Though easy to do, this important component of training is often overlooked

Though easy to do, this important component of training is often overlooked.

what is sleeping

ur mom

what is stretching

I never stretch. I just do warm ups ata lighter weight

flexin the 'cep

What is lifting weights?

What is cardio

Though this board has many, this poster is always a faggot

after the workout obviously

Retards aren't familiar with format.

What is shitposting on Veeky Forums

Though favored by some, this lift is vastly overrated.

What are bicep curls?

What is an eccentric contraction?

This is a serious question.
When someone says "show me your muscles" which one do you show?
Follow up.
What exercise makes that muscle huge?


What are quads?
What are squats?


>t. butthurt wannabe bodybuilder

Who is OP?

>t. bodyhurt wannabe buttbuilder

what is trying harder?