually keep a 2 to 1 ratio when I progress them

hurt myself doing walk the planks ... these liittle stick arms will never make it

Ah I meant how much do dip belts cost? I'm kind of a poorfag so I wouldn't want to spend anymore than 50 bucks.

My bad for spelling and grammar on my phone

*Movements for absolute strength
*Mass with aesthetics

15-30$ off of Amazon

>Scott Abel
God damn it. How young are you, muttboy?

>Still you use your own logic against yourself
First off, I'm not the user you were "arguing" with. Secondly, I'm not using "my logic".
>You don't actually argue why my original point is wrong.
Burden of proof is on you, according to any logic.
>Dips are still Superior to bench and chin ups are still Superior to deadlifts.
None of those articles suggest so, and again, it's asinine to compare chin ups to deadlifts.
>You don't actually argue why my original point is wrong.
I actually did, even if burden of proof was on you. BB bench press is a good way to reach decent volume, and DB bench press is a valuable tool. Dips are completely complimentary but it's asinine to go heavy with them. About deadlifts and chin ups... it's literally like comparing apples and oranges. What else can be said is beyond me.
>only because rippetoe
ad hominem, moreover your first article cites and agrees with ripped toads. Not that doing bench or deadlifts = being a fan of rippertoes, that's a false dichotomy.
>it only trains strength
oh yeah, who in the world would ever want to train strength in the gym.
>look like shit
I can cherry-pick powerlifters and bodybuilder as well, you know. That Scott Abel has a physique less aesthetic than Pianola man, for starters.
>To be able to pull off 5x5 heavy chins and dips you have to be strong for your weight and not be a fatty.
that's pretty much it, you just don't have to be fat.
>Tldr: bench and deadlifts are for fat fucks whereas weighted dips and chin ups are for people who want to be strong and actually look good.
total non-sequitur based on inane and fallacious premises, also you love to choke on cocks, it's confirmed.

dad what are you doing here

Your ability to post large wall texts without making a real point is impressive.

The whole burden of proof argument is a very retarded aspect to bring up in a whole of Google. Don't like the two I posted fine I'll make it even easier and post the Google results. Take your pick

google.com/search?q=chest dips vs bench press&oq=chest dips &aqs=chrome.1.69i57j35i39l2j0.3585j0j4&client=ms-android-google&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8

google.com/search?safe=off&client=ms-android-google&ei=gAybWqyoFse4zwLP64HQDw&q=weighted chin ups vs deadlifts&oq=weighted chin ups vs de&gs_l=mobile-gws-serp.1.1.35i39l2j33i160l2.113596.118767..119491...4....136.1696.21j2..........1..mobile-gws-wiz-serp.....3..0j0i71j0i67j0i20i264j0i20i263j0i22i30.XyqW1VdqEk8=

Please go through each one and still hold on to your false notions of how your lifts are better. Ultimately it doesn't matter what you were the dick sucker guy posted. It's you two who are missing out on Superior progress by not building your routine around dips and chin ups. For all the new fitizens please ignore these fags.

>Your ability to post large wall texts without making a real point is impressive.
That's literally you. All blabbering and no substance. I pwnd you pretty easily to hell and back – twice. You can't even point one thing. You can't even present a single argument, only rhetorical fallacies. You seem to link random shit you don't even read or comprehend. This is my last (You), buy yourself some critical thinking with it and ask yourself if this shitposting of yours really makes you happy sometimes. Godspeed and take care

Can you imagine being this pathetic of a person...

It's fucking weight lifting it's not a hard concept to understand. It's sad how you are getting so irrationally mad over two movements being more effective, efficient and functional than your two precious powerlifting movements. Makes me wonder what other terrible decisions you have decided to commit to over your life.

diddles work more muscles than any other lift
big compounds like the dead and the squat will trigger the release of anabolic hormones
only a complete brainlet would swap out two big compound movements that work the entire body for ancillary bodyweight exercises

>big compounds like the dead and the squat will trigger the release of anabolic hormones
Why won't this meme die?

Also, both dips and pull ups recruit more muscles than benching and are therefore superior compound exercises.

because its true nibba
bench is a full body exercise, dips and pull ups are not

The anabolic hormone meme does need to die... I'm sure next someone will say no fap increases testorone....

Dips and chin ups are full upper body lifts. Yeah you don't use legs but it recruits every upper body muscle. Squats do not work arms as much as strong lifts likes to think it does.

Also anyone who does non weighted dips and chins is not an intelligent lifter

>so irrationally mad
to be honest the one mad and pathetic in this "debate" seems just you, user
present an argument, linking to google is childish (and I doubt you even looked at the results). also I'd subscribe this >With plenty of available information sourced by literally every other holothurian asshole, plenty of critical thinking is required – something so sorely missing nowadays
arguments for bench press and deadlifts were presented, yet you routinely decided to ignore everything, sperg and link shit that doesn't even contemplate your thesis (actually, all that shit was pretty adverse to your thesis to begin with)
>Squats do not work arms as much as strong lifts likes to think it does.
Are you twelve

I believe he's here just to meme and get (You)s, it can't be helped

bench uses legs

How long did this take?


i feel a better contraction in my lats with chins and the ROM is longer

> who just did pull-ups
He wouldn't have a chest like that if he just did pull ups

Just alternate the grips
