I got a really bad case of PTSD around 2 years ago and have been steadily gaining weight...

I got a really bad case of PTSD around 2 years ago and have been steadily gaining weight. Anyone have tips for dealing with this?

stop being a bitch lol

Stop having disorders that don't exist. You're welcome.

fuck off. this dude could've been through some shit. im all for insensitivity for the lulz, but come on.

look into OMAD or intermittent fasting as a start.

>fuck off. this dude could've been through some shit.
There is sensitivity, then there is enabling nonsense. Between them is a fine line easily crossed by those with good intentions.

yeah i have ptsd. Pretty Thick and Strong Dick


i think that's fair. but which side would you rather err on?

I think its better for the person suffering to not enable their nonsense, even if that means sacrificing sensitivity and compassion.

i mean, that's brushing with the broad stroke that whatever the person is providing is unequivocally nonsense.

it'd make more sense (and id follow you 100%) if you think PTSD at large is bullshit. personally i haven't been convinced of that myself, so i don't think its prudent to go on the offense in this particular case. but i understand your stance.

I want to make her squeal.

stop fapping to plastic gooks

Thanks man.

It’s not like I’m not doing anything about it, just wonder if anyone else has this problem. One thing is that stress causes an increase in cortisol levels and messes with your physiology. Rather not go into what happened right now

focus on things. like, really focus, read books, learn something new, go on a diet, socialize, do new things, and just stop giving a fuck and taking life seriously, enjoy things you dumb fuck, I was in the same situation as you, and got really depressed because of some stupid stuff that only I cared about, like gaining weight, or the fact that we all die alone, go enjoy life and have fun.

eat less

In a classic stress response, your heart rate rises and your arteries constrict, also your stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline go up. Thus, chronic stress can predispose to cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure.

But in a study from Harvard University, volunteers were trained to re-think their stress response as useful rather than harmful. They were taught that the pounding heart is preparing one for action, the faster breathing is delivering more oxygen to the brain, and the hormone changes can energize and strengthen a person.

After adopting the mindset that the stress can be helpful, they reported feeling less anxious and more confident. What’s more, their blood vessels stayed relaxed, and although their heart was still pounding, their overall cardiovascular profile was much healthier - more closely resembling the body’s response during times of joy or courage.

A circumstance is traumatic because you are supposed to learn to avoid it. Though you shouldn't let that human survival mechanism control your life. Move on. Face scary things head on with confidence as you are supposed to and things will work themselves out.

PTSD is real. Not the "omg someone called me fat on twitter, I'm triggered" kind, the "I went to war and saw some shit" kind. Fuck off.

PTSD is real. Faggots sitting in their basements wouldn't know about it. My uncle was in Afghanistan, that shit fucked him up

kek you seriously expect the losers on Veeky Forums to understand that? they even despise people that are better than them

>My uncle was in Afghanistan, that shit fucked him up
I'm not dismissing his suffering. My point is that it isn't a disorder. Trained killers aren't supposed to recover back into de-clawed civilians. There are evolutionary reasons for this. American culture is most at fault for shaming people who don't act like the Kardashians or whatever good goy celebrities they see on TV. Being too sensitive and calling everything a "disorder" is enabling bad habits and ignores the biggest cause behind the issue; helps no one.

kek at thinking being a "trained killer" clears all of your instincts

Thanks guys. Agree with this. The Harvard study makes sense, I did have to adopt the mentality that confronting chaos making you mentally stronger, and more prepared to face more challenges, otherwise I probably would’ve already languished away/died. I have also been doing a lot of art to sort of hypnotize myself away from the bad memories. Was also just wondering if there are any sort of medicines or diet tricks people might use, and hey if this helps anyone else in a similar situation that’s great too

Im medical retired military after a couple IEDs in 09/10. The PTSD has never fucked my routine so much but I tend to drink a lot so I have trouble cutting. The divorce honestly fucked me harder than the PTSD tho. Got a new girl tho and things are looking up. Don't be afraid to reach out bro.

>kek at thinking being a "trained killer" clears all of your instincts
Not sure what you are talking about. It seems you might have misunderstood what I wrote.

>Was also just wondering if there are any sort of medicines or diet tricks people might use
Fixing psychological issues is like working a muscle. Consistent effort compounded over months and years is always what works best. No magically quick solution for these things. Art and expressing yourself is always positive so that's a good start. Keep doing it.

My dad watched a bunch of his buddies die at work and fucked his back trying and failing to save one. He has ptsd. If you had to watch your pops go through that you would shut your mouth real quick

You are not understanding. Reread what was posted.

Take a three-month holiday to a gook land (judging by pic). Take a two-hour hike in nature everyday. Draw, write, play music, something expressive even if it's completely terrible. And do nothing else besides drink spirits and coffee, eat, smoke cigars, get massages and fuck multiple hookers daily.

Whatever you want to call it or however you want to define it, sometimes people go through things that can severely mess with your mental state over the long term and this also affects other aspects of your health. Fact is modern society shelters us from a lot of terrible shit and you are lucky if you never have to go through something like this. I think it’s difficult for people who don’t have to really understand what it’s like, so nothing wrong with classifying it in a way such that it can be researched to help people

Get a phone app that you can track your calories with, and try to eat less than your daily recommended intake until you've lost the weight that you've gained.

If you're okay with going out in the open, try going for walks, running, cycling, or buy some dumbbells and get lifting.

Simple as that.

i have ptsd from blowing up ballons at my party store and not knowing when they might explode in my ear

customers laugh when it pops and it pains me

Honestly this, I was diagnosed with PTSD, saw a shrink for years with little results. At the end of the day what got me over it was coming to the conclusion that fucked up shit makes you stronger in the long run and nobody really gives a shit about what happened to you.

One foot in front of the other and move on with your life.

Unironically take some ketamine, dxm or lsd. You need a dissociative that will allow you to have a fresh set of mind. There are actual succesful trials with ptsd victims with ketamine and lsd.