
What are some of the benefits of protein powder?
Why not just eat some meat instead?

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25g protein/100 calories is the only real benefit.
Most real food that comes close is either expensive (i.e. muscles) or tastes like chicken breasts.

comes in liquid form - another situational benefit.

don't have to cook it, can take powder anywhere and mix with water, easy to get a few scoops in throughout the day to meet protein requirement, etc.

Cheaper and easier. I am a poorfag and while I eat meat and all that it's cheaper to supplement it with protein powder as well.

>Has to be cooked
>Has other shit in it

>Is pretty much just protein, so if that is all you need it is a cheat card

>25g protein/100 calories is the only real benefit.
its really more like 12g per 100
all companies use amino spiking just to boost the count because to the FDA its still technically considered "protein"
it's not "protein" that your body can use tho.

If you buy in bulk, it's literally cheaper than meat. Can easily be stored in bulk at room temperature. It's mobile, and can be taken around with you throughout the day and on trips. Doesn't require cooking. It's easier to slog a glass down to hit your macros for the day rather than cook up and eat some more chicken breast or whatever.

dumb fuck. "pretty much just protein" + 14850 other chemicals

>all companies


What kind of lifter would actually benefit from a protein shake though? I lift hard every day, but I am also overweight, going for bloat

Protein contains many chemicals in it. It's a very complex molecule.

Well since you are a fat fuck you probably get all your calories and protein in a day. For people who don't eat 24/7 it's actually a bit difficult to get all that shit into your body.

If you mix it with almond milk and a frozen banana it takes like a yummy milk shake. I'm a wage cuck so I can also drink it on my commute, I'm not waking up extra early to cook eggs and eat oatmeal.

>For people who don't eat 24/7 it's actually a bit difficult to get all that shit into your body
not really. everyone just eats way more people than they need

all you need are 0.6-0.8g of protein per pound of bodyweight. not this ridiculous 1-2g per pound of bodyweight, thats just a marketing ploy to get dyels to spend all their money on whey powder
you can eat 3 meals a day and easily get enough protein, just whole foods only no powders needed
i'm 192 and i usually only eat ~120g and ive seen no difference in performance from when i used to drink the shakes and get 190-200g protein

>eats way more people than they need
lmao, protein* just got off work


Dunno man. My diet isn't that great, but I am seeing some major gains.
I am right there on the edge between buying some whey protein on amazon and making some shakes to replace meals, because it's a lot cheaper, or simply cooking some chicken and shit every night.

I need to clean up my diet, always feel hungry, I had one of those muscle milk drinks earlier today and didn't feel hungry for like 6 hours, i'm really conflicted here.

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5 minutes to fry or boil eggs is too much for ya?

well no shit, that muscle milk has probably 5:1 glucose to protein ratio

>Easier to hit a macro goal and stay within a calorie limit.
>Tastes like chocolate.

no x2

school me on glucose and protein

Honestly, yes. I mean I could meal prep like I do my lunch but I don't even want to eat normal food when I first wake up.

Yes but that's only if you have the money/time to prepare 3 good and big meals a day. That is why the average person finds it difficult. For people who aren't obsessed with food it's easy to just have 3 decent meals and then top it off with a shake.

>tastes like chicken breasts

How can people browse fit without having mastered delicious tender breasts? Season to taste. Medium heat for 2 mins each side. Cover - low heat 20 minutes. Keep covered remove from heat and set aside 20 minutes. Cant fuck it up

>cooking chicken tiddys on skillet

modderfucker put that shit in oven for 15 minutes @ 450

Ive tried it baked but I cant get it nearly as tender.

benefit: it's cheap and convenient (instant preparation and consumption)

>Why not just eat some meat instead?
you should also eat meat, chicken, tuna, etc. protein powder is not meant to be a replacement of whole foods, but a supplement to help you reach your daily macro nutrient goals.

Protein defiency is pretty much unheard of in America though. I have no idea why people think they need 200g of protein every damn day. That's 13 pounds a month of protein, when you gain like 1 pound of muscle a month if you're lucky.

Extra proteins the body doesn't need are simply stored as fat to be later used as energy

not true, Proteins are not stored as fat. Unused proteins are broken down by the liver and pissed out.