Fell for the fasting meme

>fell for the fasting meme
>immune system went to shit
>constant diarrhea leaking


>flu-like symptom within first week of fasting
probably keto flu

>constant diarrhea
you're simultaneous going through a cleanse alongside bile excretion (also can have diarrhea if drinking too much water or taking too much electrolytes)

Veeky Forums is just a giant circlejerk of memes. Your stupid ass prolly thinks SARMs won't fuck you up long-term and are eating raw onions while giving yourself magnesium poisoning.

I swear I'm starting to believe you all are just trolls pretending to do this retarded shit and I'm the only one here that's real and lifts.

Thats a cleanse keep going.

Been fasting for 4 weeks. I refeed every few days with fat/protons and veggies/fruit for micros.
Longest I've gone was 7 days. Had 0 issues. Losing weight faster than ever. Muscle mass almost non lost. Lifts went to absolute JUST levels but it's normal since I'm not eating.

>lifts went to absolute shit
>doesn't think he lost muscle
You got memed on bro

I'm taking measurements you retard. Also constantly measuring bf% (professionally not the meme shit)

Damn where you get all that money for daily DEXA scans lmfao

it's not a meme bro

>fell for the fasting meme
>immune system went to shit
lmao no

Once at the beginning, once 3 weeks in (last week). Not everyone's a college student here

What do mean no bitch it happend and I got a big ass cyst on my thigh from a sweaty bench

sound the lunk alarm gents.


fasting is basically now just a euphemism for anorexia online. I think they may genuinely believe it's not but it has all the hallmarks of an eating disorder. Intermittent Fasting is legit, but it's not going to give you superpowers. Just like keto, or any other diet it's just a way to help you curb the amount of calories you are taking in. You can lose weight on a high carb low fat diet just as easily as on keto or fasting. Fasting will absolutely eat away at ALL your gains, screw your metabolism and in generaly make you feel like shit.

You need to learn to change your HABITS. Eating healthy must become your new normal. You can't just do this and go back to your old ways. This is hard especially if you are a food addict, but you can do it with sheer force of will. I believe in you user. Start eating, you will feel better and then cut at a maintanable -500 calories a day. Be consistent and you will see results. It will take time. It took time for you to pack on the pounds too. You have to be patient.

t. someone who never fasted

>Anonymous 03/05/18(Mon)10:43:21 No.45024378(You)
>t. someone who never fasted

if all you want is skelly mode. go for it. It accomplishes that with a host of other negative effects. However, since you are on Veeky Forums I assumed you wanted to make it and be jacked and tan. Sorry. Faggot.

OMAD and Alternate Day Fasting for Gains, Water Fast for Weight Loss, Dry Fast for Healing.

Fasting increases your metabolism and preserves your muscle mass as long as you do some light resistance workout. Visit the fast general if only out of curiosity and read the articles. Make your mind up after. It's the quickest way to fat loss and muscle preservation because your brain is evolutionarily designed to work this way in times of no food

your body** not your brain obviously

Lul fasting becoming mainstream, so shills come in full force, cant have goys not buying food\supplements and over weight loss industry shit, begone shill.

Go back to Planet Fitness, fatty

Maybe I will. I could use a slice or two, haven't eaten since second breakfast.

Fasting is the best antiinflammatory method you can do. It will fix your skin, health, testosterone, stress and mental fog.

fuck off sunglasses

Go on

>ases your metabolism and preserves your muscle mass as long as you do some light resistance workout. Visit the fast general if only out of curiosity and read the articles. Make your mind up after. It's the quickest way to fat loss and muscle preservation because your brain is evolutionarily designed to work this way in times of no food
ok. You know what I'll try it. I need to lose fat. I'll monitor my lbm as I go to make sure I'm not losing muscle. I'll probably just do two fasts a week on non training days for now and eat at a deficit the other days. My tdee is 3700 so I'll see if I lose three pounds a week.

>magnesium poisoning
Uh, fuck?

Magnesium toxicity can kill you via cardiac arrest. The UL is relatively close to the RDA compared to most minerals. Do you faggots actually not read side effects and dosages?

Also fix faggotry. You should start fasting tomorrow lad.

Yeah I take like 160mg a day so I'm fine.

Do you also not eat anything? Magnesium is common af, I get 150% rda easily through diet.

My diet has maybe 30-40% of the RDA. That's why I supplement it.

>f the RDA. That's why I supplement it.
I took my normal ZMA plus a tablespoon of Calm and I have been shitting my brains out all day.

damm i just bought the fucking io salt to start fasting , am i being memed or not ? should i fast for a few ?

Fasting is as much of a meme as the onion shit. If you can't figure it out from there you deserve whats coming.

