How to whitening your teeth? Do you guys have a secret?

How to whitening your teeth? Do you guys have a secret?

3x3 jizz gargles 4 times a week

Have it professionally done at a cosmetic dentist. The at home shit is so damaging to your teeth you are fucking yourself in the long run.
Good for you working on your smile. I have bad teeth my whole life (poor parents, genetics and soda drinker). Dropped $30k on my teeth in my mid 20s and it was the best money I ever spent.Still get compliments on how nice my teeth are and since I paid to have it done right they look natural (not like white blocks the fakes usually do).

urine works great, that's what they did before toothpaste was invented.

you spent $30k on your fucking teeth. Also that is not safe considering you literally rip the front off your teeth off and replace it with veneers


Yeah it's called a dentist.

>best money I ever spent
t.Dr.Shlomo Weißberg, owner of the cosmetic dentistry clinic

Avoid soda, not only becuase of the sugar but dark sodas also reek havoc on your teeth.

Coffee/tea also stain teeth so try to drink with a straw.

Avoid charcoal "scrubing" toothpase and powders, your buffing of the enemal is too harsh and damanging and will expose the dentin below which make things look more yellow.

I've heard oil pulling is ok for slight whitening but I'm not sure about that, seems harmless enough but do your own research.

>Avoid charcoal "scrubing" toothpase and powders, your buffing of the enemal is too harsh and damanging and will expose the dentin below which make things look more yellow.

fuck, i've been using charcoal daily for like a month

>tfw getting surgery for my underbite
anyone have experience?

I need the source of that pic.... !!

Oh I didn't get cheap ass veneers I got actual crowns and implants. Veneers look like shit I can spot those a mile away.

Imagine spending your childhood with constant teeth issues but your parents couldn't afford to have it taken care of. Then imagine you make enough money that $30k isn't a huge amount of money. Would you not do the same? Your mouth is a indicator of overall health and it feels so good to go to the dentist and have no problems and a cleaning feels good instead of hurting.

Nasty teeth detected.

Coconut oil, just look it up

>Imagine spending your childhood with constant teeth issues but your parents couldn't afford to have it taken care of.
Depends how severe those teeth issues are. I have high canines myself since I was afraid to pull out the childhood teeth once adult ones started growing and it doesn't affect my life really. Would I like to have them normal and aligned with the rest? Sure. Would I drop 30k on it? No way. Now if your teeth looked like Sloth's from Goonies, I can understand your point and I'd do the same.

I've used a crest mouthwash that has a small amount of hydrogen peroxide in it for about a month. My teeth were mildly yellow and now I am getting compliments a few times a week on how great my teeth look. You can make a solution on your own if you don't want to fork out $10 or so

brush your teeth everyday and drink lots of water

Brush twice a day. Not too roughly. Use a mouthwash. Eat strawberries.

>eat strawberries

I religiously brush it three times a day. No coffee, no alcohol, hardly any sweets. Works for me.

Teeth is supposed to be slightly yellow, if your's look like shit, get it cleaned once then brush regularly, trying to whiten your teeth is damaging no matter how you do it

I think he said to eat strawberries.

You don't need to whiten if you take care of yourself. Drink water only and brush your fucking teeth.

Dumbass americans have been brainwashed into thinking teeth are supposed to be literally pure crystal white blind you if you stare at them level.

Natural teeth are not like that and as a man you shouldn't be wide mouth smiling anyway. At most you should go for a slight smirk. Basically your teeth should never be on full display.

Showing teeth in primate society is a sign of submission and weakness. It's what beta chimps to do show their submission to alpha chimps

Also pic related is the color teeth naturally have.

Shut the fuck up retard.

Yeah and that’s why alpha predators bare their teeth.

>30 grand for a few complements

>Dumbass americans have been brainwashed into thinking teeth are supposed to be literally pure crystal white blind you if you stare at them level.
>as a man you shouldn't be wide mouth smiling anyway. At most you should go for a slight smirk. Basically your teeth should never be on full display.
kill yourself

I'm with the user you're talking to. You don't drop $30,000 to fix teeth that are misaligned. You do it to straight replace your shit. I'm starting the process Tuesday. Pic related.

Dentinogenesis imperfecta type 2

That is fucking scary. Good luck, user.

Whole life like that. 26 and finally getting teeth that don't look like they belong to a meth addict

look up whitening gel tutorials on youtube

it's like $10 for the entire process, and yes it actually really works. I've had multiple friends do this and it's also safe, have consulted dentists about it.

just dont use too much gel at once

Did you try cleaning your fucking teeth wtf??

Brb. Give give it a shot.

My body doesn't produce enamel. My teeth are made of pure dentin. They were never white

keto made my teeth whiter. also reduced gum inflammation and I haven't had cavities in a couple years (had several root canals back when I was eating the sugary jew). dentist mentioned that several soft spots he saw last time had re-mineralized and were no longer in danger of becoming cavities.

Yeah someone please tell me who this girl is

Same. Feels fucking bad. My wisdom teeth came in and they were just as yellow as the rest of my teeth.

Fasting is also good for this. It gives your teeth a break and it encourages remineralization.

Damn. Good luck bro

Friends ugly little sister got it.
Slightly less ugly afterwards.
Not a game changer though, v. expensive too.

Jesus, that definitely falls under severe. Godspeed, user. Although, I'm still not sure if I'd drop 30k on that. Would research a bit and see if it can be done for cheaper in some other country.

Yeah you can probably get that done much cheaper in Mexico at no real quality loss

> t. wagecucks

I wouldn't spend $30k on teeth myself, but if user has the money to do so, that's pretty legit. We all have insecurities--that's why we're on Veeky Forums: because we grew up as beanpoles or fatasses. If you could pay $30k to have a Veeky Forums appearance the rest of your life, wouldn't you?

Damn that's tough, sorry you've had to deal with that. A girl at work had the same thing I think, she has veneers now. Are your teeth sensitive? They look malleable and painful

Can't believe how stupid and worthless this board is.

DIY teeth whitening is easy and safe. Peroxide based products, gels or strips, are what you want to use. They do not destroy enamel.

is one of the worst posts I've ever seen on this board unless it's an elaborate troll.

Not risking that. I know, I know. But it's rare, and the structures are different than a dentist or surgeon is used to.

Teeth aren't sensitive. No nerve endings at all. I can pack my mouth full of ice and I don't feel anything apart from my tongue getting cold.