Summoning onion bro

I've been eating raw red onions daily for two weeks now along with a clove of garlic. My throat is starting to get sore from all the acidity. I just eat the onion like an apple because its the fastest way to get it down. How do you eat your onions and have you dealt with the sore onion throat (probably not allergic because it would have come on a lot faster).

Thanks onion bro, these onions make me feel fukin incredible outside of this new (minor) throat irritation.

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Swallow them whole you faggot!

not onion bro, opinion discarded

I'm not onion bro, but the fastest way to consume raw onions is probably to blend one with water and swallow the mixture as fast as possible

Feed them up your anus hole...whole

This is actually true. Onions don't produce test until you shit them out, because your body recognizes it has lost the onion and then starts producing test to make up for it. You can bypass the process of eating a raw onion by making an onion enema.

Will try this thx

enjoy your stinking body odour
>hurrd durr onion bra
total bro-science, eating clean, sleeping well and lifting can lower estradiol and cortisol while enhancing the free test/shbg ration slightly in favour of former

testlet, when will they learn

bump for onion bro

t. retard who doesnt understand qeurcetin and the aromatase interaction which can be controlled via certain nutrients.

enjoying being an enormous faggot. im gonna eat an onion and fuck your wife so when she kisses you youll taste my powerful onion dick BITCH

>le aromatase
>le quercetin
>le certain nutrients
that's why pubmed should be inhibited to high-schoolers. They can't even guess what they are reading.
>enjoying being an enormous faggot. im gonna eat an onion and fuck your wife so when she kisses you youll taste my powerful onion dick BITCH
t. incel

>uses le in replacement of an actual argument
the onion is weak with this one

Not onionbro but I just juiced them and put the shot of onion-juice in my morning shake. It was way easier like this imo.

That sounds way easier, got any cheap juicing tools youd reccomend?

This is what I used and it worked great. You can't tell from the pic, but it's pretty big, super sturdy/stiff, and really lets you crush the fuck out of your onion. Just cut onion into quarters/halves depending on size and put in squeezer, round side up.

One trick you should know tho is when you think you squeezed all the juice out of one piece, tilt the squeezer so its side is facing down and you'll see a lot more come out.

And just so you know, you can find a cheap manual juicer like this at pretty much any grocery store for cheaper. I found one for 5 bucks where I live and was using it for a while, but it was smaller and generally didn't juice as well as the one in the link.

that's pretty much a sign to go easy on it or to cook it

You summoned me.

Add decent Olive oil.
Cheese also helps.

Or add it to cooked food.

Glad to hear you are having a great time.


1 medium red a day or two small. -reduce female sex hormone

Mine lowered by 66%

2 cap of concentrate Pomegranate (or replace a cap for a whole fruit)

400 -600mg of long Jack.
Get the tablets the powder taste THE WORST

1 table spoon cocoa (not convinced on that one)

Increase test.
Mine raised 25%
Increase free test.
Mine raised 27%

Nice I might have to get one.

Olive oil and cheese noted. Did you ever experience throat irritation during your onion trials?

Onionbro I'm out of the loop. Can you redpill me? Looking for some more info, I might try this.

I think I did at the start.
Nothing major though.

Onions worked for me.
Pomegranate is great
Long Jack too

The stats are true.
Follow the guide posted if you want.
My hair grew back a bit also.

Mix with food works well to avoid the acidic element.

alright ill lay off until it goes away and try again with olive oil / cheese. thanks onion bro

Does cooking it lessen the effectiveness in any way? Do those three things need to be taken together?

How lond do you plan to stay on 1-onion a day diet? This sounds like something fun, but for a short period of time.

Chop onion and cucumber together, add can or two of tuna, add a little vinegar and the spices of your choice. It's a fresh, lowcal and delicious salad to get protein and your onion in, cucumber is obviously optional but it adds a ton of flavor and relaxes the sharpness of the onion. Try it bois, I'm eating it right now.

Not onionbro, but cooking evaporates some of the juices in the onion, so it lessens the effect, but doesnt eliminate it completely. And no, you dont have to take all three together, they all have a positive impact, but arent dependent on each other.

do you plan on getting tested again?

I can't say for sure.
But I had it raw.

I took these throughout the day.
I didn't take them at the same time.

But they have all affected me positively.

For life.
Why would I drop the glorious benefits.

You are correct fellow onion knight.

fuck off balding faggot

What is your opinion on taking the omega fish oil and vitamin D every day? Does it work?

>cooking evaporates some of the juices in the onion, so it lessens the effect
That hasn't been established so don't post that as a fact yet

Well I am doing pick related.
Then retest.

>>cooking evaporates some of the juices in the onion
>That hasn't been established

Bro. A follower since the start. Thanks for your work. It's genuinely super interesting, and ur results have been very significant despite the occasional hate.

I have a feeling the longer u stick to it the more the benefits will display themselves too. I wonder if the increases in test are a result of new things or just a continuation of the onion effect...

How are u feeling after all of this?

>blend one with water
use as little water as possible, it's not an issue if it's really mushy, it just had to be vaguely liquid
reason being, a third of a glass of the stuff is much quicker to swallow that a glass of slightly diluted stuff, and you might start feeling nauseated when you're not done drinking yet

Drop the trip and fuck off

Can confirm, tuna + full onion is patrician choice.

