Swimming is comfy as fuck, smashes your shoulders, almost impossible to get injuries from and is great cardio

Swimming is comfy as fuck, smashes your shoulders, almost impossible to get injuries from and is great cardio.

Why arent you swimming user?


What is swimmers shoulder? What is drowning?

Home pools hurt property value. Home gyms are only a liability if you have dirt on the Clintons.

Because I live in a fucking desert.


Fuck off twink

Get good bro

Why aren't you stationary bike instead is the question?

Swimming 30-45min right after upper body lifting feels godly and makes your shit blow up.

Yesterday's workout:
>5/4/3/2/1 bench to 315
>5/4/3/2/1 Pendlay rows to 225
yes I did a single Pendlay row
>5/4/3/2/1 overhead press to 205
>3x11 chinups
superset with
>3x12 dips
>2x15 facepulls
Then I swam laps for like 40min. Upper body feels exhausted as fuck but oddly not very sore

>impossible to get injuries from
my buddy in high school got shoulder impingement his senior year

It hurts my shoulders after 2-3 sessions and then I can't lift.

Cuz Im black

Chlorine and children’s piss and shit particles in the water

I do swim 3-4 times a week. No comfier feeling than having a good hard swim then later cracking open a cold beer and watching a movie on a weekend while your body is super tired. Lucky as fuck to live in Cali in an apartment complex that has an actual nice pool for laps. Gonna miss it when I leave this place.


Cause I have bad shoulder and back acne and am self conscious about it

you mean swimmer's ear?

Why do all pro swimmers have terrible anesthetics?

They look like skinnyfat teenagers who haven't done a single day of lifting ever

to be a pro swimmer you need the weirdest proportions, and their training basically gives them a cut fridgebody on top of that. pro water polo players are closer to what someone could expect from lifting for aesthetics and swimming.

OP here. Same situation. It's fucking great.

Hey can you explain a bit more about this? I just realized I've never seen a black person in a pool before.
