Alright fit give it to me straight how do we solve america's obesity epdemic I say ban all soy

Alright fit give it to me straight how do we solve america's obesity epdemic I say ban all soy

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we need to find a ceiling that strong first

tax the shit out of refined sugars
make gym memberships tax deductible
start charging parents with obese kids with neglect
stop teaching low fat high sugar stuff is healthy

Corn and dairy should be banned as well

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Make gyms cheaper and please more 24/7 gyms.

Sugar is public enemy number 1

Hope this obease faggot dies of a fucking heart attack

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Have stuff in actual human portions. All our food is way too fucking much.

theres just so much dead weight in america because the world (especially you eurofags) bent the knee for so long.

the entire "average person needs 2000 calories daily " is bullshit and needs to die

>we should ban substances to keep people from making bad decisions
Better nutritional education/home economics classes are the solution, not more pointless governmental oversight you statist cuck.

the whole anti soy shit is a fucking meme you mong

End corn subsidies.

Stop counting spics as white and stop counting niggers as human.

Obesity is now halved.


We don't even need to tax/ban unhealthy shit. We need to just stop subsidizing it.

That would require students to be at/conscious at school

We need another 80s fitness boom ,another action hero,the working class need something to relate to not just another success story I think what killed it was all those meathead douche portrayals in movies it was always the chad football star that got his girl stole by the soyboy turbo manlet and that must change

Have yet to meet a spic that cant lift his own weight and still fuck a stacy despite being builtfat and a manle. Now niggers even spics dont like niggers


I live in texas the holy grail of creaturas most of the obese spics are older people and young feminist girls taht think being obese is "thicc" I know how women spics act and they're trash as fuck i'm appalled how people fantasize over them

Life for Americans is kind of boring outside of going to restaurants. Our country eats a lot of fast food and then the restaurant/food service industry is the most popular in the country. It's pretty much a cultural thing.

I would argue making a tax on junk food or restaurants is the way to go, but that will put millions out of jobs because of how the industry is. Is there any way we can start a diet trend? A Martin Luther king to appear who speaks the dangers of being fat?

Honestly, I think America needs some societal norm that discourages obesity.

It's a hugely complex issue, but I figure these steps might help
>end corn subsidies, subsidise nutrient-dense foods instead (vegetables, fruit, meats of reasonable quality)
>rework urban planning to prioritise public transport and walking
>decent nutritional and physical education in schools (what I remember was basically fat is bad, do stupid meme exercises without context for the whole period, rinse and repeat)

Make Richard Simmons famous again, he was making good progress with the fatties

It's really not. Japan, for example, made companies and local governments responsible if over 50s (or 60s?) had above a mandated waist measurement. Said companies and local government had a tax levy if they had an unacceptable number in breach of this mandate.

Although I disagree with the lack of personal responsibility the aptly named "metabo law" achieved its purpose.

Aside from the aging population the normal culture of considering overweight individuals as lazy and lacking self-control stops the issue existing outside of this demographic

you don't solve it, you make money off it.

America can offer you everything you want except a real purpose to being alive. With no purpose, why not eat, fuck, and sleep your way through life?

could be offers you the freedom to choose your purpose

Rationing, Europe in WW2 style. Except this time digitalised.

Cards to allow nobody more than maintenance calories a day, or lower than maintenance for BMI over 25.

The athletic can apply for more calories and, after their workout programme/participation in a sports team is confirmed, can eat above maintenance.

How would banning corn help? I get that soda and shit uses corn syrup but if it got banned they'd just go back to using cane sugar or some alternative and the caloric intake would remain the same