Is there any hope?

Honestly Veeky Forums what can somebody who looks like this do?

Other urls found in this thread:

Deformed people date deformed people

live life accepting that despite not experiencing certain things there are a wide variety of experences as enjoyable, valid, and worthwhile as those they're missing out on

for the cynical, this is a drug habit
for the optimistic this is success in hobbies or careers or science or what have you

tie a noose
shoot self
jump off bridge

Is that the answer you were looking for?



What did he/she watch to make it's eyes melt Veeky Forums?

Get big enough to overthrow society and instigate a nuclear Armageddon to rule over the blasted wasteland like a mutated ghengis khan obviously

For all we know that guy has tourette syndrome and a 60 IQ

God I hate people who are happier than me

I punched an autistic kid once, this kid had literal autism

Become a comedian
Freak situations

OP here, here is my YouTube channel

Jono Lancaster is a good example of this exact situation. He was born with treacher Collins syndrome. His parents gave him up for adoption as a baby and he was stuck in foster care for most of his life. He was constantly made fun of, girls would ask him out and then laugh at him. He dealt with a heap of shit until one day he decided he was going to get fit. He started working out, got swole (by normies standards) met a girl at the gym, and got married to her. He's basically the realest nigga ever and he proves that a good body/good personality > facial aesthetics.

Plastic surgery.

exception, not the norm, NORMie. Besides, you shouldn't have kids when you have Treacher-Collins.

>Said the incel.

People with hereditary diseases who have kids are scum of the earth

The same applies to:
>Low test betas
Which one are you?

Become as immoral as possible

It's not heritable in most cases you fucking idiot. My mother has TCS and both me and my sister are fine.

you should only have children if you have absolutely great genes. defectious genes is the norm unfortunately.

>me and my sister are fine.
you are on Veeky Forums, how fine can you be?

And they say having a cunt makes life HARDER

Ha. Ha. Ha.

That Nigga Robbie Is Into Some Fucked Up Shit

She's kinda cute in a retarded way

Hahahaha fucking Austin powers with downs sundrome.

Please tell me I’m wrong

If guy:
>lose weight
>get a new haircut
>save up 50k for surgeries
>replace glasses with contacts
>new clothes
>use steroids

If girl:
>install tinder

She may be slow but them titties ain't retarded

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Jesus man, people with tourettes aren't at the same level as those with downsyndrome...

Attached: pepewojak.jpg (506x608, 26K)

incels is right over there friend

Oh behave...

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plastic surgery

Is that even legal?