Increase rucking speed

How do i move faster carrying a heavy pack?

5'7 manlet trying to shift a 35kg pack for 8 minute kilometres.

Already lifting (Dead 160kg squat 140kg bodyweight at 70)

Rucking is stupid especially with such large populations we have today, endurance and strength is stupid when training soldiers for war if you’re gonna fight just send some guy with half a gun out with 400,000 other guys and you’ll win eventually.

All hail the new Rommel.

I'll take what was the Red army for 500.

have some fucking discipline and control over your own body. You don't need training of any kind to do that shit. Especially with helmet, tac vest, and rifle to balance you out, you can easily shuffle a sub 8min/km for 12+ without needing a break


Not OP but I wanna get bettter at rucking so I can go elk hunting in the Rockies one day

Posture posture posture.

Jeep your chin tucked, shoulder down and back, core engaged, and pelvis tucked. Hope you've got superior glute strength.

Source: used to do extensive back packing

>endurance and strength is stupid when training soldiers for war if you’re gonna fight just send some guy with half a gun out with 400,000 other guys and you’ll win eventually.
>what is guerilla warfare

really nibba?

what do you mean by 'tucked'

Use a vehicle
God damn the military is dumb

Mass human waves =/= guerilla warfare

Viet Cong disagree

>successful guerilla war

>5'7 manlet trying to shift a 35kg pack for 8 minute kilometres.

>sneaks in the word "successful"
careful with those goalposts boyo they're not rated to move that fast


Pack your ruck properly. Aim to shuffle the entire time. Drink water constantly, and eat before you run out of glycogen (it will happen on long movements). Wear dress socks.

Deadlift for reps, squat 1.5x body weight until failure twice a week.


Basically this and do lunges add calf weighted calf raises for reps and build your back up to should help but nothing beats doing more rucks for time with that weight these will just assist.

the only reason you should do this is if youre in, if youre a larping fag stop eventually you will fuck your back up with enough time. when not if

Try getting your squat to 4plate for reps so you are actually strong enough to carry a pack without worrying about "ruck training". There is a reason the military is phasing out rucking (murica) because it destroys the soliders knees doing that dumb shit. Just squat heavy and do conditioning, youd be surprised how far not being a weakling can take you.