Yeah it's pretty easy to tell when you're getting to much magnesium

wtf but there are tons of evidence and videos of muscle people that fast for a month and lost more than 10 kg or 15 kg with out lose muscle so wtf ? i just dropped money buying the fucking expensive salt

How the hell is your tdee so high? Lucky bastard

t. i cant read studies

atleast do your own research before condemning it like the onion meme with its literal single iranian study, there is almost an century of research on fasting you moronic tool.

Been lifting for five or so years. low dose test cycle. Permabulk. LBM is 220 right now. 5'11.

I had some bad cramps last week so thought I was seriously deficient. Apparently a little goes a long way.

>muh cleanse
>muh toxins

Sound like yogamoms.

Please direct to any evidence of the scientific variety that there is some sort of 'detoxification' process.

Inb4 >muhautophagy

You bought into snakeoil (lol its literally called the snake diet isnt it?) because a dozen faggots on youtube are looking for views and you are looking for a magic pill shortcut. You want it to be true and no amount of medical consensus, studies, or basic nutrition knowledge is going to change your mind at this point.

If enough people told you idiots to eat dog shit to lower estrogen or increase hypertrophy every stray in the nation would get adopted overnight.

There isn't, detox is bullshit. Anyone that doubts this can go to their doc TOMORROW and they will tell you thats what your fucking liver is for or just laugh in your face.

dude im not going to do it now but i think it works to lost fat fast, i just want to lose my last 10 kg to go to 10% bf pic is me, i lost 20 kg after 6 months of 1400 kcal daily

Looking good my man

thanks, too much work the last 4-5 months, i though in fasting but i guess ill continue at 1400kcal daily for 2-3 more months i guess and not fasting in one month, i think it work but im very paranoid with my healht

I want you to do it though.

what? why ?

You can lose that 10kg in under two weeks with fasting quite easily. Check out the fasting thread for some good info.

You can do IF instead. 16:8 or OMAD or anything in between.
I do OMAD and I’m really happy with it.

ill maybe try omad for my last 10 kg, how many kcals in one good ? and what type of food ? proteines, fat, carbs ? how much time do you think it will take ?

yeah i considered that but not sure yet


You can try a 48 hour fast if you want to see how it goes. If your diet is low carbs it should be a lot easier that one would expect. If you decide to go for longer you will want to mix some sodium and potassium in your drinks as you will run low on electrolytes.

A 1000 calorie deficit is probably a bit low at your current weight, but if you can stick with it, I’d try it. Otherwise a 500 calorie deficit, where you skip eating one day a week.
For instance, you eat one meal per day from Tuesday to Sunday and don’t eat anything on Mondays, so you do OMAD plus one 48 hour fast per week.

Try and eat vegetables with lots of fiber, and a good variety of meat. Both lean meat like chicken, but also some more fatty stuff. Avoid too many carbs like in pasta, rice and bread. If you eat a lot of vegetables you will still get a reasonable amount of carbs from them.
A meal could be a ehole head of broccoli with some pork tenderloin or chicken.
Or cabbage, onions, garlic, chili etc. in a wok with some chicken, pork or beef.

You deserve that for doing a meme diet.

>not eating big to get big

yeah i may try do a 16h-48h and see what happends, not sure if more, probably but doubt it

nice ill try that omad for a few days and fasting for 48h in another time and check result of both and keep repeating till im 60kg,

thanks for advices!

So I can say I told you so and call you a dumbfuck

No you're not being memed. Do your own fucking research next time so you won't fall for shills so easily.

fasting is fine, this guy is a shill

you will "lose" muscle mass on a fast but that's only cause you have no more glicogen in your muscles so all the water goes away as well. It comes back when you refeed

>abstain from eating for days at a time
>magic pill shortcut
>implying normies can go 8 hours without panicking
Lmao it's not a shortcut at all. It literally requires more willpower than lifting or eating on a diet.
Fasting for days at a time is something 99% of people do not have the mental fortitude to pull off.
>fasting is bullshit
Im not going to argue with someone who straight up denies reality. Fasting is a very well documented practice and its effects are very good for you.

i did research, i also went buy lo salt and planned my schedule but i get confused after enter this thread and did the logical thing and dinner, but probably tomorrow or soon ill start doing 48h fast

Fasting is the easiest thing. After the third day it takes no effort at all.

As a fatcunt who has tried the conventional CICO bullshit 500 calorie deficit and fasting I have to say pound for pound fasting is so much easier because it's just so damn effective... when you step on that scale and see a 3-5kg loss after a 4 day fast it feels so good compared to a "good" week in a traditional diet with maybe 1kg loss if you're super disciplined.


the leaky asshole is caused by a lack of minerals

You have hyperkalemia. Cut back on the nosalt.

first time fasting little guy?
your body is in shock.
also fasting means fasting.
water and salt, thats all you are allowed.
no protein shakes cheating, trying to spare muscle loss - thats what's causing leaky asshole, as your digestive system is not completely shut off.

have fun catching me with that leaky asshole mate

you got diarrhea because your minerals and fiber are all fucked up, try eating some fiber and a multi now to see the difference