Cant gain muscle withor getting fat

>cant gain muscle withor getting fat

This is fucking bullshit. I just wanna be ripped im willing to do everything but why the fuck do i gotta gain weight i lift to fuck women atleast im honest but fuck getting fat


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>cant gain muscle withor getting fat

Says who?

>Willing to do everything
Just do roids then


Just eat pure protein bro

Dont wanna turn my nuts to cheese toast bro

>get bigger
>get cut

Pretty straight forward

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You lose muscle aswell as fat

You can be ripped without bulking or cutting. You'll just stay the same weight but with less fat and more muscle.

If you cut slowly and get enough protein you'll lose fat way faster than muscle. It's not like you gain and lose muscle at the same rate as fat if you diet properly.

>willing to do anything
>except get a tiny but fat for a little bit
you dont deserve it

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>Lift heavy as fuck on a regular basis
>Body will fight to hold muscle thinking it needs it to perform/survive

just a genuine question how do you put on as little fat as possible without losing gains? or is this impossible

bulk no more than a 500 calroie a day surplus

>this pic

oh sweet lord jesus

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>TFW you realize you will never fuck this girl

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lift heavy and eat a shit ton. progress will be much slower than bulk/cut

*eat a shit ton of meat with no carbs

cant focus on two things a once

you eat a conservative surplus


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Clean bulk my man

I went from 160 lb to 180 after like 6 months of lifting, my bf% actually dropped in that time. Was it because of noob gains? Maybe, but eat protein, lift hard, do cardio, and you can't go wrong

Why is the size of your nuts so important to you? It's only temporary after all

>Was it because of noob gains?

it because very hard to recomp like that once you've been lifting for multiple years

Yeah because after a year of lifting you already have 65% of your natural limit, and two years 90%

You're not lifting heavy enough. Try harder.

Elector count status: Summoned

I recognize this place what the fuck. Is she French?

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might be the opposite too desu

lifting too heavy at the expense of doing enough volume is a surefire way to not make any quality gains on your bulk, made the same mistake in the past

fast or use a fast mimicing diet

You are genuine retard
You dont need to go through bulk/cut to gain muscle, jesus fucking christ

I've found overloading is more effective while cutting. I shoot for like 4 sets of 20-30 reps of everything I do. Gets the veins pumping, and if you got pulsing forearm veins chicks dig it.

Should I be hungry while I cut? I find I'm hungry all the fucking time. I'm keeping my protein high and carbs low. Shit is miserable senpai.

This desu. I get hunger pangs while working out. Feels terrible