Is leanbulking a meme? I feel like I wasted two years trying to gain muscle without fat and I have only gained 5kg

Is leanbulking a meme? I feel like I wasted two years trying to gain muscle without fat and I have only gained 5kg.

I might just start inhaling McDoubles.

>doesnt mention tuna boofing

What the fuck is it with you people? If you want to put on mass, eat more. If you want to get lean, eat less.
"Leanbulking" sounds fucking retarded. That's like saying "Oh I'm doing a cutbulk".
God damn it Veeky Forums stop pissing me off

It just means slowly gaining muscle mass without much fat

by leanbulking you mean clean bulking?

Why the fuck are you falling for memes and asking for new memes to run your life by.


how hard is that? Stop absorbing internet bullshit please, for everyones sake.

are you all new here?

don't listen to them, OP just do more dumbell flies

You sound like me, I recently said screw it and started force feeding myself until nausea and now I'm making crazy gains. I wasted a lot of time and effort by not eating enough.

How do you keep that up at all times? I can do this for a few days max, then I'll start to slip again. Share your secret with me, oh wise one.

Veeky Forums's pet trainer jeff caviar promotes that shit, no wonder so many idiots here fall for that

Nice trips. The trick for me has been drinking calories. If you eat three normal meals, but between lunch and dinner, or after dinner, you make a 700 calorie shake, that'll put you into surplus territory. My current shake:
>1/2 cup oatmeal (blended into powder)
>2 cups whole milk
>a few spoons of almond butter or peanut butter
>1 scoop chocolate protein powder

Warm memo that bulking and cutting in regards to weightlifting efficiency are minimally evidenced at best.

>one scoop
Never gonna make it

never gonna make it

Trolling aside, this is correct.

As a representative of the skellingtons, what we mean by "bulking" is what average people mean by "eating a normal amount of calories"

>sounds like cut bulk

Bulking is the meme. You do not need to get fat to get stronger. It also just makes you insecure, why not just look good 24/365. Women love ottermode anyways


There's never been someone who was strong and lean. you can be either a skinnytwink ottormode chickmagnet or legit strongman.greek

As long as you're eating at a moderate surplus, you can have gains while remaining lean. When you're a little more advanced, you don't give a fuck about gaining an extra +10 kg in winter and losing that in summer.
If you had only +5kg in lean mass, eat more. You're not going to get fat, as long as you're fucking training
Hi retardo
not only it's possible to gain muscles while remaining quite lean, it's even possible to gain muscles while on a cut. Who would have guessed? If only you were connected on the interned and documented yourself a little on RP diet and training.. but probably you're the average Veeky Forumsizen who hasn't hit the gym ever in his life

except that every single strong or big lifter swears by being in at least a small caloric surplus to facilitate gains in strength and size

Bulk/cut has always been a meme for anyone who isn’t using gear.

Get between .6 and 1.1 grams of protein per body lb and you will stay thin and gain muscle

Appealing to authority

>it just means slowly gaining muscle mass
>slowly gaining muscle mass
