How important is meditation?

Never done it.
Why should I do it?
How do I do it?

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It's bullshit

>falling for new-age mumbo-jumbo trash
>not praying every day OUR LORD

But yes. Its easy. You just sit there and turn your brain off, stop feeding it with distractions. You become aware of the present moment, or you focus on some specific mantra like "grow grow grow".

There's plenty of youtube videos explaining how to do it. There's essentially no wrong way to do it, because new-age thinking is garbage and there's no way to distinguish between complete woo bullshit and actual useful insight. Which is why I do recommend if you live in a Christian culture you should seek wisdom in the neglected traditions and rituals that wove the fabric of the society in which you live and thrive, rather than importing some superficial diet pop-self-help version of a ritual from another frankly inferior poo-in-loo eastern culture.

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How does one find these neglected traditions?

Both fall into bullshit category

40 hours of Youtube bible lectures by Jordan Peterson. Not exaggerating, there's literally about 40 hours.

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i just want to know if its any good to meditate. i doubt it, but it's present in many other countries so i just want to know

Why don't you fucking try it for yourself instead of getting life advice from a Tibetan yak butter churning bbs? Like stop browsing this board right now and just spend 15 minutes trying it for yourself.

i dont know how man.
last time i sat down and said "ahoooom" for like 15 minutes but nothing happened

I'll tell you what I do.Sit cross legged with palms resting in lap.Sit up straight and close eyes.Inhale through nose,exhale through mouth.Clear mind.1 inhale 2 exhale.1 2 1 2 1 2 steady.Don't fight thoughts,let them "float and go".Keep rythem in your breathing.If you do it right,your body will begin to feel heavy and eventually you'll only "feel" your mind like your head is floating.You'll know when you're there.This is the state you want.After I'm done it's like life has the volume turned down and I get rid of the clutter in my mind then proceed to be productive.

peterson is a jew shill

listen to michael e jones if you want the real logos not anti logos

This is all correct but I'd like to add that everyone - no matter how good they are at meditating - will let their mind wander. You won't even notice it at first, you might even spend minutes daydreaming before you realize you are thinking. This is fine, the real progress with meditating comes when you notice yourself thinking and you stop.

Just try to remain cognizant of your thoughts coming in and immediately going out. Do it no matter how impossible it feels. Remember that every time you manage to stop thinking, even for 10 seconds, it's a win.

Mediation? I've got no idea, everyone seems to think it means different things. But I do think reflection and taking time to think is a very important part of mental health.
You should do it because it causes you to see things that are otherwise obscured by the noise of everyday activity. With a clear mind you can rise above yourself and do wonders. You can find flaws in your person, inconsistencies in your beliefs, goals in your life, what is causing you certain emotions and moods. Then you can think about ways to fix them, accept them, or push back against them whether that be my changing your mental state or taking action in your life.
How is a matter of personal tastes/ability, some people do the whole shabang with sitting lotus in a quite spot for a couple hours. I find simply sitting on the bus and letting go of physical distractions works for me. Just find a good period of time when you can take your mind out of the physical world to think clearly.

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If i cry on the bed at night reflecting about what i've done in the day and where my life is going, does that count as meditation?

Naw, you're still mired in your emotional waste. You may be looking at your life, but you fail to meaningfully analyze it with your extreme emotions tainting whatever you might come up with.

What the fuck do you expect to happen?

Christian, Eastern, whatever--it's all bullshit religion. Just take the practices of each you like and tell everyone else to GTFO.

>all human culture and tradition is bullshit
Everyone in middle school must think you're really cool.

Lol you ppl are retarded. Meditation isnt supposed to enlighten you, or give you some profound experience. Its a tool to release stress and clear your mind up.

Literally just lay on your bed, close your eyes, focus on your breathing.

You are gonna have a wandering mind, thats okay, just try to focus on your breath.

Listen to rain videos online while you meditate, or look up "Guided meditation for Detachment" on youtube.

If you actually put effort in and not have a predisposed notion that its bullshit, then its not going to work.

Fucking white ppl.

>/pol/ race baiting this hard

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I've come to the conclusion that it is worth it though I am just a beginner who does one or two 10 minute sessions per day.

First I thought it was either religious bullshit or workplace consultant moneymaking bullshit. It's actually scientifically proven good for you. Among other things slows brain aging, improves memory, improves ability to focus and keep attention on things, makes you better at noticing errors/details. Most of the benefits of meditation happen outside the meditation practice. Really the active part of meditation only lasts as long as you meditate(for me 10 minutes a day) and if it was only for that I would say it is not worth it. But that's not how it works, meditation permanently changes your brain, physical changes.
Learning to play football/piano/guitar changes the connection in your brain. Meditation does the same thing. Specifically in meditation your pre-frontal cortex region becomes better at regulating other brain activity.

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Im not a pollack you neck beard.

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Proven health benefits, mental and physical.