So does this shit only works for red onions? I have been eating a steamed young yellow onion everday for a few months now, wonder if that have any effect on me.

Are you fucking retarded? Get some fucking reading comprehension.
We haven't established that the effect is lessened you shit eater

Fucking newfags.
Veeky Forums is one of the only boards where tripfagging was considered acceptable

I'm feeling good.
Fairly lean.
Fairly strong.

I hope the effects do increase with time although 25% extra test 27% extra free test and reduction in female sex hormone is fantastic.

It's the same guy/girl
In all honesty I belive they are my biggest fan.

They routinely samefag.
I take it as a complement.

Keep it up.
I belive in you.

I can only speak for red.
I imagine all would work though.

thanks onionbro. the /onionpill/ has done wonders for my gyno

fuck me sideways. here you go, cockmuncher.

This is the paper that started this whole onion meme
>Recently several reports have shown that onion has high antioxidant activity.
>As antioxidants have an essential effect on sperm health parameters, we investigated the effect of the fresh juice of onion bulbs on the spermatogenesis cycle in rats.

The effective antioxidant in onions is a flavonoid named quercetin
>the biochemical parameters and antioxidant capacity of blood in rats fed high-fat diets with quercetin (Q) and quercetin with quercetin monoglycosides (Q+MQ) preparations obtained from onion waste were evaluated.
>Both exhibited high antioxidant capacity.

When looking for effects on cooking and different values of onions i found this
>Raw red onions contain 33.4 milligrams of the compound in every 3.5 ounces, while raw white onions supply 21.4 milligrams, scallions have 18.3 milligrams and fresh sweet onions contain 14.8 milligrams.
>Cooked onions have 24.4 milligrams of the compound in each 3.5-ounce serving.
>To get the most quercetin out of your onions, use them promptly after purchase. Onions can lose more than 25 percent of their quercetin content if they're stored over a week.
But couldn't find a source on the site.
>We examined the following cooking methods: boiling, frying with oil and butter, and microwave cooking.
>Microwave cooking without water better retains flavonoids and ascorbic acid.
>Frying does not affect flavonoid intake.
>The boiling of onion leads to about 30% loss of quercetin glycosides, which transfers to the boiling water.

Quercetin, while it will bind to water when boiled, will retain in the onion when cooked without.

More test doesn't mean that you'll build more muscle or you'll be stronger if you are in the normal range. So unless the onions put you above the normal range by a considerable amount, then it's simply a placebo or not going to be a game changing factor.

I think is great for vitamins, cleansing and that stuff.

i think the general consensus is that we eat onions mostly to lower estrogen, rather than to raise test, although any raise in test levels will always be seen as a positive.

thinly slice into a bowl, add tomato, cucumber (avocado and feta if you are bulking) olive oil, raw garlic, olives, salt and pepper

that looks yummy as shit

Onionbro, hear our prayers and grant us one last study. Consume thy garlic for us sinners

Thats not how you use that word

Yeah dude. I was the guy who posted the original study. Soybro, as I call him. Has been with us ever since Will Sommers posted about the onion phenomena and the media spread it. I'm really certain he's a media shill. I also think that him shilling against us has converted more people to our cause than he realizes, he's essentially helping us.

We can't take this as fact because we don't know it's the quercetin that causes the effects. It very well may be the sulfur content, which will assuredly evaporate when cooked. Eat your onions raw lad.

If you have the willpower to bite into an onion like an apple then your test levels should be fine

this is true also. we wont be getting any actual research results on onions and test levels for obvious reasons, so its best to play it safe and eat em raw.

That's what I do, but I also add 1 lemon

Does it neutralize the sharpness?

I dice my onions, throw em in a blender, blend it up, use a dish rag as a strainer and rubber band it around a glass, then I squeeze the pulp on it and let the juice seep through, then I drink that juice.


>Then I will try soy.
YES!!! I've been waiting for this
It's time for the le soy redditors to get BTFO and realize it actually raises test

holy fuck this is the funniest shit I've read in a minute. Might go to the store and put an onion in my salad

Just buy a juicer

top kek

It is great, along with broccoli, almonds, lemon juice and brussel sprouts, for wjen you are on roids and you have no arimiedex. Eating a shitton of those pretty much allowed me to roid without gyno or estrogen related side effects.

cooking would evaporate only water. Water boils at 100 degrees not everything on earth.

Could one just take Quercetin pills and have the same effect?

You have to blend the onion with just enough vodka to make it a liquid then inject it into your veins All other methods are betas who can't cold approach.

Great to hear!
Garlic is on the cards.
I may include it in stack.
Ginger is also on the cards.

Thank you!
I'm a bit worried but I hope it will close the case on soy either way...eell as much as a study of 1 can close a case.
I hope it has positive effects as some of the papers show.

Do it.
In 2 days you will be feeling the difference.

Don't know.
Try it and let us know.

Can a white onion work
Or has to be red

Joke's on you. You have throat cancer now. Enjoy going out like Roger Ebert.

You just got meme'd, son.

I can only comment for red.
But I imagine all would work.