ITT: We post the biggest Chads in the Veeky Forumsness industry

ITT: We post the biggest Chads in the Veeky Forumsness industry

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Other urls found in this thread:

Goal body

where are his calves

at the end of your gf's bed

>your gf

at the end of your gf's bed

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I, for one, accept our new Chang overlords.

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>a gook
>an alpha

>Biggest Chad
>Posts a Chang

Pick one

> using self-measured studies

fun fact, most asian chads have japanese genes in them, specifically the Ainu people, look it up


only "asian chads" are bulk as fuck pacific islanders

pacific islanders aren't asian, they are filipino-tier

so Flips and PI then.

what gf...

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My dad made me gay by abusing me. Abuse made me submissive and unconfident. Submissiveness and unconfidence made me gay. Don't abuse your kids. Give them confidence and dominance instead or they will be nothing.

Islanders are fat fuck losers.

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>tfw had a nerdy dad who was on the pc all day
>tfw still beat me when I did something wrong
If at least he had some good qualities then I wouldn't be such an unmasculine mess.

This, hands down.

Life goals right there.

Nice posed photo by a model. Go meet some actual islanders.

Stop making excuses for yourself. Improve, adapt, overcome.

>stop trying to figure out what went wrong
How the fuck else should I solve the problem then?

PI are the only "asians" that can pull off an alright bear mode, which puts them above chinks and slant-eyed twinks

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Why put Asians in inverted commas? Pacific Islanders came from Taiwan.

thats because islanders are part nigger

literally looks like a neanderthal LOL, look at his head

They aren't.

you're a fucking faggot.

PIs and Flips are the Mexicans of asia, and your mom should have aborted your ass.

looks like r/asianmasculinity just found itself a new thread on Veeky Forums

holy fuck his dad mogs him so hard. looks like a real life hanzo

You say that after defending fat Asians (Pacific Islanders).

Not really. PI originate from kiwis
compared to gook heads which are small as fuck
>being this mad

They are. It's proven they are part Australian Aborigine.

the only people who post /r/asianmasculinity are non-asians to make us look retarded

Hanzo? Is that from a movie or TV show? Also Timberwolf definitely roids while his son might be natty.

>Not really. PI originate from kiwis
No person originated from New Zealand.
Abos aren't niggers. They came from Sri Lanka.

You realize you're a chink too right?
The worst part about is that you're at the very bottom of the tier list. Islanders are the literal definition of manlets.

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This is easier than it looks, it's just a handstand where he adjust his core based on her position.

from overwatch


Calum Von Moger could get literally any girl into bed. Goals. Plus his name has MOGGED in it.

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Don't ignore Joe Delaney aka Veeky Forums personified

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Dud is retarded. Tears his bicep and rather goes to the gym to train his healthy bicep than actually going to PT, then goes on to cry about "will I ever regain my old size"

>Asian chinlet
Uh no

how about the best chad?

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techy vibes lad

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fuck that was good. he is top chad

He's definitely a brainlet but he went to plenty of therapy and tried all sorts of shit

lol so based right?