How to break bench plateau

>bench still stalling at 5x5x65 kg after two deloads
What do, Veeky Forums? I feel so ashamed.
t. Recovering /fat/body @ 95 kg

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try putting more weight on the bar OP

You're probably doing it wrong. Either set up your phone and make a video or ask someone to film you.
I'm not sure 5x5 is that great when you're losing weight anyway. That program left me mad hungry. Can't imagine making any progress without a calorie surplus

But then I’ll barely make 3x5

ok my post was a sad joke sorry

I was stuck at 60 kg 3x5 and what helped me get over this plateau and be at the point of today where I do 70 kg to warm up is follow a routine with accessory movements with dumbbells (curls, incline bench, bench flies), basically this routine:

You don’t have to do 5 sets of it. Do 4 of 7-8, build your triceps more, winthina month you’ll go up easily.

Thanks, mate.
Forgot to mention my other 5x5 lifts are doing better:
>48 kg OHP
>85 kg squat (still easy)
>135 kg deadlift etc.

yeah basically this, people underestimate the importance of strong arms for a good bench

Read the juggernaut training bench manual, a lot of technique is missed, that manual got me from being stuck at 405lbs to now I'm stuck at 455lbs, big jump for only a couple months training though.

are these 1 rep maxes?

Saved, thanks mate. I half replied in jest.

I’m doing accessories after the main compounds, but I’ll definitely add dips/skullcrushers. Thanks.

Working sets of 5.
Was a real /fat/ty so I have treetrunks for legs.

for bench do you use a spotter? I was wondering because most likely a reason why I am so slow in progressing is because I don't have a spotter, thus are a bit afraid of pushing that extra rep in the end that could make a difference.

It must be your form then. I can OHP around the same, while my bench is 90kg 3x5

Try 3x5. Try benching less unironically, if nothing else works. Do you have balanced lifts for your strength level? I learned that bringing up my weak squats and deads help my other lifts


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>455 lbs
Is this a powerlifting total? That’s crazy strong.

Nah I'm pretty big and been on a highish trt dose of test for a year. 250lbs and fairly lean, I don't compete in powerlifting just strongman but I wanna hit a 500lbs bench one time then I'll probably back the benching down, I'm constantly injured from pushing it

Start heavy low reps, go down to 50kg intcranents of 5kg more reps, do this up until failure.

Add more reps. Maybe 3x8 at a lighter weight after ur workout. ADding volume is the key to growth.

Don't listen to the rippetoe morons. Think about it... why would you bench LESS when you're stuck on bench. How would that improve your strength and muscle mass required to move heavier weight?